A special follow-up on my Speeding ticket and Radio Station Rd.


NOT Politically Correct!!
pingrr said:
Ok a couple of things. Spelling is not part of an IQ test. It is based on patern recognition or different kinds,

Ninjas don't care about spelling. They are to busy flipping out and killing people to practice spelling.

LOL, if spelling were added, I suspect a significant drop in your IQ score... :lmao: :lmao:


Well-Known Member
chernmax said:
LOL, if spelling were added, I suspect a significant drop in your IQ score... :lmao: :lmao:

ha,, if it was my IQ would probably drop from Genius status to tard status.


NOT Politically Correct!!
pingrr said:
ha,, if it was my IQ would probably drop from Genius status to tard status.

On a good note, only a real genius realizes what a true tart he really is... :yay: :yay:


New Member
Ninja's did hijack the thread.

I just want everyone to know that im an urban ninja! If you have any questions on what a true urban ninja is, just check out the urban ninja video's on youtube.com

:duel: :boxing: :war: :deadhorse :whip: