Acid Reflux


Registered User
Something to keep in mind concerning the pills you must take daily to prevent acid reflux..and this is a fact..

If you miss them or stop taking them, your stomach will produce twice the amount of acid it used to produce causing acid reflux to be even worse.

The pills that are taken daily can also affect the pancreas and in some cases makes it stop working properly. The pancreas is what controls insulin and blood sugar. Just things to keep in mind.


Well-Known Member
Damn acid reflux, I would still be asleep if I didnt get that hot lava being poured down my throat feeling this morning.


I'm 2 old 2 die young!
Whatever you do, don't eat 3 hrs before going to bed. And prop your headboard/mattress up about 6 inches. Been fighting it for years, and I think surgery is the next step for me.


Active Member
I used to eat Tums like crazy. A large bottle would last maybe a month. I was also taking otc, once-a-day medication. Nothing worked until I stopped eating processed foods. I have probably only had to have just the Tums about 4 times in three months, and that's because I cheated on my diet.
I used to eat Tums like crazy. A large bottle would last maybe a month. I was also taking otc, once-a-day medication. Nothing worked until I stopped eating processed foods. I have probably only had to have just the Tums about 4 times in three months, and that's because I cheated on my diet.

Well the chili verde I had last night probably had something to do with it. Mac and cheese tonight. :lol:


New Member
Not asking about prevention or about going to the dr, been done all that already. I want to know on the rare occasion that it does happen now how do I make it stop burning RIGHT NOW? Took a couple hrs for it to go away but felt like I swallowed lava that was full of turds.

It's horrible and tastes just like it, but speaking from experience, baking soda mixed with water helps. Hope you feel better.


mama to two
It's horrible and tastes just like it, but speaking from experience, baking soda mixed with water helps. Hope you feel better.

Baking soda is the cure all for so many things. Good advice. It helps the teeth as well. It is also good mixed with white vinegar to clean out drains. Same thing, right? Who needs roto rooter! :lol:


New Member
Baking soda is the cure all for so many things. Good advice. It helps the teeth as well. It is also good mixed with white vinegar to clean out drains. Same thing, right? Who needs roto rooter! :lol:

I use baking soda and vinegar for so many things it borders on ridiculous. DH actually asked me at one point, 'WTH do you do with this stuff???? You buy it every week!' LOL

Then he realized how much I was saving by NOT buying expensive cleaners. He was fine with it then. :roflmao:


Active Member
Tried elevating my bed, just cant seem to sleep like that. I also naturally want to sleep on my stomach, which I understand is the worst position I could sleep in for reflux. No smoking here, and working on loosing the extra lbs.

Do you drink a lot of carbonated beverages or coffee? They can aggrevate, too. If it truly is only once a year, you might try a shot of apple cider vinegar. If you're getting it more frequently, best to go see the doc.