Accident on Solomons Island Bridge


New Member
PD ONLY!! But it sounds kinda messy. One car left and drove to the other side of bridge, not too sure which side, but other car still on bridge and people are telling cops and fireboard be careful due to loss of fluids...

Please excuse typos, typed really fast to get it up. LOL


My Sweetest Boy
keepsmiling said:
PD ONLY!! But it sounds kinda messy. One car left and drove to the other side of bridge, not too sure which side, but other car still on bridge and people are telling cops and fireboard be careful due to loss of fluids...

Please excuse typos, typed really fast to get it up. LOL

Does that work? :biggrin:


New Member
Barbra said:
I was just going to post this tho' I'm being told it's a 1050PI and traffic is completely stopped @ this time.

I haven't heard fire and/or rescue talking on scanner, just Calvert police officers. One of the cops said it was a PD only.


New Member
It sounds like they are really trying to clear the bridge. Cops just said to each other if you have all names and case numbers they can head out. Tow truck on scene now. So I guess fire rescue will clean the mess and then it'll be open.

Peter Forsberg

New Member
Once a week. Attention all drivers slow down on the bridge and leave some room so you don't rear end the car infront of you if they stop. One more thing hang up your god damn cellphone.


New Member
Peter Forsberg said:
Once a week. Attention all drivers slow down on the bridge and leave some room in the car infront of you. One more thing hang up your god damn cellphone.
no see thats the problem, DON'T slow down, its the idiots who are scared of that bridge and slow down to 20 mph at the top of the bridge that mess things up. Then somebody driving the normal speed limit has to slam on their brakes.


professional daydreamer
slaphappynmd said:
no see thats the problem, DON'T slow down, its the idiots who are scared of that bridge and slow down to 20 mph at the top of the bridge that mess things up. Then somebody driving the normal speed limit has to slam on their brakes.

I'm afraid of all bridges. That's why I drive I can get across the ####in' thing already.


Main Streeter
Peter Forsberg said:
Once a week. Attention all drivers slow down on the bridge and leave some room so you don't rear end the car infront of you if they stop. One more thing hang up your god damn cellphone.
Actually, people should maintain the speed limit when crossing the bridge. Too often, someone will slow down for no reason and interupt the flow of traffic thus increasing the likelyhood of an accident.


Watch it
keepsmiling said:
PD ONLY!! But it sounds kinda messy. One car left and drove to the other side of bridge, not too sure which side, but other car still on bridge and people are telling cops and fireboard be careful due to loss of fluids...

Please excuse typos, typed really fast to get it up. LOL

Just saw the massive line to get on the bridge. Would avoid going home right now if possible.


New Member
I had to run to the bank and got stuck in it. It took me over an hour to get from Panera Bread to my house that's right before the bridge. How people fight that traffic every day amazes me.