Abrams or Dugan

Which should I vote for? Leaning towards Dugan, but he still seems a little "iffy" to me. Really don't want to vote for Abrams, she's guilty by association (she was the lawyer for my builder), and she is also apparently the lawyer who said the schools could not allow the "God Bless America" posters after 9/11. I refuse to vote for Fritz, so don't waste the bandwidth to tell me to vote for him.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
I'm guessing that the prevailing opinion is you are either voting for Fritz or against him. If you are voting against him, I don't think it matters how.
But I would still like some input by others. I'm voting Clinton Style. Wet the finger, stick it in the air and see which way the wind is blowing.


Yo Gabba Gabba
To me, it comes down to experience. Abrams is the incumbant. Dugan has never had any judicial experience. Also, from what I understand, Dugan supported Fritz in his run for State's Attorney in 2002. I just have a hard time with anyone that supports Fritz. Abrams defended a friends ex, who is the epitome of the term loser. But I can't hold that against her because she was taking a case in order to make her living. Her personal opinion of the guy was that he was a loser, but he paid her to defend him and she did her job. Later, she helped my friend, the mother of his child when she was trying to make him pay his child support. To me that shows that she has the ability to put her personal feelings aside and uphold the law.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by huntr1
she is also apparently the lawyer who said the schools could not allow the "God Bless America" posters after 9/11.

From what I remember from more than two years ago, some low-level employee in the school system screwed up. The fundamentalist group that produced the poster used that opportunity to scream "Discrimination against Christians!"

I can understand the tough spot that school systems are in regarding the First Amendment. Both the ACLU and the fundamentalist groups jump all over the schools on every little issue. From my perspective, it should be simple--students can do their own religious activities, but teachers and other school employees can't get involved.
Originally posted by blacklabman
How about Fritz?
What part of "I refuse to vote for Fritz, so don't waste the bandwidth to tell me to vote for him" did you not understand? Moron. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Exactly, what has she done little to nothing except keep in god we trust out of our schools and ripped me off personally for a cool grand when I tried to use her for a civil suit which nether she nor her staff did a damn thing towards. I cannot vote for her in any way shape or form. Fritz has had good sucess as a county prosecutor the facts are there despite his background. Dugan has little or no experience in criminal law. So I guess you know who I already voted for.:smile:
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Originally posted by rraley
Abrams...what has she done that says she should be picked off the bench?
from what understand she was NOT voted in...... but i voted for fritz.. you vote how ever!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Libra you are correct she was appointed by Mister Gay Paree Spendenning the very perpitrator of our huge budget deficit in Maryland and a flaming liberal to boot. Thanks for your vote for Fritz.