Absentee ballot Count Is In!


New Member
Bravo, Nod. Mr. Gass is a religious zealot (May God Bless our Community). What a crock of bs. I say that both him and Mr. Spurgeon Terry can forget living in this free nation where we can choose to worship or not to worship as we please. Don't you recall Mr. Gass saying in a forum during the primary season that since the term the separation of church and state is not in the Constitution, it should not apply to government. Come on. Their world would be just as oppressive as Afganistan, except it would be a Christian nation.
My problems with Joe Gass are greater than this. First of all, he basically started his own church so he could dodge taxes for his business. A friend of mine, when he ran for the Democratic Central Committee in 1990, got his signs printed by Mr. Gass, who purposely misprinted the signs because of my friend's party affiliation. I have receive email from the May God Bless our Community that demeaned the teenage student member of the school board for saying that the issue of God on the poster at Leonardtown High School was not an issue with the students. The man is also anti-Catholic if you ask me for I have spoken to him and that is a personal insult to me. So on election day, I passed gas (the poll workers there actually told me not to pass Gass) and I thank God that this Nazi did not win the election.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by demsformd
Bravo, Nod. Mr. Gass is a religious zealot (May God Bless our Community). What a crock of bs.
My problems with Joe Gass are greater than this. First of all, he basically started his own church so he could dodge taxes for his business. A friend of mine, when he ran for the Democratic Central Committee in 1990, got his signs printed by Mr. Gass, who purposely misprinted the signs because of my friend's party affiliation.

This is another case of the MORE moderate candidate is the one who won the race.

Zealot is a word that the Dems have used to describe Joe. By definition a zealot is a fanatical partisan. To me, this word is the Democrats polite, politically correct way of saying he's a bible-thumping, religious whacko.

The Church allegation is rather heavy, as is the mis-print allegation. I know nothing about his tax situation. I do know that he didn't advertise his Church affiliation in his campaign material. If you're a religious guy, you should advertise your religious accomplishments. With him, you had to read between the lines, which is somewhat deceptive, which makes me wonder...


If it's a Right Wing Christian Cult then I guess there's the Left Wing Atheist Cult running the Liberals.