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Judge Wants Proper Service In Actor's Penis, Mousetrap Lawsuit
"LOS ANGELES -- An actor will have to properly serve several celebrities with a lawsuit if he wants to continue with litigation claiming he was hurt during a DVD promotion on a radio show, a judge ruled Wednesday.
Perry Caravello filed the $10.5 million lawsuit May 31 in Los Angeles Superior Court, asserting he was injured when tricked into putting his penis in a mousetrap on Sept. 27, 2006. He is alleging fraud and negligence, and is seeking an accounting of fees."
Judge Wants Proper Service In Actor's Penis, Mousetrap Lawsuit - News Story - KNBC | Los Angeles
"LOS ANGELES -- An actor will have to properly serve several celebrities with a lawsuit if he wants to continue with litigation claiming he was hurt during a DVD promotion on a radio show, a judge ruled Wednesday.
Perry Caravello filed the $10.5 million lawsuit May 31 in Los Angeles Superior Court, asserting he was injured when tricked into putting his penis in a mousetrap on Sept. 27, 2006. He is alleging fraud and negligence, and is seeking an accounting of fees."
Judge Wants Proper Service In Actor's Penis, Mousetrap Lawsuit - News Story - KNBC | Los Angeles