A Rod and performance enhancement...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Why was his name released?

Well, it helps set aside the Barry Bonds issue. If most everyone is cheating, then Barry doesn't look so bad, which he never should have in the first place given how many people were and, likely are, still 'juicing'.


Well-Known Member
Let me say first that I hate A-fraud and every other "arsehole" who has ever worn a Yank-me's uniform. That being said; whoever released his name should be prosecuted and sued. The testing was done with the guarantee of confidentiality. There's gotta be some federal law they have violated somewhere. I don't think there are still many "juicing", simply because of the increase in those "nagging" injuries that players used to lose time to, are starting to crop up much more frequently now.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Let me say first that I hate A-fraud and every other "arsehole" who has ever worn a Yank-me's uniform. That being said; whoever released his name should be prosecuted and sued. The testing was done with the guarantee of confidentiality. There's gotta be some federal law they have violated somewhere. I don't think there are still many "juicing", simply because of the increase in those "nagging" injuries that players used to lose time to, are starting to crop up much more frequently now.

I think that, as sure as I can be about something that I do NOT know as fact, that they are very much still using performance enhancers.

First off, it is my thought that the league either saw to it that the names were released or encouraged it or at the very, very least looked the other way. They WANT PED's (if there isn't an acronym, damn it, there oughta be!)
to become a non story and, as long as chemists can keep coming up with new stuff that is currently non detectable or come up with masking agents or what have you, pro jocks will very, VERY much keep doing it.

Nothing has changed from the early Lyle Alzado steroid years. Nothing has changed from the 'middle' ages of the 90's and the time period when A'rod says he was caught and nothing has changed now; young, aggressive males will do damn near anything to get and keep a job that has very limited numbers and very, VERY high rewards.

And another thing has not changed; what passing time does to those young, aggressive males who will do damn near anything to get and keep those jobs with limited numbers and very, very high rewards become older, aggressive males who will do damn near anything to keep those limited number of jobs with even higher rewards.

It's not just about hitting 20 more homers a year or being able to hold a block or beat a block, it is also very, very much about injury prevention and recovery.

Point being, this story, PED, performance enhancing drugs, will NOT go away. So, if I am a business, if I have an image issue and it no longer works to deny it or single guys out, if it becomes obvious to everyone that it was much more widespread then and is likely just as widespread or more so now, you go the other way; yes, EVERYONE did it, so what?

I think the league saw to it that his name came out. I think large percentages of guys are still doing it. I think it is in the name of injury prevention and recovery as much or more as building super strength.

Think of it as a maturing science.


Well-Known Member
So did the guys he played against.

Notice there are no fat guys anymore who not only hit the ball, but field a position other than right field AND pitch as well.

Last two I remember are John Kruk: "Lady, I'm not an ath-a-leet, I'm a baseball player."; and David Wells.


Active Member
Let me say first that I hate A-fraud and every other "arsehole" who has ever worn a Yank-me's uniform. That being said; whoever released his name should be prosecuted and sued. The testing was done with the guarantee of confidentiality. There's gotta be some federal law they have violated somewhere. I don't think there are still many "juicing", simply because of the increase in those "nagging" injuries that players used to lose time to, are starting to crop up much more frequently now.

:yeahthat: Confidential medical records were subpoenaed and then subsequently leaked. WHY is this not the big news issue is beyond me.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if there are any Cal Ripken fans here but what would your reaction be if it was discovered that Cal juiced? I don't think he would and maybe that's why other players respected him so much. But suppose he did? Just curious.

Also, if he didn't, does that make his accomplishments more impressive?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Not sure if there are any Cal Ripken fans here but what would your reaction be if it was discovered that Cal juiced? I don't think he would and maybe that's why other players respected him so much. But suppose he did? Just curious.

Also, if he didn't, does that make his accomplishments more impressive?

I was wondering about that very thing this morning. Cal never had a year that stuck out like a sore thumb, he never had amazing statistics. Never hit more than 34 homers in a season. He always seemed 'normal', not Super Man, like Bonds and A Rod and McGuire and Conseco.

If you saw him play more than a few times, he stood at as meticulous player, warming up slowly, stretching thoroughly, very dedicated and committed to routines. Anecdotaly, your hear he's always taken care of himself, not a drinker or smoker, drink your milk, get your rest. As for playing, he was no ones idea of a superstar athlete in the field but he always made it look easy by being in the right position, pitch after pitch after pitch at the toughest position on the field.

