
Post life experience?

  • When I die, that's it, no more nothing

    Votes: 11 20.0%
  • When I die, I am going to heaven and will be aware of it

    Votes: 22 40.0%
  • When I die, I am going to hell and will be aware of it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not really sure but, I think there is SOMETHING

    Votes: 9 16.4%
  • Not really sure but, I think there is nothing

    Votes: 8 14.5%
  • I will be reincarnated as a(n)...

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • other

    Votes: 3 5.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Do you believe in an afterlife?

What do you think will happen when you die? :popcorn:

This is rare for me, but I will keep this serious, not joking. :coffee:

I am not a big church going person, but I do believe in a higher power that sorts out the good from them bad after we die.
Will heaven be angels and unicorns farting rainbows?
I dont know, but I think it will be a better place than this world, where we can look down on our loved ones and help them out in times of need.
The rapists, murderers, scum of the earth will get their punishment in hell.


Routinely Derailed
I just "know" that the end of this life will be a cause for celebration. I'll be going "home." I'll be greeted when I arrive by those who got to leave this life before me. I think the book "90 Minutes in Heaven" captures the sense of my expectations, whether or not it's accurate. I'm looking forward to the end of this life; not my call as to when it will actually end, but unless there's something totally unexpected in my future in this world, I don't expect to ever be truly happy here.


Registered User
I do not believe in heaven or hell. I do not believe that something other than myself will pass judgement on me. I believe (strongly) in Karma, reincarnation, after-life, The Fates, Guardian Angels, and Gods (higher powers). I will not do anything to mess up my Karma thus I always try to be fair and level headed no matter what I may feel emotionally. I try hard not to be nasty or mean but sometimes I can't help myself when someone is that way towards me. It is not in my nature to turn the other cheek, I'm a born fighter.

In difficult situations I always ask myself, "Are the consequences of my reactions worth it?" Some times the answer is yes, sometimes it is no- that's what dictates what I do next.

I believe a lot more than what is stated, but that's the general jist of it.


Raisin cane
If anyone would care to read a good book from a Christian perspective, check out One Minute After You Die, by Erwin Lutzer. I read it quite a few years ago and thought it was a good read.
Nothing, nada, done. And Im ok with that. I cant imagine living this life preparing for one that no one knows exists. As a matter of fact Im thankful I can live this life to the fullest without the constant worry of whats next.


Well-Known Member

If one were to accept the Biblical comments on heaven...I suspect some might have accepted the legacy & commentary LATER,...while not taking a close study of what is actually written.

One comment I will throw in is this:
The Garden of Eden was sinless (up to a point)...what did God expect of his creation...specifically MAN?
Actually He wanted man to name/maintain the creatures. Thus, I suspect Heaven is more than non-stop reunions & singing (which the Bible is less than specific about)...I suspect it is actually; enjoyable work.

Lets not neglect what it says about the millennium either (1000 years of supervision?)


New Member
I don't believe that anything happens afterward. I believe that you just die.

But I don't KNOW that. I just believe it.


I may be alone in this, but the concept of a great dark nothingness after you die sounds extremely appealing to me.

I like relaxation. I like the blackness of sleep. What could be more relaxing than the complete disassociation of your mind from this body and the everlasting unconsciousness and unawareness of uninterrupted lifelessness and non-existence.

I imagine that it will be very similar to what I experienced before I was born/conceived.

And on the other hand, I find the idea of eternal life to be unsettling. No, I find the idea of eternal life to be horrifying. Even if it's a blissful eternal life in heaven. I try to imagine the concept of infinity, and I can't even begin to wrap my brain around it. A billion years is as meaningful as a blink of an eye when compared to eternity. Increase that by an order of magnitude - a billion-billion squared years... still quick as a wink. And so on.

By the same logic, that means this lifetime is less than meaningless.

Unfortunately, I don't believe there is nothing. I believe in an eternal afterlife. And as I review my life and the ramifications of what it means for my afterlife, it oftentimes scares the #### out of me when I dwell on it.


100% Redneck
All my life I have been taught that there is a heaven and a hell. I have believed this most of my life. As I have gotten older and my health has deteriorated and to be honest I am facing my end, I have started to have doubts. I am at the point where I really don't know what to believe. On the one hand, heaven and an afterlife sounds good. On the other hand, just an end of everything and no memory doesn't sound bad either. I guess I will just have to wait and see.


I bowl overhand
The thought of an afterlife, a better place, 70 virgins leads to a buttload of problems. Somebody with difficulties in this life believes if they end it they'll be going to a better place, or if they give their life for a "great cause" they'll be rewarded in the next life.

It's all bull####, this is it. There is no heaven nor hell.. make the best out of this life because it's the only one you're going to get. Don't believe for a.minut that if you suffer your entire life here that you'll be rewarded for all time and eternity, fix you miserable life now, DO something... enjoy the now.


I bowl overhand
If anyone would care to read a good book from a Christian perspective, check out One Minute After You Die, by Erwin Lutzer. I read it quite a few years ago and thought it was a good read.

Better yet go see "The Man Who Invented Lying"... eye opening, and cuts to the bone...


Well-Known Member
Should have been two choices, because two and three go hand in hand. One of the two will happen, but I doubt many, if any, would honestly admit they would end up in hell, if they simply think about the either/or.

Hell is as real as heaven. No in between. Individual choice.

This poll has, inadvertently or not, been tossed into the "eternity" category, whether one believes it or not.

It will happen.:buddies:


mama to two
All my life I have been taught that there is a heaven and a hell. I have believed this most of my life. As I have gotten older and my health has deteriorated and to be honest I am facing my end, I have started to have doubts. I am at the point where I really don't know what to believe. On the one hand, heaven and an afterlife sounds good. On the other hand, just an end of everything and no memory doesn't sound bad either. I guess I will just have to wait and see.

:huggy: Obviously, I don't know you, but your words touched my heart. I wish you the best.