Not really, considering school is the law for those under age 16. And school choice is out of the question until the government gets behind vouchers. Sure you can pay your taxes AND pay for private schooling - but most people can't afford to do that.The public shcool system sucks and it's our responsibility to make sure our children are well educated.
We're paying these people good money to educate our kids. We should be getting our money's worth or they should give us a refund and let us opt out. I think my kids are getting a decent public school education, but we definitely pick up the slack when one of our kids is falling behind. Our youngest was such a slacker in elementary school, she couldn't even tell you how many hours were in a day when she was in 4th grade. Couldn't tell you how many days in the week, couldn't name the months of the year in order. Larry and I taught her that stuff. Her reading was abysmal - the other daughters taught her how to read.
Yet the whole time, she was getting pretty good grades. In the conference, the teacher said, "Emilie is doing wonderfully." And I'm like, "Hello? She's in 4th grade and can't read!"
We've seen a dramatic change in her once we started doing it ourselves. But we're paying those people good money to do a job - if I'm going to have to do it instead, I should get that money.