Acid Reflux



On going problem, anyone have a good way to get rid of the taste and burning after waking up with the fire in your throat? So far one hour and I cant get the damn taste out.


New Member
gaviscon --in the digestive aid aisle. There are over the counter H2 blockers taken routinely on a daily basis..If the problemm persists get it checked out. Good luck.
On going problem, anyone have a good way to get rid of the taste and burning after waking up with the fire in your throat? So far one hour and I cant get the damn taste out.

Go get an OTC antacid pill, like Tagamet or Zantac.

If that doesn't cure it go see your Dr. or you will end up with GERD which can lead to esophagus cancer, which may be fatal.


Registered User
If you are waking up with acidic / sour mouth you need to see a doctor. Especially if it happens frequently. It (could) mean your esophagus muscles are not working properly.

I use to have it so severe it would cause me to upchuck. I have had 2 endoscopies done and I have been on every medication listed below, sadly none of them worked and I am allergic to Prilosec, Prevacid, Protonix, Aciphex, & Nexium. :yahoo::sarcasm:

Once I changed my eating habits and got rid of all the things that stress me out...I don't have it very often now. Apparently stress was the trigger for mine.

Good Luck!

P.S. A teaspoon of baking soda chased with water works wonders. Now days I use that and a couple of Tums 750 mg.

Acid Reflux Disease Symptoms, Causes, Tests, and Treatments

One of the most effective ways to treat acid reflux disease is to avoid the foods and beverages that trigger symptoms. Here are other steps you can take:

Eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day.
Quit smoking.
Put blocks under the head of your bed to raise it at least 4 inches to 6 inches.
Don't eat at least 2 to 3 hours before lying down.
Try sleeping in a chair for daytime naps.
Don't wear tight clothes or tight belts.
If you're overweight or obese, take steps to lose weight with exercise and diet changes.
Also, ask your doctor whether any medication could be triggering your heartburn or other symptoms of acid reflux disease.
Antacids, such as Alka-Seltzer, Maalox, Mylanta, Rolaids, or Riopan, can neutralize the acid from your stomach. But they may cause diarrhea or constipation, especially if you overuse them. It's best to use antacids that contain both magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide. When combined, they may help counteract these gastrointestinal side effects.

If antacids don't help, your doctor may try other medications. Some require a prescription. Your doctor may suggest more than one type or suggest you try a combination of medications such as these:

Foaming agents (Gaviscon) coat your stomach to prevent reflux.
H2 blockers (Pepcid, Tagamet, Zantac) decrease acid production.
Proton pump inhibitors (Prilosec, Prevacid, Protonix, Aciphex, Nexium) also reduce the amount of acid your stomach makes.
Prokinetics (Reglan, Urecholine) can help strengthen the LES, empty your stomach faster, and reduce acid reflux.
Don't combine more than one type of antacid or other medications without your doctor's guidance.


Not asking about prevention or about going to the dr, been done all that already. I want to know on the rare occasion that it does happen now how do I make it stop burning RIGHT NOW? Took a couple hrs for it to go away but felt like I swallowed lava that was full of turds.


Not asking about prevention or about going to the dr, been done all that already. I want to know on the rare occasion that it does happen now how do I make it stop burning RIGHT NOW? Took a couple hrs for it to go away but felt like I swallowed lava that was full of turds.

You can't. Once it happens it's too late. You have to be aware of the damage it does to your esophagus, even if it’s rare. It can also cause your esophageal sphincter to spasm and make you think you’re having a heart attack. I now have Barrett’s Esophagus and Schatki’s Ring because of it; and may need surgery later if things get worse. I also have a Hiatal Hernia which is not necessarily caused by GERD but could be from the spasms. Everything I know, it does not get better, it only get worse as your esophagus weakens. The only thing you can do at this point is go to the doctor, have him/her officially diagnose you with it and prescribe you GERD medication to stop/slow the production of stomach acid.

Taking antacids do not work for acid reflux. Antacids neutralize the acid that’s already there, but does not reduce it. It will not prevent the reflux that might be occurring. Acid reducers (like Prilosec and Nexium) prevent the production of acid so you have less of it in your stomach. This will reduce/prevent the reflux. I take Nexium and it seems to work pretty good; no side-effects and I can eat pretty much everything I want.

You can get OTC of acid reducers, but if you’re refluxing in your sleep and keeping you awake, you probably need prescription strength. But, I’m not a doctor and can only say you’d be doing yourself a favor by get an official diagnosis of GERD and getting treated that route rather than take advice on a forum. I can only tell you from my experience that ignoring it and self-prescribing might make it worse or overlook a more serious problem that may exist.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Not asking about prevention or about going to the dr, been done all that already. I want to know on the rare occasion that it does happen now how do I make it stop burning RIGHT NOW? Took a couple hrs for it to go away but felt like I swallowed lava that was full of turds.


Drink a lot of water, then throw it up. Seriously. Relief within a few minutes.

Then make sure you drink lots of water afterward and throughout the day - coffee and soda don't count because they just make it worse. Water raises your gastric pH and helps neutralize the acid.


You can't. Once it happens it's too late. You have to be aware of the damage it does to your esophagus, even if it’s rare. It can also cause your esophageal sphincter to spasm and make you think you’re having a heart attack. I now have Barrett’s Esophagus and Schatki’s Ring because of it; and may need surgery later if things get worse. I also have a Hiatal Hernia which is not necessarily caused by GERD but could be from the spasms. Everything I know, it does not get better, it only get worse as your esophagus weakens. The only thing you can do at this point is go to the doctor, have him/her officially diagnose you with it and prescribe you GERD medication to stop/slow the production of stomach acid.

