Above ground pool removal


No Longer the Kid
itsbob said:
By the time I can afford it, I'll be too old to use it..

Was thinking though.. business idea. You always hear about the poolboys and the lonely housewife.. what about topless poolgirls? How much could we charge? I mean the women at Rosie's must be looking for daytime work right?

Damn, that would be frickin awesome (if you did have hot girls doing it)... I'd take out a loan to start that business with ya :yay:

Do the ladies have to do a "test scrub" to meet our approval :jet:


No Longer the Kid
sanchezf said:
Seriously how hard is to take on of these things down?

A big enough pain in the ass to where you should just pay me to do it :biggrin:


It depends, some can be as simple as drain the water, and just knock the liner out, and then dig a tad around the bars and pull them out....

And I've done 1 before that I wish we woulda had a bulldozer just to plow the mfer over...


sanchezf said:
Seriously how hard is to take on of these things down?
Not hard at all, but then I put mine up so I knew how it came apart. Had help from the guy that bought it.


New Member
sanchezf said:
TamC: Let me know about any pools in good shape, I may also be in the market.

We had it open last year. Its not in the best shape but it works. If you wanna come take a look PM me. Later! :howdy:


New Member

itsbob said:

Offer it for free, but they have to move it.

What size is it BTW??

is approximately 16 by 32. I'm not real sure. Its pretty big. LOL!


New Member
itsbob said:
By the time I can afford it, I'll be too old to use it..

Was thinking though.. business idea. You always hear about the poolboys and the lonely housewife.. what about topless poolgirls? How much could we charge? I mean the women at Rosie's must be looking for daytime work right?

Whoa guys! You are way off topic. Don't you know its all about me and my pool problem! :razz: