Adding yogurt? Opinions please!



Ok so my OTTB Stressed himself out the day I brought him home-10/17- and he started doing the head bobbing that indicates he is sore/lame. So since then I have been giving him 1 asprin bolus(sp?) a day with 1 lb of grain and free range on grass...I mentioned this to someone and they made the comment to add yogurt a couple times a week to his diet until I stop giving him the asprin to help keep the bacteria in his system in check...I have had horses for 12 years now and have never heard of this...has anyone done this? If so please give advice on how much and how often to give yogurt. TIA


Podunk FL
Have you have a vet come out to check him out?

Probiotics are what is found in the Yogurt. I would get probiotics over yogurt for him.


New Member
Head bobbing while stalled or head bobbing while being lunged/ridden?

Unless he's accustomed to being out on pasture you might want to introduce him to grass slowly. This time of the season is prime for colic and laminitis.

I second the vet call.

Nanny Pam

yes, call the vet. Best to be safe.

I might add that I know nothing about horses, (except that I love how their heads smell) ...but if there were something wrong with my dog, I'd call the vet.


He's used to the grass. Head bobbing while he's doing a fast trot. He's an ex race horse so his trot is rather fast. This came after he stressed himself out ont he trailer ride back to the house and ran back and forth across the 1 acre pasture he's in now. I know its from the trailer ride and being stressed because he had no signs of headbobbing or limping of any sort when I rode him just before trailering him. It is going away so i'm not real worried about it. I have seen it before with previous horses i've had to trailer from place to place and it went away on its own once they relaxed.


New Member
He's used to the grass. Head bobbing while he's doing a fast trot. He's an ex race horse so his trot is rather fast. This came after he stressed himself out ont he trailer ride back to the house and ran back and forth across the 1 acre pasture he's in now. I know its from the trailer ride and being stressed because he had no signs of headbobbing or limping of any sort when I rode him just before trailering him. It is going away so i'm not real worried about it. I have seen it before with previous horses i've had to trailer from place to place and it went away on its own once they relaxed.

If he's lame I don't think I understand how yogurt will help. :shrug:


If he's lame I don't think I understand how yogurt will help. :shrug:

Im not saying yogurt will help him being lame...asprin(for the lameness) kills whatever bacteria is in the system yogurt helps to counteract that


Well-Known Member
I've not heard of aspirin causing bacteria in the gut to die off, that's more of an antibiotic thing I would think.

But if you want to add probiotics, add Probios and don't waste your time on the yogurt.


I've not heard of aspirin causing bacteria in the gut to die off, that's more of an antibiotic thing I would think.

But if you want to add probiotics, add Probios and don't waste your time on the yogurt.

I feel stupid asking this cause ur probably gonna say the grocery store but where can i get probios at?


ProBios comes in a paste tube or a daily powder. You can find it at most tack stores. Canter-Lope might have it. Pretty sure Loveville Leather has it.
Dover would have it.

ok. Thanks! Glad I have to go out to Elam's this week..guess i'll be pickin some up :)
Yep - aspirin is an anti-inflammatory and it's antibiotics that kill gut bugs. There is some anecdotal evidence, though, that probiotics help with stress (lame horse is probably stressed to some extent) and possibly with ulcers. Certainly can't hurt!


Yep - aspirin is an anti-inflammatory and it's antibiotics that kill gut bugs. There is some anecdotal evidence, though, that probiotics help with stress (lame horse is probably stressed to some extent) and possibly with ulcers. Certainly can't hurt!

So instead of giving Calypso yogurt just give him the probios like someone else mentioned?


Horsey Girl
soft feet

OTTB's tend to have soft feet from standing in wet stalls for too long. mine kept getting abscess', so I pulled his shoes and let his feet grow out. I have also had a dumb nervous tb I was watching that stomped on the trailer till he gave himself a bruise.

Anyways, head bobbing with one foot, I would check his Deep Digital Pulse, to see if he has an abscess. They can be hot or cold so sometimes just looking for heat in the foot is not enough.

What I would do is along with the bute regiment, I would pack his foot with icthamol, then maybe cotton, then do vet wrap and finally duct tape bootie for 3-4 days. Along with soaking his foot in epsom salt every time you change it.. its a bit excessive, but its cheap.

The probios definitely won't hurt.
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New Member
Definitely get the Probios. It's going to do the same thing you're wanting the yogurt to do, but won't have all the extra dairy ingredients you don't necessarily want/need. I buy the powder (more doses) and use it before and after I worm as well (to restore my horses' bacteria levels). Also use it if I think any of my horses seem stressed or are worked up over something (e.g., trailering, moving, etc.). Good luck! Hope it helps with his stomach.