Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


PREMO Member

Trans Woman Claims Men LOVE Trans Women, Leftists Argue Its NOT GAY For 2 Males To Date Each Other​



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Sydney Watson OWNS Trans Activist/Comedian Trashing 'Cis Girls' SO Bad (S)He Tries Deleting (We Got It!)

Nothing wins people over to the trans movement, especially women, like saying really horrible, sexist, and gross things about 'cis girls'. You'd think a trans activist/comedian like Stacy Cay would know that but ... not so much.

If this was a joke, it fell flat.

If it was just an insult, it came off as just another reminder of how very real the patriarchy is within the trans movement.

Oh, and Cay deleted it after Dr. Sydney Watson shared the post with her followers:



PREMO Member

Yeah Earth Shattering News Flash .....

Straight Men Love Pussy, and have NO desire to play with someone else's dick


PREMO Member

Landmark NHS England Report: Science Doesn’t Support Gender-Affirming Medicine

For years, critics have raised serious concerns over the shoddy evidence behind gender-affirming care, the aggressive, no-questions-asked model for treating gender dysphoria in young people.

Those critics now have a powerful ally in England, according to a landmark report commissioned by the National Health Service (NHS) and released last evening, April 9. The leader of the four-year study, Dr. Hilary Cass, just confirmed what they’ve been saying all along: gender medicine is “built on shaky foundations” and the evidence used to justify it is “remarkably weak.”

As we wrote here, the American Academy of Pediatrics recently doubled down on its commitment to gender-affirming care, tossing aside the traditional “watching and waiting” protocol. Under that approach, doctors proceeded with caution, allowing gender-dysphoric children to naturally progress through puberty while treating them with counseling and psychotherapy rather than sex-altering drugs.

But now, based on evidence that has been challenged as fraudulent and misleading, doctors readily “affirm” a child’s stated desire to change genders by prescribing puberty-blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones, and irreversible surgeries.

Meanwhile, the number of detransitioners who have come to regret these life-altering drugs and procedures is mounting, and so are the lawsuits, including ones we’ve covered here. They say they were used as guinea pigs to test out a reckless, unscientific treatment plan.


Well-Known Member
Despite only being 2% of the population, gay people account for 60% of all sex crimes.

So yes, if you compare 2 average Joes on the street, one straight, the other gay, the gay one is far more likely to molest your children.

It's simple math.

You need to cite your sources for that.

That's a big crook of shi$


PREMO Member
This week, The New York Times Magazine released a long profile on “Lessons From a 20-Person Polycule: How they set boundaries, navigate jealousy, wingman their spouses and foster community.

“Polycules” are still obscure enough that the Times feels the need for an explainer in the first paragraph, so it’s an open question whether such a high-profile outlet giving these people attention is a good idea. But if you’re curious, here’s the explanation:

The word “polycule” is a synthesis of polyamory — engaging in multiple romantic relationships — and molecule. …it seems to have started catching on around 15 years ago to suggest an intricate structure formed of people with overlapping deep attachments: romantic, sexual, sensual, platonic.

4. If you’re upset your wife is sleeping with someone else, well, that’s your problem and you need therapy and medication to get over it. (Also, Ben Shapiro, call your office.)

We have this motto: Feelings are not facts. That gets us through the hard times.
At the start, I was going through some depression, and when we had sex I had so much stress. There were issues in the bedroom with her, and that happened many times, which caused more stress. She started seeing this dude who was an absolute stud, having sex with him and having a great-ass time, and I felt totally lame and inadequate.
That was really hard for me, for obvious reasons. I felt like, I’m a hundred percent replaceable. It took a lot of conversations. She was like, There’s nothing wrong with you, this is going to pass, therapy will help. Lots of tears were shed. But medication helped me, talk therapy helped me, changing the way we do things helped. That’s where feelings are not facts really mattered.

5. Again, all of the rules, which are being made up as they go, and scheduling sound EXHAUSTING. It really puts a new spin on Oscar Wilde’s quip, “The trouble with socialism is that it takes up too many evenings.”

In the polycule, it ranges from people who really don’t have rules to we’re only going to date people together or we’re going to participate in the group only as friendships, or as sensual friendships, or we’re only going to be sexually intimate at gatherings, and outside of that we’re not going to date anyone individually. We keep track in group chats…
I spend 60 percent of my time in my house with my nesting partner and about 25 percent of my time with another partner, and although I technically have one home right now, I’m in the process of building homes with multiple partners. There are check-ins, but the check-ins aren’t for permission. It’s, I’m doing these things, I’m going to be gone for these two weeks, what do you need from me?

