As per a suggestion from SOMDGirl42 I am moving this to a new thread and responding to Checking the News I am putting a portion of her and my discussion.
Originally Posted by nana
I just want to make one thing clear. I did not intend to offend anyone. I responded to a quote that was made and gave my opion and only my opion.
Abortion is the right of every woman. However, my personal feeling is that it should not be used as a form of birth control. If you are not emotionally ready to have a child don't spread your freaking legs. Accidents happen and nothing is 100% but it is your choice to have sex and believe me there are many women out there who would love to chance to have that child that you so carelessly are throwing away. I am not trying to start a war but the comment just irked me
Checking the New (or whatever her name is )
and I'm the one that irked you I suppose. we are all entitled to our opinions and to be clear, no, I do not think abortion is birth control....I have a problem with that too. So, I guess you disagree on abortion if a women is raped?, sorry but I disagree. Also, medical issues?, I have a family member with epilespy and she had to have one or it would have taken her life and the babies it's not okay then either? See, all situations are different and like I said, I'm not here to agrue with you personally, I'm just stating my opinions also.
Yes we are all entitled to our opinions. This was not a thread about abortion at all but help for a grandmother. You made an ignorant comment based on a family issue that you had. Read what you wrote and pay attention when you do you. You used abortion as a way to terminate a pregnance that is not what was asked for. Help, and guidance is what was wanted. I in turn said that abortion should not be used as a form of birth control the factor of rape, medical isssues etc. were not included. SO I am going to go really slow this time PAY ATTENTION:
Abortion should not be used as a form of birth control. If you are not mentally, physically or emotionally ready to have a child DON"T SPREAD YOUR LEGS.
In the case of rape, medical neccessity, genetic defects etc. I do think that if you cannot handle this then yes if you need to. I still may not understand how you can. A friend of mine had a child that died 2 weeks after birth and she knew that any child she had could also be born with this same defect she went on to have 2 beautiful children and 1 abortion so as not to go through the same heartache of burying her child.
Children are a gift and there are plenty of women out there that cannot have them but would make a wonderfull mother there are also those that have them and shouldn't in this case it sounds like young or not she is mature and will have what your family didn't and that is support and love
Originally Posted by nana
I just want to make one thing clear. I did not intend to offend anyone. I responded to a quote that was made and gave my opion and only my opion.
Abortion is the right of every woman. However, my personal feeling is that it should not be used as a form of birth control. If you are not emotionally ready to have a child don't spread your freaking legs. Accidents happen and nothing is 100% but it is your choice to have sex and believe me there are many women out there who would love to chance to have that child that you so carelessly are throwing away. I am not trying to start a war but the comment just irked me
Checking the New (or whatever her name is )
and I'm the one that irked you I suppose. we are all entitled to our opinions and to be clear, no, I do not think abortion is birth control....I have a problem with that too. So, I guess you disagree on abortion if a women is raped?, sorry but I disagree. Also, medical issues?, I have a family member with epilespy and she had to have one or it would have taken her life and the babies it's not okay then either? See, all situations are different and like I said, I'm not here to agrue with you personally, I'm just stating my opinions also.
Yes we are all entitled to our opinions. This was not a thread about abortion at all but help for a grandmother. You made an ignorant comment based on a family issue that you had. Read what you wrote and pay attention when you do you. You used abortion as a way to terminate a pregnance that is not what was asked for. Help, and guidance is what was wanted. I in turn said that abortion should not be used as a form of birth control the factor of rape, medical isssues etc. were not included. SO I am going to go really slow this time PAY ATTENTION:
Abortion should not be used as a form of birth control. If you are not mentally, physically or emotionally ready to have a child DON"T SPREAD YOUR LEGS.
In the case of rape, medical neccessity, genetic defects etc. I do think that if you cannot handle this then yes if you need to. I still may not understand how you can. A friend of mine had a child that died 2 weeks after birth and she knew that any child she had could also be born with this same defect she went on to have 2 beautiful children and 1 abortion so as not to go through the same heartache of burying her child.
Children are a gift and there are plenty of women out there that cannot have them but would make a wonderfull mother there are also those that have them and shouldn't in this case it sounds like young or not she is mature and will have what your family didn't and that is support and love