Actor Rob Reiner Launches Committee To Investigate Russian Election Meddling


Well-Known Member
You don't think Trump would be raising a stink? How long was he running the birther campaign?

I think if Trump had lost he would have congratulated Hillary on her win when he would have conceded that night and walked away like a man instead of running off crying and hiding and crying like a pussy ever since/.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I think if Trump had lost he would have congratulated Hillary on her win when he would have conceded that night and walked away like a man instead of running off crying and hiding and crying like a pussy ever since/.

You've got a much higher opinion of him than I do then. I think he'd have kept it up through the next election.


Well-Known Member
You've got a much higher opinion of him than I do then. I think he'd have kept it up through the next election.

I don't think it has to do with good character. As many said, I am still not sure if he was all that determined to be President.
When you're a successful businessman, you don't need a White House win to consider yourself a success.
For full time politicians, it's the brass ring, and the only thing some of them want to achieve, like Olympic gold or the Nobel.

Bear in mind also that all signs were pointing to a loss.

I think it's highly likely he would have continued on with the mail server thing, but he would have eventually given up.


Well-Known Member

Doubtful. This whole thing was media manufactured, and they have been clear as to whose water they are carrying.

It's either TRUE - or it isn't.

Actually, there are possibly degrees - as in, a little true (as in, tried to get something but got very little), a little false (talked with Russians but not for getting elected).

But it either occurred or it didn't, and everything is pointing to something akin to a Communist scare/witch hunt scenario where some disgruntled people who were certain they would win dispute plain reality and looking for blame other than themselves.
I mean, there certainly MUST be cheating SOMEWHERE because hey - the polls. And - and - it's Trump. But there was no vote tampering, no criminal behavior and the very best narrative they have is, the Russians tried to make her look bad - as if somehow
that's not what normal campaigning and billions of dollars of political ads aren't SUPPOSED to do.

If it DID happen - then the press is right and there should be evidence. Or someone willing to talk.

But if it didn't happen, there's only one explanation.

It's made up.

We already know the pissing hookers story was made up.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You don't think Trump would be raising a stink? How long was he running the birther campaign?

I'm not prepared to speculate on what might have been had X happened. What *did* happen is Trump won, and Hillaryloser has so far spent 10 very public months whining and making excuses about it. If she were rallying the troops, I could understand, but she's not - she's just pissing and moaning.


Well-Known Member
I'm not prepared to speculate on what might have been had X happened. What *did* happen is Trump won, and Hillaryloser has so far spent 10 very public months whining and making excuses about it. If she were rallying the troops, I could understand, but she's not - she's just pissing and moaning.

At this point it would have to be a rather stupid assortment of troops she might rally.
I mean other than her black twin Auntie Max who is crazy enough to think she could become president if Trump was replaced.