A well armed militia...


Active Member
I missed my opportunity to shoot someone for free, so there's a part of me that hopes the AntiFa punks try to come into the RV park. Which they wouldn't because surely they know that RV parks all across America are Trump Country and many are armed. They typically hit the soft target.

Honestly, I could give a chit if they want to bust up the crappy urban nightmares. I'll help them make a list. That'll teach those people to vote for Democrats - it's gotta hurt.
I really doubt anyone is thinking about doing any type of destruction to a trailer park, it’s honestly not worth their time. There are so many higher value targets of property owners frankly.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I really doubt anyone is thinking about doing any type of destruction to a trailer park, it’s honestly not worth their time. There are so many higher value targets of property owners frankly.

Most of the rigs in our RV park cost more than your house.

But you're right that there's no reason for me to be alarmed. #1, we're in Trumpville; #2, most people here are packing.


And you are tamping away at your computer as well. I made a broad statement that a militia is not going to stand up squash the insurrection that is happening and most likely won't ever form. I never once stated I was the leader and I am taking charge. If you are so worked up, get out from behind your computer and lead the way, but you won't, for reasons I could care less about. I'm simply stating reality.....its not gonna happen.

I'll recap.....Do I think most people will stand up and do what's necessary to protect themselves and family from a personal threat, yes. Is a militia going to form and end insurrection.....No. People are hoarding guns and ammo because they fear acquiring those things is coming to end and it may very well be coming to an end. They want to protect themselves from intruders or a local thug. They want to hold onto the enjoyment of popping off a few rounds here and there at the weekend range or their favorite hunting activity. A militia is not going to form for the simple reasons ugly bear and peoples elbow stated. IF a militia does form one day, I'll stand corrected.

So, you're back-tracking on your "There is no well armed militia. Bunch of pansies hoarding guns and ammo is all it is and for what? No one will have the balls to actually use the guns and ammo they've hoarded" Now you're saying you're one of those pansies hoarding guns and ammo, not having the balls to actually use your guns and ammo. Then you attempt to flip things on me, as though I made some claim about folks being a bunch of pussies to stand up against tyranny.

Perhaps you should just shut your trap about what you think people, you don't even know, would do. There are plenty of us that understand completely why the 2nd was ratified. There are plenty of us that see what's coming and are preparing for it. There are plenty of us who understand that “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” And there are plenty of that don't need to be lectured by the likes of you on what our intentions might be, and whether we would actually act on those intentions.


Well-Known Member
My 3 wishes for California.
That gas goes up to $10 dollars a gallon there,.
That the only electricity they can get comes from windmills and solar panels next year.
That the illegals that come in over the open borders go there and stay there.


Well-Known Member
Here’s a good (from my untrained POV) analysis of where this all is heading:

@Yooper , Colonel, I’m guessing you are an expert at such analysis. Might be painful to do on our own country, but please tell me, are the guys in the video too far off?