Accident in Calvert County


Supper's Ready
Originally Posted by johnycarcinogen
Its a race to the grave. I have noticed that if I drive 55 or 70, I still get to work or where ever at the same time. So whats the point of speeding? (I'm the person in the right lane on route 4 going 56 mph) :) You really don't get anywhere any faster. When going 70, you always get stuck behind somebody going slow and lose all the ground you gained. I love to see people fly by me now and I just wave to them when we are right next to each other at a stop light. Unless of course your going 100, then you might.
Rt 4N morning commute seems to be a game of catching up to the pack. As you said, seems regardless of any reasonable speed short of recklessness, you get to sit next to the person who passed you (or you passed) at the Dowerhouse light.
A new adventure every morning...who's next to get bumped in the narrows between Fishers and Talbot? :rolleyes: :smile:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I left Town Creek yesterday to pick sistard up at the airport at 2:45 for a 5:12 flight in. Plenty of time. It took me 2.5 hours to go 70 miles.


Lem Putt
BS Gal said:
I left Town Creek yesterday to pick sistard up at the airport at 2:45 for a 5:12 flight in. Plenty of time. It took me 2.5 hours to go 70 miles.
I'm glad I wasn't stuck behind you. I realize you're scared, but you really should try to keep up with traffic.


New Member
Charles said:
That's an old wives tale that Al Gore started. If I go 70 and you go 56, I'll be enjoying the second cup of coffee at the office before you get to the parking garage.

Maybe on other roadways...but not route 4. I see people who pass me at Ball Road flying by up in Prince Frederick, they are not getting anywhere faster. Sure, if it was a clear road with no other cars, yeah youd have your coffee, but thats not the case.


Hessian said:
Light Blue mini van: front & Back squashed...
GMC (?) PU with contractor gear in bed: Mangled rear and bent frame
3rd: I didn't see but I know it was there.
Ambulance was NOT in the biggest of Hurries and all cleaned up before 8 pm.

3rd car was a maroon sedan (crown vic-like) with its front end really squashed. There were fairly long tire marks in front of the light at White Sands. It looked like the sedan hit the blue van so hard that it pushed it into the intersection at white sands. I sat (road closed) from about 5:50 pm to 6:25 or so, when they got the cars on roll ups and opened the road. Two ambulances came/went by 6:10-ish, IIRC.


Well-Known Member
johnycarcinogen said:
Its a race to the grave. I have noticed that if I drive 55 or 70, I still get to work or where ever at the same time. So whats the point of speeding? (I'm the person in the right lane on route 4 going 56 mph) :) You really don't get anywhere any faster. When going 70, you always get stuck behind somebody going slow and lose all the ground you gained. I love to see people fly by me now and I just wave to them when we are right next to each other at a stop light. Unless of course your going 100, then you might.

o.k., i'm quilty; but traffic seems to move o.k. at about 70(can't say that for other roads) so i may find myself doing 70--and you're right, when a car that i passed so long ago pulls near me at a stop light, i have to :buttkick: myself


New Member
Speeders on Rt. 4--Slow Down Already!

Okay, I just have to rant, especially about the person who said you should "keep up with everybody else." Does that mean you should drive 75 mph when the posted speed is 55? The word "limit" means exactly that. If the speed limit is 55, that's what you should be driving. Nonetheless, I usually drive at 60, but that is still not fast enough for many of you people. The speed limit going south on 4 into Solomons is 45, and they must be serious about it because it is posted on both sides of the road, but NOBODY slows down! The other thing that frosts me is when I am coming up on my intersection (Ball Rd.), where I must be in the left lane because I am going to turn left at the light, so I SLOW DOWN because, well, gee, I don't want to go through an intersection at 60 miles an hour, and some yahoo in an SUV is flashing his lights at me because I'm going to delay him by about 5 seconds. The left lane does not automatically mean "the fast lane so I should be doing 80" when you are traveling a road with frequent intersections and left-hand turns!

Occasionally, there is justice, notably the guy I encountered a few weeks ago in the sporty red car with one of those obnoxious loud mufflers who zoomed around me in the right-hand lane and sped up 4 in the left lane doing about 80...a cop had him pulled over about a mile down the road. Ah, revenge is sweet.

PEOPLE!!! Slow down!!!!!! My daughter will be 16 in January and the thought of her having to drive on Rt. 2-4 scares me half to death. There are bumper stickers that say "Pray for me, I drive Route 4." No wonder!
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My Sweetest Boy
volleyballmom said:
PEOPLE!!! Slow down!!!!!! My daughter will be 16 in January and the thought of her having to drive on Rt. 2-4 scares me half to death. There are bumper stickers that say "Pray for me, I drive Route 4." No wonder!

We should be the ones scared. Teenagers drive like idiots.

And, yes, I've raised a few.


New Member
Well, I have to say that the bad drivers I've encountered down here...speeders, tailgaters, rude gesturers, no turn signalers...have NOT been teenagers.