A womans work is never done.


New Member
I have a friend who works full time and comes home and works full time. Her hubbs tries to help, but She is the one who does laundry, cooking, dishes. My day starts at 9am and ends at about mid night. I don't work outside the home, and I just don't see how working moms do it all. The house is like a never ending job. How do you girls get everything done?
I have a husband who does laundry, dishes and gives the boys a bath. :diva: He rules in those departments ( and a few others ) :biggrin:
I have a friend who works full time and comes home and works full time. Her hubbs tries to help, but She is the one who does laundry, cooking, dishes. My day starts at 9am and ends at about mid night. I don't work outside the home, and I just don't see how working moms do it all. The house is like a never ending job. How do you girls get everything done?
My husband helps out some but the best thing I ever did was set the expectation that our children were also responsible for helping keep up the house and yard. I still do the bulk of things for the most part, but life became much happier in the home once I involved the kids in day to day chores. Both know how to do all aspects of cleaning and they are each responsible for their own laundry.


I pretty much handle everything unless Lee breaks bad. I don't know why, but I like it. Everything is perfectly my way and that makes me happy. When I work late or stay overnights Big Popppa and teh kids handle everything. Guess I have no complaints.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I have a friend who works full time and comes home and works full time. Her hubbs tries to help, but She is the one who does laundry, cooking, dishes. My day starts at 9am and ends at about mid night. I don't work outside the home, and I just don't see how working moms do it all. The house is like a never ending job. How do you girls get everything done?

Basically, you bust your ass. When I had three kids at home and worked full time (always have), I had a lot more energy. Now that I'm getting close to 50, some things aren't as important as they used to be. Hubby has done his own laundry since about a week after we got married. He takes care of the lawn, I do the gardens and the housework and we pretty much split the cooking, i.e., I'll do the veggies and stuff, he grills. We've been married 27 years this year and it's working out pretty well. He was also very involved when the kids were little. The housework has always been my responsibility though, but he is not a slob so it works.


I do the laundry, cook, clean, help with homework, yard work, keep the vehicles clean, doctor, teacher, play catch, vacuum, grocery shop, and fix broked crap.

I am man, hear me roar.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I do the laundry, cook, clean, help with homework, yard work, keep the vehicles clean, doctor, teacher, play catch, vacuum, grocery shop, and fix broked crap.

I am man, hear me roar.

:huggy: You definitely get the award for Mom & Dad of the year. You have to share it with 1bdz, though.


:huggy: You definitely get the award for Mom & Dad of the year. You have to share it with 1bdz, though.

I was going to say I win because I can pee standing up without getting any on my shoes but she birthed a bunch of kids so she wins.


New Member
Single moms who work thir arses off, I don't know how they do it. I have a neighbor who works day and night, and My mother in law was widowed when My hubs was a litle boy, she had to rely on him to do alot around the house. To this day I know if I drop dead, hubs can do everything. When he would go out to sea, I got a taste of what single mom life could be, and it is hard work.


Throwing the deuces
I am lucky enough to have a job where I am home by 3pm so I can do some chores while oldest kid and husband are out of the house. I also will do chores on Friday night after the kids are asleep so really on the week-ends, all I have left is laundry and going to the grocery store.


I heart CLeValley
CLeValley helps me alot. He helps with the laundry. He loads and unloads the dishwasher, and vacuums. AND he does yard work. Then he goes to his mom's house and cuts her lawn. :love:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
If you and your kids are home all day, you and the kids are generating more housework. Working parents whose kids are either in school or daycare all day come home to a house looking as clean as they left it.

They still have the same amount of laundry, but no lunch dishes, probably no breakfast dishes, no milk spilled on the floor, no extra fingerprints on the walls. No toys thrown around the room. No crayon drawings all over the table, floors, walls, furniture.

Believe me, my house was much cleaner when there were no children in it all day.


Throwing the deuces
If you and your kids are home all day, you and the kids are generating more housework. Working parents whose kids are either in school or daycare all day come home to a house looking as clean as they left it.
They still have the same amount of laundry, but no lunch dishes, probably no breakfast dishes, no milk spilled on the floor, no extra fingerprints on the walls. No toys thrown around the room. No crayon drawings all over the table, floors, walls, furniture.

Believe me, my house was much cleaner when there were no children in it all day.

I wish that were true in my house. I leave while everyone else is asleep so I come home to breakfast dishes in the sink and toys/books either in the living room or kid's room floor. Husband comes home for lunch too so add those dishes to the sink. Plus I have two cats who are known counter sliders so everything that was on the countertops is now on the floor. I also have a dog who although in a crate, is currently blowing her coat so there is a new ring of dog fur around her crate when I get home too.