b*tch rocket
Okay Claire,
My son is dyslexic. His whole flippin family on his father's side is dyslexic. I informed the public school system from day one my kid was probably dyslexic. (they won't even test for it until 3rd grade).
3rd grade rolls around, he's tested. His scores match up to precisely what your run of the mill dyslexic would. The schools "findings" were that he showed "dyslexic tendencies" but they felt he was more likely suffering from ADHD.
You see Claire, ADHD is much easier to treat than dyslexia. With an ADHD diagnosis, you simply feed a child mind altering drugs and they sit like zombies in the classroom. Much easier for a teacher to deal with. They don't have to deal with a kid raising their hand time after time saying they don't understand. Drug em and they simply don't care.
I immediately cried and eventually pulled my kid out of public schools and homeschooled (while working full time). He made more progress in the few months I was able to homeschool than all the years he was in public school, but he was still behind. I stuck him in a private school and he's "magically" been able to learn. They don't do anything special in the school he's in. They simply focus on the basics, rather than all the touchy feely garbage in public elementary schools. My kid didn't require "special" treatment. All he required was an EDUCATION, just the basics, just the foundation.
The basics are no longer taught in public schools. Public school education is about a mile wide and an inch thick. It's all The "good" students are able to pick up the brief lessons in grammar, spelling, and math and go with it, but many kids (especially boys) don't, so they are classified as "learning disabled". They're held to a lesser standard. They don't have to know how to spell or to put a sentence together in order to pass with flying colors. They just have to "behave".
Sure my son has a harder time grasping spelling and reading, but amazingly, when his private school teacher put the hammer down on him and demanded he do his work properly, he managed to put out that extra effort to do so.
Anyway, off my soapbox and to the point at hand. Do we have a bazillion kids in the United States with ADHD, or our public school teachers, and the public school system in general simply lazy?
My son is dyslexic. His whole flippin family on his father's side is dyslexic. I informed the public school system from day one my kid was probably dyslexic. (they won't even test for it until 3rd grade).
3rd grade rolls around, he's tested. His scores match up to precisely what your run of the mill dyslexic would. The schools "findings" were that he showed "dyslexic tendencies" but they felt he was more likely suffering from ADHD.
You see Claire, ADHD is much easier to treat than dyslexia. With an ADHD diagnosis, you simply feed a child mind altering drugs and they sit like zombies in the classroom. Much easier for a teacher to deal with. They don't have to deal with a kid raising their hand time after time saying they don't understand. Drug em and they simply don't care.
I immediately cried and eventually pulled my kid out of public schools and homeschooled (while working full time). He made more progress in the few months I was able to homeschool than all the years he was in public school, but he was still behind. I stuck him in a private school and he's "magically" been able to learn. They don't do anything special in the school he's in. They simply focus on the basics, rather than all the touchy feely garbage in public elementary schools. My kid didn't require "special" treatment. All he required was an EDUCATION, just the basics, just the foundation.
The basics are no longer taught in public schools. Public school education is about a mile wide and an inch thick. It's all The "good" students are able to pick up the brief lessons in grammar, spelling, and math and go with it, but many kids (especially boys) don't, so they are classified as "learning disabled". They're held to a lesser standard. They don't have to know how to spell or to put a sentence together in order to pass with flying colors. They just have to "behave".
Sure my son has a harder time grasping spelling and reading, but amazingly, when his private school teacher put the hammer down on him and demanded he do his work properly, he managed to put out that extra effort to do so.
Anyway, off my soapbox and to the point at hand. Do we have a bazillion kids in the United States with ADHD, or our public school teachers, and the public school system in general simply lazy?