My groomer was out of town so we decided to take my 2 small long haired dogs to Petco in PF to be groomed/shaved. With all the snow and rain they were pretty nasty and matted. My male dog hates clippers and gets a little snippy and growly when we try and clip him. My female dog could care less. You can do anything to her and she doesn't care. It's been 3 days now and both dogs are still acting very strange. They are both very standoffish, don't want to be held or snuggled whereas before they always were. Even with their sweaters on and the weather being a little warmer, they both keep shaking a lot. My husband and I are concerned that maybe these groomers got a little too rough with them. Any thoughts? I wasn't there to pick them up my daughter did so I don't even know who the girls were that did them.