8. Speaking of mortgages, the nuclear family needs to be undone… because housing is expensive?

The structure of the nuclear family, the nuclear marriage, needs to shift. It’s really hard to afford a house. Some of us are thinking of moving into a place with four or five bedrooms where eight or nine of us could live together. We could share the burden of bills. It’s just more realistic.



PREMO Member
🔥 ABC-4 Utah ran a remarkable story yesterday headlined, “Students walk out of Utah middle school to protest ‘furries’.” You won’t know whether to laugh or cry when you hear this short interview clip with a group of middle-school students who staged a walkout at Utah’s Mount Nebo Junior High yesterday. Behold:

image 4.png

CLIP: Mount Nebo High kids fed up with furry attacks (1:47).

According to the ABC-4 article, there are so many furry students at Mount Nebo that, like a pack of feral housecats, they have become an out of control “population:”

The school’s “furry” population is accused of biting, scratching, spraying air freshener on, barking at and chasing other students.​

One of the normal kids in the clip above reported that the furries bite and scratch the normal kids, but it’s the normal kids who get in trouble if they retaliate. Several of the kids credibly insisted that litterboxes have been installed in the bathrooms as furry conveniences. I found the longer YouTube including the full interview: “Student Walkout Anti-Furry Protest Mt Nebo Middle School Payson Utah.

Thank goodness for independent citizen journalists.

The diligent ABC-4 reporter found and interviewed one of the poor, misunderstood furry students. “Furry is a fandom,” a furry named Strudel informed ABC4. “We don’t think that we’re animals. I really like the idea of animals that walk and talk, so I’m going to dress up as one, as kind of a fun sort of cosplay thing,” Strudel explained.

School officials don’t deny the students’ claims, not exactly, but they’ve complained it’s all being taken out of proportion. “A lot of the information that’s been put out there is completely incorrect and inaccurate,” Nebo School District Public Information Officer Seth Sorensen said. But which part of the information that’s been put out there is actually accurate?

Please don’t overreact. How bad could it really be? What’s a little affectionate nibble here or there, or a light scratch on the quadriceps?

Come on, sane people, don’t throw the animals out with the litterbox.



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Somebody clipped the ABC-4 reporter’s interview with Mount Nebo Junior High student “Strudel” (they/them, of course). I know you want to see it:

image 2.png

CLIP: “This is Strudel, and they have their own opinions” (0:55).

There’s a lot I could say, but since we already covered this story yesterday, I will just point out the literally unbelievable fact that Strudel’s interview was taken seriously. The station played it as straight news, not a joke, like it was nothing weird at all to interview a kid in an expensive dog suit who uses plural pronouns (are they possessed?) and experiences distress identifying as a normal human.

They wanted to get Strudel’s point of view.

I’ll add the remarkable fact that there must be a parent or parents out there somewhere who bought their daughter a dog suit to wear to school. I’d like to see that interview, with the parents. I am no furry expert, but my research suggests full ‘fursuits’ like Strudel’s start at around $2,500 and can easily top $10 grand if custom-tailored for all-day comfort.

Or, tail-ored, if you take my meaning. When I was in middle school, it used to be insulting to call a girl “a dog.” But now apparently that is now a lifestyle choice.

Call me old fashioned. Maybe the schools these days are training students to become professional team mascots or something. Otherwise, it’s hard for me to comprehend how this furry business contributes at all to preparing kids to compete in an increasingly hostile world. Hopefully, Strudel will grow out of this stage and won’t wind up on permanent disability.

There’s nothing cute about an unemployable adult wearing a fraying dog suit outside of a theme park. It’s creepy.



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Somebody clipped the ABC-4 reporter’s interview with Mount Nebo Junior High student “Strudel” (they/them, of course). I know you want to see it:
CLIP: “This is Strudel, and they have their own opinions” (0:55).

There’s a lot I could say, but since we already covered this story yesterday, I will just point out the literally unbelievable fact that Strudel’s interview was taken seriously. The station played it as straight news, not a joke, like it was nothing weird at all to interview a kid in an expensive dog suit who uses plural pronouns (are they possessed?) and experiences distress identifying as a normal human.

Furry Infestation In Middle School

Students Protest Furies On Their School
