A WHOPPING 4 centimeters.


Originally posted by RoseRed
But it should induce something else :rolleyes:

Well... yeah. But what started the conversation was helping labor along. I wasn't going to go there, but I've been taken care of. I just wish I could do something besides the heimlich maneuver to get this kid out.

Where did I put that plunger?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Take her out and do a little 4X4'n. Just don't get too far from the hospital.


Just cause she's having complications doesn't mean it's going to be a girl....

:lol: I think girl, because the baby hasn't had its legs open during any of the sonograms. Usually girls keep their legs shut, boys have it all out in the open. Even if the boy has its legs shut, they can see the, *cough*, you know.