McGuire and Bonds and Arod as well, don't surprise me. I always thought it was obvious. As for Cal, I'd be surprised. He just never had those type of amazing seasons.


I was wondering about that very thing this morning. Cal never had a year that stuck out like a sore thumb, he never had amazing statistics. Never hit more than 34 homers in a season. He always seemed 'normal', not Super Man, like Bonds and A Rod and McGuire and Conseco.

If you saw him play more than a few times, he stood at as meticulous player, warming up slowly, stretching thoroughly, very dedicated and committed to routines. Anecdotaly, your hear he's always taken care of himself, not a drinker or smoker, drink your milk, get your rest. As for playing, he was no ones idea of a superstar athlete in the field but he always made it look easy by being in the right position, pitch after pitch after pitch at the toughest position on the field.

McGuire and Bonds and Arod as well, don't surprise me. I always thought it was obvious. As for Cal, I'd be surprised. He just never had those type of amazing seasons.

Me too Larry.:yay:

And Mr. Aaron,..........you are still the King imo. Fastest wrists, I've ever seen.


No Longer the Kid
:yeahthat: Confidential medical records were subpoenaed and then subsequently leaked. WHY is this not the big news issue is beyond me.

Because instead of :bs:'n the public, he came right out and admitted he did it, unlike Bonds, Sosa, Palmero, McGwire, Clems, etc..

He came out and said from 2001-2003 I did do it, I did it for :blahblah: reasons, and I'm sorry.... :blahblah:

Also, why should it be a bigger issue? It's not like he is the "first" name to come out with this put against him... right now, this is NOTHING new to baseball. Bud Selig keeps getting richer, because the guys who WERE hitting 310-340 shots, are now hitting 390-415 shots... And lets face it, CHICKS DIG THE LONG BALL... And as a guy, its a macho thing to HIT THE LONG BALL!

So Selig can say what he wants, the owners can say what they want, but as long as those $$$$ are still going in their pockets, they could care less if all 25 on the roster were on PED's(for Larry :lmao:)

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Because instead of :bs:'n the public, he came right out and admitted he did it, unlike Bonds, Sosa, Palmero, McGwire, Clems, etc..

He came out and said from 2001-2003 I did do it, I did it for :blahblah: reasons, and I'm sorry.... :blahblah:

No, he decidedly did NOT 'come right out and admit it'. He acknowledged that he LIED about it and is only now saying "OK, you got me, red handed. I was otherwise happily living the lie."


No Longer the Kid
Not sure if there are any Cal Ripken fans here but what would your reaction be if it was discovered that Cal juiced? I don't think he would and maybe that's why other players respected him so much. But suppose he did? Just curious.

Also, if he didn't, does that make his accomplishments more impressive?

I know it would dissapoint more people than any other name to come out... because of the stature Cal gets held up against...

But what made Cal great with the fans was the time he put in before and after games WITH the fans... He would go shower, and come back out for 2-3 hours making sure he signed EVERY autograph for those who waited...

To me, thats a guy who RESPECTS the game to the fullest! Proved it wasn't about just the money :yay:


Because instead of :bs:'n the public, he came right out and admitted he did it, unlike Bonds, Sosa, Palmero, McGwire, Clems, etc..

He came out and said from 2001-2003 I did do it, I did it for :blahblah: reasons, and I'm sorry.... :blahblah:

Also, why should it be a bigger issue? It's not like he is the "first" name to come out with this put against him... right now, this is NOTHING new to baseball. Bud Selig keeps getting richer, because the guys who WERE hitting 310-340 shots, are now hitting 390-415 shots... And lets face it, CHICKS DIG THE LONG BALL... And as a guy, its a macho thing to HIT THE LONG BALL!
So Selig can say what he wants, the owners can say what they want, but as long as those $$$$ are still going in their pockets, they could care less if all 25 on the roster were on PED's(for Larry :lmao:)


Mickey did it the best, with just bourbon.......:otter:

The record for the longest measured home run in a major-league game is 634 ft., by Mickey Mantle for the New York Yankees against the Detroit Tigers at Briggs Stadium in Detroit, Michigan, in September 1960.