Airline security


Why are people so freaking stupid?

A U.S. Airways jet was diverted to Oklahoma City after a federal air marshal subdued a disruptive passenger who had pushed a flight attendant, the FBI said.
According to the radio, this one was a woman using fingernail polish. Since liquids are forbidden she was told to stop and surrender it. She refused and pitched a biatch and got into a tussle with the flight attendant. I think it justified if the air marshal tazered the wench and kept hitting the button every few seconds until the plane arrived at its destination.

A college student's checked luggage on a Continental Airlines flight from Argentina contained traces of dynamite, authorities said, in one of six security incidents Friday that caused U.S. flights to be diverted, evacuated or searched. Federal authorities were investigating why the student, who got off the Continental plane in Houston before it continued to Newark, N.J., had the explosive residue, FBI spokeswoman Shauna Dunlap said.
This Einstein had a souvenir stick of TNT in checked baggage from a mine trip he took. He should be tied up to a luggage carousel and each passenger given a cat-o-nine tails and allowed a swack or 2 as he rotated around.

A utility knife was found on a vacant passenger seat of a U.S. Airways flight traveling from Philadelphia to Bradley International Airport in Connecticut, state police said.
How does a utility knife get on an airliner?


b*tch rocket
Last time I was at the airport, there was some bia trying to carry on two bags, each the size of an aircraft carrier. Her head was spinning off when they told her she had to check them. I'd have had her jacked up against the wall and carted out in cuffs.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This is real simple...

...what we do with airline security is exactly what we do with 'gun control; ensure, as much as is possible, that the ONLY people who will be armed, in any way, are the...bad guys.

Unless, of course, the bad guys follow the rules.

People are going to, absolutely, going to do stupid stuff. Thoughtlessness, forgetful, just plain dumb, running a test to see what they can get away with. Dry run for terror plot. You name it. To take people and put them, force them into a vulnerable position and treat them like cattle results in increased stress on people that only makes it worse.

Maybe we should attack what it threatening us instead of declaring the mass of normal citizens as suspects.


How is it people get off throwing ass so easily now days? Just like that, carrying on 2 huge carry on's that clearly wont fit. Instead of just giving it up and checking them she kirks out and acts a total ass. A-holes like that should be worked over with a club and shoved out onto the street.


b*tch rocket
Larry Gude said:
...what we do with airline security is exactly what we do with 'gun control; ensure, as much as is possible, that the ONLY people who will be armed, in any way, are the...bad guys.

Unless, of course, the bad guys follow the rules.

People are going to, absolutely, going to do stupid stuff. Thoughtlessness, forgetful, just plain dumb, running a test to see what they can get away with. Dry run for terror plot. You name it. To take people and put them, force them into a vulnerable position and treat them like cattle results in increased stress on people that only makes it worse.

Maybe we should attack what it threatening us instead of declaring the mass of normal citizens as suspects.

Ain't that the truth. :yay:

However, it's not the fault of the workers there, so I try and make it as pain free as possible when I fly anywhere. I check pretty much everything now and breeze right on through.


b*tch rocket
Pete said:
How is it people get off throwing ass so easily now days? Just like that, carrying on 2 huge carry on's that clearly wont fit. Instead of just giving it up and checking them she kirks out and acts a total ass. A-holes like that should be worked over with a club and shoved out onto the street.

She was a First Class passenger, that's why. :drama: She was still showing her ass when she boarded the plane, AND the stewardess was apologizing. :faint: I'd have given her the tazer, and said "RESPECT MY AUTHORITAY!!!". :smack:

Sorry. :blushing: Having a Cartman moment. :jet:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And then what?

Pete said:
How is it people get off throwing ass so easily now days? Just like that, carrying on 2 huge carry on's that clearly wont fit. Instead of just giving it up and checking them she kirks out and acts a total ass. A-holes like that should be worked over with a club and shoved out onto the street.[/QUOTE]

...then we can't even drop anyone off because of the pile of bodies out front?

Every thing we do makes air travel MORE stressful, not less. There's a GD reality TV show about people at the airport, missing flights, dealing with delays and the people they look to for help, the only visible people they see, treat them like they're looking to be waited on hand and foot. All they want is some communication and some direction.

We went through the international gate at BWI years ago, pre 9/11, waiting for our flight, and Vrail walked to the desk, asked the lady there if she could use the bathroom, which was 5 feet away on the OTHER side of the DMZ. She'd left her purse with me and 1 minute later comes out and the very same lady wants ID. I have no idea what would have happened had they not let her use her cell and call me, 50 feet away, around the corner, to bring her purse.

It's maddeningly stupid.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
I have no idea what would have happened had they not let her use her cell and call me, 50 feet away, around the corner, to bring her purse.
I didn't have a cell - a flight attendant happened to be passing through and she took pity on me and went and got you. :frown:

I was ready to kill this bia because she had this attitude like....A FRIGGIN' $1.99 SECURITY OFFICIAL WHO THINKS SHE'S SOMEONE BECAUSE SHE NO LONGER HAS TO CLEAN THE DAMN TOILETS!!!!



