

New Member
Get the starter kit for around 60 dollars. includes 4 jars 3 are foundations and the other is a bronzer.

I agree with Elaine the eye shadows are messy


New Member
Agreeing with all the ladies!! You could swim in a vat of oil and eat only chocolate during your period, and if you use BM and Proactive you will still have the skin of a supermodel!!!


professional daydreamer
Agreeing with all the ladies!! You could swim in a vat of oil and eat only chocolate during your period, and if you use BM and Proactive you will still have the skin of a supermodel!!!

I wouldn't go that far.


New Member
I have never woren make up my entire life. ( i don't even know how to APPLY eyeshadow.) recently i've been thinking about trying the bareMinerals, just as something to hide my blemishes and the dark circles under my eyes, and just reading your guys comments on bareMinerals, has helped me decide to go ahead and try it...



New Member
prenatal vitimans are suppose to help. Pregnant or not. Thats what my dermatologist told me. After I tried multi creams RX and over the counter. Proactive dried my face out and it's sensitive enough to begin with.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
ProActiv is great but can be VERY harsh. I used it for awhile but it would dry out my skin so badly it would crack and peel. I switched to Aveeno products, which worked just as well and are much gentler.


Ummmmm ....
Have you been to a dermatologist?

I had perfect skin until I was about 19. I went to bed one night with no acne, and woke up the next morning with under the skin pimples that wouldn't go away. I tried many over the counter cleaners, acne spot treatments and nothing worked.

I ended up going to the dermatologist and after a few new medicines and nothing working, I was put on Accutane. It's not an easy medicine to be on ... you have to have blood work done every three months and pregnancy tests too because it can cause birth defects. It's got a good amount of Vitamin A in it, and it dries out your skin. You'll get nose bleeds and really chapped lips....

I've been off of it for almost 10 years - and I've never had a noticeable pimple since I went off accutane.


New Member
Ok, heres the scoop, I'm 21, have always had acne, since my period, food doesnt trigger it. Does anyone have any advice on how to deal?

Proactive does work. It works great for my daughter when she uses it consistantly. Even when she stops using it you can tell because she gets an instant breakout and then within days of using it, her skin is clear. She is 13 so she is going through the worst of the breakouts!