A tale of two beauty queens


Asperger's Poster Child

Miss Nevada USA was stripped of her title Thursday after racy photos of her appeared on the Internet, pageant officials said.

Rees' dismissal comes two days after Miss USA Tara Conner was allowed to keep her tiara when she admitted underage drinking at New York bars and agreed to go into rehab and undergo drug testing.

So apparently it's OK for beauty queens to get hooked on alcohol and drugs, but not OK if they get photographed in the buff. It's apparently better to be doing blow than to be bl... uh, never mind.


New Member
I think its ridiculous that they are trying to hold grown women accountable for things they did as stupid teenagers. Most everyone has done something stupid as a teenager :whistle:

Sweet 16

Azzy said:
I think its ridiculous that they are trying to hold grown women accountable for things they did as stupid teenagers. Most everyone has done something stupid as a teenager :whistle:
Yes, but we don't have signed contracts and sponsors that prohibit us from behaving in this manner. She knew the rules. Did she think this wouldn't catch up with her?


Asperger's Poster Child
Sweet 16 said:
Yes, but we don't have signed contracts and sponsors that prohibit us from behaving in this manner. She knew the rules. Did she think this wouldn't catch up with her?

Valid point. My issue is with the logic and priorities behind the rules. A beauty queen who has a substance abuse problem can cause harm to others as well as to herself, through drunk driving and other irresponsible behavior. The only harm that nude photos might case is to the beauty pageant's reputation. To play devil's advocate, I wonder what would happen to the pageant's image if the beauty queen went DWI and killed someone's kid.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Tonio said:
Valid point. My issue is with the logic and priorities behind the rules. A beauty queen who has a substance abuse problem can cause harm to others as well as to herself, through drunk driving and other irresponsible behavior. The only harm that nude photos might case is to the beauty pageant's reputation. To play devil's advocate, I wonder what would happen to the pageant's image if the beauty queen went DWI and killed someone's kid.

True, its definately messed up. It has nothing to do with her causing harm, and everything to do with reputation. They want these girls to look like angels, and either of those actions royally screw that up. With that in mind, I suppose they believe more people have a moral problem with flesh than with liquor.


Asperger's Poster Child
Chain729 said:
With that in mind, I suppose they believe more people have a moral problem with flesh than with liquor.

That might hold true if the beauty queen was a homewrecker.


New Member
These may be a bit graphic but still. I've seen clips all week of Miss USA prancing across the stage in a pretty revealing bikini, her boobs are nearly out of it and kissing Miss Teen USA. This is good representation and role modeling? BS
I'm not Rosie's biggest fan but I totally agree with what she the other day about Trump.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I'm just hoping, as Ms. St. Mary's All About That, they don't show clips of my pictures.