I understand that...
Fat Momma said:
yea but still.....I guess I am a little to mushy sometimes. I think of his son and daughter and how they would feel if they heard these...but you are right a joke is a joke....
...and that is a thoughtful, decent concern.
I will bet you a dollar that Steve Irwin, who put himself in deaths doorway for a living, time after time AND even made jokes about it himself, would think that some of these are funny.
Maybe I'm crossing the line but I think humor is essential to human beings dealing with life. Laughing is better than crying. Tears of joy are better than tears of sorrow. I'd like to think that his family might even think a few are funny.
I've read and heard some people say that Irwin got what he deserved and good for the animals so he can no longer terrorize them. That, to me, is far uglier and insensitive that having a chuckle about the funny things about Steve Irwin.
I think it sucks the guy is gone. I think it is fantastic he went out doing what he loved. He didn't get hit by a bus. He lived hard and dangerous and
alive and the simple odds of the risks he took caught up with him.
If he's somehow reading this thread, you made a good difference in the world Steve, baby, and I bet you're laughing about the jokes!
So, a lesbian alligator, a black mamba and the croc hunter walk into a bar and say...'ouch'