Air Conditioner Company


Well-Known Member
yup i got your karma.... and i checked and my a$$ is just fine in size...

i said your lame because you have nothing better to do than post "lame" quotes. :offtopic:

get a life :dork:


PIP ~ My Baby Boy!
My brother works for Hancock Refrigeration, and installed heat pumps in both houses I lived in. He's been doing HVAC for over 10 years now. We have had no complaints about the AC, but in the dead of winter it doesn't always get as warm as I'd like. This past winter was pretty mild so we were fine.


Loving Life :)
My boyfriend works for S&N Heating an Air. They do work on the sides too. I can give you the name of a guy to call about it. Bobby, and the number is 240-538-5642. They do really good work and dont charge a lot.~!


New Member
We just used Southern Maryland A/C I think it was called. We have a heat pump, it was $420 but had some complicated repairs to inside unit and the outside fan thingy.

But before you do that, since it is not cooling the house below 75 you may want to just make sure that you do not have one of those programable thermostats. Maybe the people who had the house before you programmed the thermostat to make it so that the temp did not go below 75. I would definately check that before you call someone out.

I have never heard of a a/c unit or heat pump unit being set by the a/c people to where it cant be changed. I'm seriously thinking its the thermostat.


J.F. A sus ordenes!

Did you have this new home inspected before you purchased it? A good inspector would have checked it for operation. He may or may not have caught the problem depending on time of the year and this freaks show weather but then again he may have caught it saving you an azz load of money. I have oil heat with an air conditioning unit that functions as just that and my last quote for replacement almost killed me.

Good luck
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