acoustic guitar...


Buying a guitar usually depends on what you are willing to spend. Almost by rule you get what you pay for. I have a Takamine Jasmine. Bought it on ebay for about $200. It's a fine beginner - intermediate player. Good low and easy-to-play action. And it stays in tune. Pop some Ilixir strings on it and it sounds great. You can also plug it in to an amp. The electronics aren't all that great in my opinion thought. Kind of tinny and feeds back easy.

I also have a Taylor 414 CE. I happen to think Taylor makes the best mass-produced guitars around. Sound construction, EXCELLENT sound at any price level and the best electronics. They tend to be pricy and cover a wide price range but worth every penny. The good thing about Taylor is if you decide to quit playing and want to sell it and keep it in good shape they hold their value nearly at sale price.

If you want to have an opportunity to make the right choice I would recommend Washington Music Center (aka Chuck Levins) in Silver Springs. They have a ginormous collection of guitars and the most educated sales people that will help you pick what's right for you. You can sit down and try them all. And it's important to be able to play them before you buy.


i have the Takamine EG340SC, it has a big round sound and has the acoustic electric action too. personally i dont use the electric part and wasn't looking for it necessarily, but they made me a good deal on one with a tiny scratch.

anyway, i got it at hot licks in PF, they were fair.

id say its probably worth a trip up to a guitar center too. they have just about everything, although there wont be too much around 100 for under three they will have a bunch of options. Plus they are so big you dont feel like an idiot just picking one up and strumming it. It is kind of intimadating to pick out a gutiar when you are a beginner. anyway, you could probably play (or play with and watch other people play) a few that are close to what you are looking at.

Actually I will second this. Even though I recommended Washington Music Center the folks at HotLicks (there's one in PF and Waldorf; I think Waldorf has a slightly larger selection) were great and I got a fair deal on both of my Taylors.

But go to Washington Music Center just for the sheer size and experience. They are absolutely HUGE.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Wow... you went right for the wallet on that one. These things are through the roof. Got to play one at HL in Waldorf when the Taylor Road Show came through. What a nice guitar. Just couldn't afford it.


They're pennies a day over a lifetime!


The Taylor T-5 is another one to consider. It is a multi-virsatile acoustic/electric. A little pricy at around $2500. Check out this video:


They're pennies a day over a lifetime!

My B-I-L has a $4,000 acoustic guitar... and a $25,000 mandolin. :faint:

I'm leaning towards my first choice... the Jasmine from Takamine. It's gonna be a present for my son's 16th birthday. I love the idea of letting him pick one out for himself... but he'd go for the $4,000 one from Hawaii...:jameo:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

My B-I-L has a $4,000 acoustic guitar... and a $25,000 mandolin. :faint:

I'm leaning towards my first choice... the Jasmine from Takamine. It's gonna be a present for my son's 16th birthday. I love the idea of letting him pick one out for himself... but he'd go for the $4,000 one from Hawaii...:jameo: trying to show off? :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Nope... no showing off here... I'm only allowed to look at it... he won't even let me strum...:frown:

...what you do; Get him to play a few chords on it and just grab your ears in mock agony and scream; "For GODS sake! Get the intonation on that damn thing fixed!"

He'll get all indignant.


I know nothing
I went with the Tak... it came in yesterday and it is beautifully crafted! I can't wait to hear it...:clap:


Sweet... I should have gone with a Tak when I bought my acoustic.

One of these days if I ever get serious about playing again. I will upgrade. But for now, my campfire guitar will suffice.