One could argue it's the most regulated right guaranteed by the Constitution.
On another note, is it correct that I can't buy a ####ing M1A in Maryland but I can buy a .308 AR??????????????????
On another note, is it correct that I can't buy a ####ing M1A in Maryland but I can buy a .308 AR??????????????????
On another note, is it correct that I can't buy a ####ing M1A in Maryland but I can buy a .308 AR??????????????????
When did Uncle Ted become a founder?
Umm...the concept of the picture is pitting the founding fathers against the likes of Ted Nugent and the NRA. Really isn't that hard to understand...BSD...Boy's meme's really aren't created for Mensa members...and yet, as dumbed down as they are you still couldn't understand this?
Umm...the concept of the picture is pitting the founding fathers against the likes of Ted Nugent and the NRA. Really isn't that hard to understand...BSD...Boy's meme's really aren't created for Mensa members...and yet, as dumbed down as they are you still couldn't understand this?
How tedious:
"I ask who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers." - George Mason
"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people" - James Madison
“A militia when properly formed are in fact the people themselves..." - Richard Henry Lee
"What, Sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty .... Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins." - Elbridge Gerry
The left remains on their constant pursuit to destroy the militia (the people) in their attempt to establish the government as the authority to rule over us. March on boy!
Question(s): What are we to make of the bolded above? Were not many of the Founding Father's against a standing army? Yet, we have them (air, sea, and ground). Is there an impact based on the reality that we have standing armies, and that a standing army is probably a requirement in the modern world?
Comment(s): I believe a certain part (if not a great part) of people's thoughts and opinions are formed by their experiences and the times in which they lived. Thus, I do not believe that the Founding Father's opinions and thoughts on these matters would be the same today as then.
Question(s): What are we to make of the bolded above? Were not many of the Founding Father's against a standing army? Yet, we have them (air, sea, and ground). Is there an impact based on the reality that we have standing armies, and that a standing army is probably a requirement in the modern world?
Comment(s): I believe a certain part (if not a great part) of people's thoughts and opinions are formed by their experiences and the times in which they lived. Thus, I do not believe that the Founding Father's opinions and thoughts on these matters would be the same today as then.
Thus, I do not believe that the Founding Father's opinions and thoughts on these matters would be the same today as then.