But look at what you're NOT hearing about... armed pilots! Remember when the debate was on about how allowing pilots to carry guns was going to result in planes falling from the sky, in accidental shootings, in dogs marrying cats... and on and on? It was going to be the end of the World!!! And what's happened? Nothing, nada, zip. No John Waynes, no Ok Corrals at 30,000 feet, nothing. At least, nothing bad. On the good side we're blessed by the fact that the only weapon that trumps a gun is a gun, and while you might be able to sneak a box cutter or a sharpened pair of tweezers on a plane, getting a gun on is a tall order.


Dancing Up A Storm
I don't know who's more of a threat to airline security - the terrorists, or idiots like the guy from Pa, who thought it was safe to bring a stick of dynamite on board an airliner?

What kind of world do these people live in, somebody please explain to me? :twitch:


New Member
I’m reading this thread thinking of a recent South Park episode I just saw where Cartman is running around saying…

I’ll do what I want… I’ll do what I want…

The rules are simples, and they are clearly outlined on the websites and explained whenever airline reservations are made. It is much easier to get along in life when you follow the rules. It makes it easier for EVERYONE involved.

When will people just digest that simple concept? :peace:


People have always been stupid on airplanes. Back in 99 I was flying to a job interview, they were literally picking me up from the airport for the interview so I had my suit on. Some dumbass had a bottle of Scotch in their carrryon that was overhead. It got broken some how and I ended up with scotch all over me going to a job interview.


New Member
czygvtwkr said:
People have always been stupid on airplanes. Back in 99 I was flying to a job interview, they were literally picking me up from the airport for the interview so I had my suit on. Some dumbass had a bottle of Scotch in their carrryon that was overhead. It got broken some how and I ended up with scotch all over me going to a job interview.

Sure.... you expect us to believe that? :whistle:

j/k but one question, did you get the job? You kind of left us all hanging there. :tap:


New Member
About a year or so ago me and my kids were flying down to New Orleans and my husband was able to go through security with us. He forgot he had his pocket knife(they were being taken) so he put it into his cell phone case and was able to get it through security. Its a darn good thing security didnt find it though because they had found a pair of training nunchucks(sp?) my then 8year old son had put into his carryon. So I got into trouble for that. I'm not complaining though they were just doing their job but the person behind us was pissed because he was about to miss his flight.


Dancing Up A Storm
I was talking to some guys at work, concerning the guy who smuggled on a stick of dynamite on board the airliner from Argentina to Houston.

First off, they don't even make dynamite anymore, do they?

Second, if it was infact, an old sample of the stuff, chances are it was becoming unstable, the aging process of the nitro glycerin causing that to happen.

Third, it was up there probably around 30,000 ft or so, air pressure surely not helping with the chemical instability, so................

Fourth, there are probably many electrical signals and charges being bandied about on board an airliner - with all the electronics aboard; so, I'm thinking it's damn lucky that airplane made it to Houston without incident.



Pandora said:
Sure.... you expect us to believe that? :whistle:

j/k but one question, did you get the job? You kind of left us all hanging there. :tap:

Yes, but I took a different one.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Love the easy ones...

Pandora said:
I’m reading this thread thinking of a recent South Park episode I just saw where Cartman is running around saying…

I’ll do what I want… I’ll do what I want…

The rules are simples, and they are clearly outlined on the websites and explained whenever airline reservations are made. It is much easier to get along in life when you follow the rules. It makes it easier for EVERYONE involved.

When will people just digest that simple concept? :peace:


People will ALWAYS do something stupid, you, me, accident, forget, whatever.

The goal is compliance by the vast hoarde uninterested in killing themselves or anyone else instead of focusing on the bad people. So, we suffer. The bad guys just laugh because they're still gonna find a way wether we, the people, follow the rules PERFECTLY or not.

The VERY first common sense rule would be to allow people to carry at least a pocket knife in the event that a weapon might come in handy to over come what they do sneak on.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
And good girls like me almost get in trouble with the FEDS for something so trivial like smoking in the airplane bathroom! :rolleyes:


Larry Gude said:

The VERY first common sense rule would be to allow people to carry at least a pocket knife in the event that a weapon might come in handy to over come what they do sneak on.

Just like Archie Bunker said "Give everyone a gun when they get on the plane that way everyone is equal"

Personally I say baseball bats, its alot harder to depressurize the cabin with one of those.


New Member
czygvtwkr said:
Just like Archie Bunker said "Give everyone a gun when they get on the plane that way everyone is equal" Personally I say baseball bats, its alot harder to depressurize the cabin with one of those.
:lmao: :yay: