Al and Jesse

Do you think Al and Jesse are helping or hurting?

  • The DO help black people and are wonderful good people.

    Votes: 5 5.9%
  • They are nothing but trouble. They are in it for the money and cause more racial tension

    Votes: 80 94.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
He didn't even get through a whole paragraph before he used the dreaded conversation killer: black community. That phrase always makes me roll my eyes and go, whatever.

What exactly is that? And is there a "white community" that encompasses all whites? Like some sort of racial fraternity, whether we like it or not? Whether or not we have anything in common with these people, besides skin color?

Rhetorical questions, because I already know how you're going to answer. :razz: :lol:

Cute. :smoochy:


Methodically disorganized
I do know Dork gets whiter with every post.
I'm rather "white" myself. And I like it that way. What's wrong with that? :confused:

Think of it this way - if there was peace and harmony between the races, Sharpton and Jackson would both be out of a job. Do you think they're going to allow that to happen? They do nothing but incite conflict and stir up controversy, and whip people into a frenzy about the cause célèbre du jour.
That point is critical. Generally speaking, I have no problem with them being "famous"; this is expected after so much publicity. I also have no problem with them being "rich" through their causes; if they are genuine advocates and doing good work, they deserve to be rewarded and acclaimed.

They seem to be doing their deeds so that they can receive fame and money. And, as Tox said, they are faced with a dilemma of self-defeat: if they actually achieved what they claim to seek, they would be unemployed. But they also face danger from the other side, because, after so much time of following them, if the situation has not improved, people must consider why they should continue supporting someone that is getting them nowhere.

They have apparently found a comfortable middle-ground, where they can win just often enough to justify support, but not so often that they KO themselves (and any defeat just gets blamed on the man anyway).

So I think people must ask, towards the end of gauging Sharpton's and Jackson's effectiveness, how much have things changed since they began their efforts? And how much can be directly attributed to them?


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member

I'm reading a book now entitled "Is Bill Cosby Right (or has the Black Middle Class Lost Its Mind)" by Michael Eric Dyson. So far, Mr. Dyson has made a pretty good argument against his "correctness." I think that's usually the case when folks make absolute statements about a complex issue. I'll keep reading. Check it out if you get a chance. :yay:

Is Bill Cosby Right?: Or Has the ... - Google Book Search
The critique alone on the cover jacket, by Ellis Cose/Newsweek is more than enough to make me pass on the book altogether.

Perhaps it's the "dissect and demolish" tactic described. Societal philosophy should be taken in, integrated and learned from, IMHO. This sounds as though it may provide thought for more of a racial divide, if popularity arises and folks actually read it. (an extreme)

But, I'll only know when you provide synopsis! :dance:


Adding Diversity to SOMD

I'm reading a book now entitled "Is Bill Cosby Right (or has the Black Middle Class Lost Its Mind)" by Michael Eric Dyson. So far, Mr. Dyson has made a pretty good argument against his "correctness." I think that's usually the case when folks make absolute statements about a complex issue. I'll keep reading. Check it out if you get a chance. :yay:

Is Bill Cosby Right?: Or Has the ... - Google Book Search

I love Dr. Dyson, and I agree w/ allot of the things that Bill Cosby says, however I do think the black community need people like Rev Jackson and Rev Sharpton...

We all know that racism isn't going anywhere.. it was here before anyone on this board, and it will be around well after we are all gone... As long as Racism exist, we (America).... are going to to need people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton..thats all I'm saying...


Adding Diversity to SOMD
Al and Jesse perpetuate all the things that African Americans are trying to get away from and ultimately harm their future of being treated as equals....

Until programs such as affirmitive action are gone and Television Channels like BET are cancelled there will always be a great divide between the races. I believe African Americans are just as intelligent as Caucasions as I'm sure most Americans do... It's time we have a level playing field for all Americans and we ditch the old "that companies racist because they don't have enough minorities working there" attitude. This is the attitude perpetuated by organizations like the Rainbow Coalition. The most qualified individual will get the job in today's society as long as the person applying is the most qualified plain and simple.

