Bavarian said:08-09 MD NAS Patuxent River Air Expo 2007
Naval Air Station Patuxent River, MD CANCELLED
beerlover said:Air Shows were formerly centrally-funded as a recruitment expense. That changed a few years ago and now the base that is hosting the air show has to fund the majority of it. Tight budgets don't really leave enough surplus to fund one.
Bavarian said:Should not there have been an Air Expo this year? Last one was in 2005. The formally annual Air Expo was reduced to bi-annual a few years back. Also, before more Navy planes flew by, now only stunt pilots and the Blue Angels.
Have not seen any ads for it.
Interesting subject to me, pardon thebeerlover said:Air Shows were formerly centrally-funded as a recruitment expense. That changed a few years ago and now the base that is hosting the air show has to fund the majority of it. Tight budgets don't really leave enough surplus to fund one.
If this is true, that puts more angles to it. Again, don't know. I do know the feature air show acts have countless more restrictions, and likely grew more of them over the years resulting from from air show incidents (them and others). But some of the restrictions (IMO) appear ridiculous from the outside. One year, the featured act (will not say which one) refused to fly if the visual reference busses were not painted white on the top. Now they claim a refusal to vacate a building prevents a show? And the tower too high? Puh-lease. It's called day visual flight rules, see-and-avoid. Figure out a way, but just do the show.slomo said:From what i understand, the Blue Angles have refused to fly at PAX anymore. Two reasons: (1) the new air traffic control tower is too high (2) the new hangar that was built for the Presidential Helicopter test program is right next to the runway and in the Blue Angles' "Acrobatic Box". They said they'd fly here, but the presidential program refuses to vacate the building. So we shouldn't be expecting them anytime soon.
Air shows are excellent recruiting events and fund raisers. At the DoD show just up the river a ways from Pax, the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds alternate each year as the feature act. There is only one year I recall when they were both there at the same time in the late 90s. I don't think they fancy that dual-feature act air show gig very much. Too much competition maybe? Who knows? But they never did it since or before (to my knowledge).Bavarian said:The Air Expo used to be a fundraising activity for Navy Relief. Always had to buy chances. Plus it was a good way for the public to get to know what was going on. When every year, Blue Angels were not at every show. US Air Force team flew at least once, along with Canadien Snowbirds. One year the headline a ct was sfrom Holiday Inn. ADM Calvert put a stop to Navy planes flying when he was the Admiral of NATC.
USAF Thunderbord flew the show in '88.Bavarian said:The Air Expo used to be a fundraising activity for Navy Relief. Always had to buy chances.
Plus it was a good way for the public to get to know what was going on.
When every year, Blue Angels were not at every show. US Air Force team flew at least once, along with Canadien Snowbirds. One year the headline a ct was sfrom Holiday Inn. ADM Calvert put a stop to Navy planes flying when he was the Admiral of NATC.
You're trying to give forestool & slappy a run for the most retarded poster aren't you?slomo said:From what i understand, the Blue Angles have refused to fly at PAX anymore. Two reasons: (1) the new air traffic control tower is too high (2) the new hangar that was built for the Presidential Helicopter test program is right next to the runway and in the Blue Angles' "Acrobatic Box". They said they'd fly here, but the presidential program refuses to vacate the building. So we shouldn't be expecting them anytime soon.
Apparently public works told the building decision team that this was a bad site, but they didn't listen. Idiots!
Yep, I noticed a lot of misinformation, from ADM Calvert of NATC to who funds the air show. Pax River was realigned into the Washington Naval District a few years ago - a lot of things changed here, the most visible changes have been MWR (who operates the food service). NDW has cut the MWR budget so I'm not suprised that the airshow is off the budget picture as well.bresamil said:The reason there is no Air Expo is money. Period. Plain and simple. Got that directly from CO of the base. Earlier poster mentioned the host base now absorbs most of the expense, and Pax just can't justify it, so they passed on hosting.
BernieP said:Yep, I noticed a lot of misinformation, from ADM Calvert of NATC to who funds the air show. Pax River was realigned into the Washington Naval District a few years ago - a lot of things changed here, the most visible changes have been MWR (who operates the food service). NDW has cut the MWR budget so I'm not suprised that the airshow is off the budget picture as well.
But I think the only reason there is no airshow is the money, it's just not a priority for NDW to hold an airshow at Patuxant River. The admiral at the Washington Navy Yard has little interest in the So.MD community outside of the cost of running his base there.
Talk about being full of misinformation...BernieP said:Yep, I noticed a lot of misinformation, from ADM Calvert of NATC to who funds the air show. Pax River was realigned into the Washington Naval District a few years ago - a lot of things changed here, the most visible changes have been MWR (who operates the food service). NDW has cut the MWR budget so I'm not suprised that the airshow is off the budget picture as well.
As for ADM Calvert.... well NATC and the other labs were commanded by Captains, not Admirals. After the consolidation from BRAC, NAWC was put under the command of an admiral.
The tower is what it is, it is no different then any other airfield.
As for the new VH hanger. There are a lot of buildings close by. The only places I remember being "cleared" were the roads. Certain sections of road were closed - that section leading to the hanger being one of them.
But I think the only reason there is no airshow is the money, it's just not a priority for NDW to hold an airshow at Patuxant River. The admiral at the Washington Navy Yard has little interest in the So.MD community outside of the cost of running his base there.
I don't know what building you're in but the south engineering campus was not closed (2187, 2109 etc) and the planes flew right overhead. All I recall being closed were certain sections of road.itsbob said:Talk about being full of misinformation...
Our building was cleared EVERy airshow.. Security would come by about 1/2 hour before the Angels show and ensure everyone was out of the building. That was shortly after getting my haircut by the F-86..
I THOUGHT the only portion of the base that fell under NDW was the Solomons Rec Center.. that happened about 3 years ago, and has since been returned to Pax River MWR.. but I may be wrong.
Aren't location of different things on the base supposed to be kept to those with a need to know? I mean, to give that information on a sight like this seems to me to be a little irresponsible.itsbob said:They flew over a LOT of buildings that are off base too..those buildings and the Engineering buildings aren't "in the box",
I'd bet the Presidential Helo is, as it's just through the woods from bldg 2110, which is in the box
I can delete my post, I can't delete your "quote"tom88 said:Aren't location of different things on the base supposed to be kept to those with a need to know? I mean, to give that information on a sight like this seems to me to be a little irresponsible.
Mikeinsmd said:You're trying to give forestool & slappy a run for the most retarded poster aren't you?![]()
People in a building have NOTHING to do with an aerial show. Nor does the height of the tower.![]()
you can check and see, but i never agree with mike. However, you are obviously a tard. I work in a building that is on the opppsite side of the airfield and the blue angles have used our building as the target for their show many times. Our building is taller than the Preshelo hanger, so thats obviously not an issue. they fly around buildings all the time, and i am sure this isn't the first airfield to get a new tower.slomo said:Mike, I just say what I heard. My friend works in base PW and deals with the Blues directly. I've seen the signed photo on her wall from the Blues. I tend to believe her when she said that the Blues won't fly here because of those 2 reasons. She also is the same one who gave the presidential PMA a list of potential test sites to build on, she said they picked the worse one and knew the ramifications all the while. OBW- I WORK IN THE BUILDING!!!! I know what the heck Im talking about.![]()
Now leave me the ^&%$ alone