There are two possibilities that are being discussed here.
First is ADHD. In the case of ADHD, in order for a student to receive an IEP, she must have been diagnosed with ADHD by a doctor. Schools can not "diagnose" ADHD (although teachers and parents are both involved in completing rating scales as part of an evaluation for diagnosis). That is what the counselor may have meant, but not explained.
Second, some have mentioned LD (specific Learning Disabilities - in Reading, Written Language, or Math). This, the schools can diagnose after an evaluation consisting of assessments, observation, and other data collection (like your daughter's "lack of progress" in some of the interventions in which she's participated).
In both cases, an IEP can be developed by the team (you're included on the team!) only AFTER diagnosis and determination that an IEP is needed.
FYI: Federal law requires that the school-based teams meet within a certain (federally-mandated) timeframe after an evaluation is requested by a parent. You could simply write a letter to the principal stating your concerns and asking for an IEP Team meeting (which she would HAVE to do, per federal law), but I really sugest that you talk to your child's teacher about your concerns first and ask if she would refer your child to the school's PST or IEP team. I know you're already ruffled by the teacher, but, ultimately, you two are on the same team. You don't want to jump over her or make her your enemy. You will be working with her for this whole year, and the evaluation process can be long and (sometimes) confusing. You both want your daughter to be able to learn as best as she can. Working to work WITH your child's teacher (and get her to work with you) will be very beneficial in the big picture.
That said, know that you can pull the strings at any time by formally requesting an IEP meeting.