Come on dude be for real....look around...over 90% of all major business are ran by who?????? Old White Guys.

Not Blacks, Not Hispanics, Not Asians, Not Women.......

Why is that???

Are white guys smarter then white women??? Are they smarted then every other race??? Tell me why is it that old why dude run America??? Do you think white guys work harder then everyone else, or is it that they have an advantage….

Hell, look at sports; it wasn't that long ago that a start black QB would be Drafted as a QB and why was that??? Remember, black could play every other position, but they didn't want blacks under the center....Why did Warren Moon go the CFL???


Highlander's MPD
Come on dude be for real....look around...over 90% of all major business are ran by who?????? Old White Guys.

Not Blacks, Not Hispanics, Not Asians, Not Women.......

Why is that???

Are white guys smarter then white women??? Are they smarted then every other race??? Tell me why is it that old why dude run America??? Do you think white guys work harder then everyone else, or is it that they have an advantage….

Hell, look at sports; it wasn't that long ago that a start black QB would be Drafted as a QB and why was that??? Remember, black could play every other position, but they didn't want blacks under the center....Why did Warren Moon go the CFL???

You don't seem to have a true grasp on reality. Al and Jesse are part of the problem with racism and there are plenty of blacks, asians, hispanics, etc who own businesses and are presented with great opportunities. If you can't see that, than you need to get out more often.


Adding Diversity to SOMD
You don't seem to have a true grasp on reality. Al and Jesse are part of the problem with racism and there are plenty of blacks, asians, hispanics, etc who own businesses and are presented with great opportunities. If you can't see that, than you need to get out more often.

I'm afraid to tell you that I do have a grasp on reality. Sure there are a lot of minorities how own business and are very successful, but that doesn't take from that fact that Rasicm is a live and well in America... And if people don't talk and dialogue about it, it will never get better....

Are minorities better off then we were in the 1960??? Yes, but do we have a long way to go as far as race relations in America.....definitely!!

Hey we can always agree to disagree.....


It's a Jeep thang!
I'm afraid to tell you that I do have a grasp on reality. Sure there are a lot of minorities how own business and are very successful, but that doesn't take from that fact that Rasicm is a live and well in America... And if people don't talk and dialogue about it, it will never get better....

Are minorities better off then we were in the 1960??? Yes, but do we have a long way to go as far as race relations in America.....definitely!!

Hey we can always agree to disagree.....

I am tired:

I am tired of the black community screaming for the injustices in the world.
I am tired for professional sports being politically correct by having to "interview" minority coaches, when they know they will not be hired.
I am tired of these so called, racial attacks that end of being self-inflicted by a black.
I am tired of blacks crying foul for blacks but yet will not defend another race when an injustice is done.
I am tired of white comedians getting slammed for being insensitive but yet black comedians can say anything.
I am tired of the doublestandards. If it is not okay for a white person to say it, it is not okay for a black person to say it.
I am tired of Jesse and Al using the media to manipulate society with racial issues.
I am tired of blacks attacking successful blacks by calling them Uncle Toms.
I am tired of being denied a job opportunity becuase I check "caucasian" on the federal form.
I am tired of hearing the cities are no place to raise a family and that is why blacks have it so bad. Yet, the number one race of single mothers is black. Where is the father or why is he not at home raising the family and setting the example.
I am tired of the term African-American. Be proud of your heritage, your culture, BUT YOU ARE AN AMERICAN. If Africa means that much to you, then move there. (for the record, I do not like irish-american, italian-american, etc. Be an American!)

Bottom line, yes there are racial issues today. Nowhere near as bad as 45 years ago. We have a lot of work to do. BUT, quit whining and take the lead and do something. It is not my fault, so don't blame me and don't effect my life because you are black.

By the way, I do not recall Jesse or Al condeming the District Attorney in Carolina when those boys were found to be innocent. IF they really wanted to heal the racial divide, they would have been there and set the example for all America. I might be wrong, but I just did not see it. Those boys lifes were turned upside down and for what? An over-zealous DA that ignore the truth.

