Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


PREMO Member

Supreme Court Agrees To Consider Woman’s Claim She Lost Job Because She Is Not Gay

“Thus, to state the obvious, the statute bars discrimination against ‘any individual’ on the grounds specified therein,” he wrote. “Yet our court and some others have construed this same provision to impose different burdens on different plaintiffs based on their membership in different demographic groups.”

Kethledge noted that “nobody disputes that Ames has established the other elements of her prima-facie case, which would be enough to establish that case if she were a gay person.”

“[T]wice in one year the Department promoted an arguably less qualified gay employee in a manner adverse to Ames; and in promoting one of those employees, Yolanda Frierson, the Department circumvented its own internal procedures because Frierson lacked the minimum qualifications for the job,” he wrote.


PREMO Member

Imagine, walking into a restaurant & everyone is being nice to you. Then, decide to announce your identity politics/political agenda to the entire place. For good measure, back handedly shame your fellow diners that they haven't done enough for YOU in their state.

After this appalling act, pretend to be shocked no one likes you anymore and play the victim.


They received what they described as an unexpected and uncomfortable response from diners at a Texas restaurant after Steele mentioned the state hadn't done enough for trans rights, the New York Times reported.

"I'm from Iowa, but I will raise a glass to your great state of Texas," Steele said to a receptive audience of diners at the Big Texan Steak Ranch in Amarillo, where Ferrell and Steele planned to attempt the restaurant's famous 72-ounce steak challenge.

"I wish you guys would do more for trans rights in this state," Steele added, which silenced the cheers and was met with a few groans from the audience, Chron reported.

"Cheers to Texas and trans rights, right?" Ferrell added. The toast didn't make it into the documentary, but Steele and Ferrell shared their responses to the moment afterward.

"The room started to feel very wrong to me," Steele said in the film. "I was feeling a little like my transness was on display, I guess, and suddenly that sort of made me feel not great."

"The saddest part for me is … I just feel … I feel like I let you down in that moment," Ferrell said in response.

"I didn't really have a grasp on how intense it was going to be and felt responsible for not properly vetting the situation we were putting ourselves in," Ferrell told The New York Times. "That felt like it was going to be this benign place where you eat a big steak in the amount of time, and then you walk in and it's a thousand people seated in this room and I was like, 'Oh, why are we here?'"


Fuc ing Hollywierd Loser



Well-Known Member
When you get on the stage in that restaurant, all the people want to see is for you to stuff yourself with just one type of steak and potatoes.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Has anyone noticed that Taylor Swift's love is looking more like a Village People band backup member? I wonder if he is slowly revealing his latent tendencies? Perhaps this'll be the reason for their contractually scheduled breakup? As crazy as the world is today, one never knows, does one?



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