Taking antacids do not work for acid reflux. Antacids neutralize the acid that’s already there, but does not reduce it. It will not prevent the reflux that might be occurring. Acid reducers (like Prilosec and Nexium) prevent the production of acid so you have less of it in your stomach. This will reduce/prevent the reflux. I take Nexium and it seems to work pretty good; no side-effects and I can eat pretty much everything I want.

You can get OTC of acid reducers, but if you’re refluxing in your sleep and keeping you awake, you probably need prescription strength. But, I’m not a doctor and can only say you’d be doing yourself a favor by get an official diagnosis of GERD and getting treated that route rather than take advice on a forum. I can only tell you from my experience that ignoring it and self-prescribing might make it worse or overlook a more serious problem that may exist.

I have been to a Dr and prescribed Prevacid. I only wake up because of it once a year or less but when I do I fly to my feet no matter how deep a sleep I am in.

For instant relief I have tried water, milk, bread, saltine crackers, Pepcid AC, and Tums, so far I think the best thing has been the saltine crackers.


New Member
Gaviscon worked for me until I went vegan. The reflux etc completely went away. I took a short holiday from vegan diet (birthday; Jeez 68: old too soon; smart too late) I had to go back to the gaviscon but now I'm back on the straight and narrow and the reflux etc stopped completely. Working on reversing coronary artery buildups per Dr. Esselstyn veganism (cleveland clinic; same diet Bill Clinton is on). My life is almost half over and I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up. I think more and more about the hereafter: I walk into a room and "what am I here after?" Good luck.


I have been to a Dr and prescribed Prevacid. I only wake up because of it once a year or less but when I do I fly to my feet no matter how deep a sleep I am in.

For instant relief I have tried water, milk, bread, saltine crackers, Pepcid AC, and Tums, so far I think the best thing has been the saltine crackers.

Are you taking the Prevacid every day? I was taking Prilosec and it wasn't working so it was changed to Nexium. I think it's working better. Mine isn't severe either. It doesn't even wake me up at night. It was causing esophageal spasms. At first I thought it was a heart attack. I've had a complete heart check and they found it's GERD. It seems to me there is no hard fix for it, I think you just have to find the right med. But if you do have it, antacids won't work. I know certain foods can cause more acid. Sometimes it requires writing down a food chart to figure out what kind of food is causing it.


Hot Flash
On going problem, anyone have a good way to get rid of the taste and burning after waking up with the fire in your throat? So far one hour and I cant get the damn taste out.

The Bean Center (Hollywood, Md) offers acid reflux studies several times a year. No charge to you and they actually pay you to come in. I also had two free endoscopies during the study period.

I am now on a lifetime regimen of omeprazole (generic Prilosec) for the rest of my life. I take it first thing in the morning with a big glass of water. Acid in your esophagus is NOT good!

I've only missed it on a few occasions. I realize it after I eat and :barf: a few hours later.

Tums and baking soda worked in the beginning. No longer.

Please look into the Bean Center for a research study.
I have been to a Dr and prescribed Prevacid. I only wake up because of it once a year or less but when I do I fly to my feet no matter how deep a sleep I am in.

For instant relief I have tried water, milk, bread, saltine crackers, Pepcid AC, and Tums, so far I think the best thing has been the saltine crackers.

If it's only once a year never mind about the Dr. I have no clue how to get rid of the instant burning though. However, it may be coming part way up your food tube. Means you may have a hiatal hernia. I don't even feel heartburn anymore, but still have acid reflux. My esophagus has basically turned to stone.


Hot Flash
If it's only once a year never mind about the Dr. I have no clue how to get rid of the instant burning though. However, it may be coming part way up your food tube. Means you may have a hiatal hernia. I don't even feel heartburn anymore, but still have acid reflux. My esophagus has basically turned to stone.
What are you taking and when? I have the hiatal hernia as well. I have had no heartburn or acid reflux since I went on a regular regimen of omeprazole. Key ( for me) is to take it first thing in the morning. My younger sister has to take something in the morning and something before bed.
What are you taking and when? I have the hiatal hernia as well. I have had no heartburn or acid reflux since I went on a regular regimen of omeprazole. Key ( for me) is to take it first thing in the morning. My younger sister has to take something in the morning and something before bed.

Actos at night. Usually helps. What helps most is if I eat light or early.


Hot Flash
Actos at night. Usually helps. What helps most is if I eat light or early.

Wow! I have no burning anymore, unless I forget to take my tiny generic pill in the morning. I can eat as much as I want, even late at night.

I've never heard of Actos, or the pills my sister takes.

Generic is fine by me. :lol:


I have been to a Dr and prescribed Prevacid. I only wake up because of it once a year or less but when I do I fly to my feet no matter how deep a sleep I am in.

For instant relief I have tried water, milk, bread, saltine crackers, Pepcid AC, and Tums, so far I think the best thing has been the saltine crackers.
One word. Nexium. You won't have a problem any longer.


Well-Known Member
On going problem, anyone have a good way to get rid of the taste and burning after waking up with the fire in your throat? So far one hour and I cant get the damn taste out.

I've read all the responses to your question but no one has suggested elevating the head of your bed 4-6" (place blocks under the legs or the frame) believe it or not it will help-I can't guarantee it but for most it does. Sleep on your left side and if you smoke-get help to stop. I wish things were better!


I've read all the responses to your question but no one has suggested elevating the head of your bed 4-6" (place blocks under the legs or the frame) believe it or not it will help-I can't guarantee it but for most it does. Sleep on your left side and if you smoke-get help to stop. I wish things were better!

Tried elevating my bed, just cant seem to sleep like that. I also naturally want to sleep on my stomach, which I understand is the worst position I could sleep in for reflux. No smoking here, and working on loosing the extra lbs.