Air powered V-8 built from Legos


off the shelf
I just IM'd it to my oldest....I think I heard him putting his legos together and making that Tim "the toolman" Taylor grunting noise(he's in Korea, btw) :lmao:


Darwin was right
I wonder how many thousands of those little CO2 bottles it would take to drive a Mustang with that engine all the way to California?


I wonder how many thousands of those little CO2 bottles it would take to drive a Mustang with that engine all the way to California?

I say we just make the entire car out of Leggos and everyone drives one, then if we crash, we just pick up our own pieces, put our cars back together and move on. :lmao:

I know, silly, but that was the first thing I thought when I saw that video, it's so cool though.