I am not a racist, but enough is enough. I have black people into my home, share laughs, drinks and food. If you treat with respect, you get respect.
I am tired:

I am tired of the black community screaming for the injustices in the world.
I am tired for professional sports being politically correct by having to "interview" minority coaches, when they know they will not be hired.
I am tired of these so called, racial attacks that end of being self-inflicted by a black.
I am tired of blacks crying foul for blacks but yet will not defend another race when an injustice is done.
I am tired of white comedians getting slammed for being insensitive but yet black comedians can say anything.
I am tired of the doublestandards. If it is not okay for a white person to say it, it is not okay for a black person to say it.
I am tired of Jesse and Al using the media to manipulate society with racial issues.
I am tired of blacks attacking successful blacks by calling them Uncle Toms.
I am tired of being denied a job opportunity becuase I check "caucasian" on the federal form.
I am tired of hearing the cities are no place to raise a family and that is why blacks have it so bad. Yet, the number one race of single mothers is black. Where is the father or why is he not at home raising the family and setting the example.
I am tired of the term African-American. Be proud of your heritage, your culture, BUT YOU ARE AN AMERICAN. If Africa means that much to you, then move there. (for the record, I do not like irish-american, italian-american, etc. Be an American!)

Bottom line, yes there are racial issues today. Nowhere near as bad as 45 years ago. We have a lot of work to do. BUT, quit whining and take the lead and do something. It is not my fault, so don't blame me and don't effect my life because you are black.

By the way, I do not recall Jesse or Al condeming the District Attorney in Carolina when those boys were found to be innocent. IF they really wanted to heal the racial divide, they would have been there and set the example for all America. I might be wrong, but I just did not see it. Those boys lifes were turned upside down and for what? An over-zealous DA that ignore the truth.

I am not a racist, but enough is enough. I have black people into my home, share laughs, drinks and food. If you treat with respect, you get respect.


I strongly agree with the African-American, Italian-American, Irish-American... I mean for Christ's Sakes, you have relatives where? You where born where??

I am all for heritage and culture, but put down the signs and join the rest of the country...


Highlander's MPD
I am tired:

I am tired of the black community screaming for the injustices in the world.
I am tired for professional sports being politically correct by having to "interview" minority coaches, when they know they will not be hired.
I am tired of these so called, racial attacks that end of being self-inflicted by a black.
I am tired of blacks crying foul for blacks but yet will not defend another race when an injustice is done.
I am tired of white comedians getting slammed for being insensitive but yet black comedians can say anything.
I am tired of the doublestandards. If it is not okay for a white person to say it, it is not okay for a black person to say it.
I am tired of Jesse and Al using the media to manipulate society with racial issues.
I am tired of blacks attacking successful blacks by calling them Uncle Toms.
I am tired of being denied a job opportunity becuase I check "caucasian" on the federal form.
I am tired of hearing the cities are no place to raise a family and that is why blacks have it so bad. Yet, the number one race of single mothers is black. Where is the father or why is he not at home raising the family and setting the example.
I am tired of the term African-American. Be proud of your heritage, your culture, BUT YOU ARE AN AMERICAN. If Africa means that much to you, then move there. (for the record, I do not like irish-american, italian-american, etc. Be an American!)

Bottom line, yes there are racial issues today. Nowhere near as bad as 45 years ago. We have a lot of work to do. BUT, quit whining and take the lead and do something. It is not my fault, so don't blame me and don't effect my life because you are black.

By the way, I do not recall Jesse or Al condeming the District Attorney in Carolina when those boys were found to be innocent. IF they really wanted to heal the racial divide, they would have been there and set the example for all America. I might be wrong, but I just did not see it. Those boys lifes were turned upside down and for what? An over-zealous DA that ignore the truth.

I am not a racist, but enough is enough. I have black people into my home, share laughs, drinks and food. If you treat with respect, you get respect.

Now you sir, have a true grasp on reality. I couldn't have said it better myself.


New Member
I am tired:

I am tired of the black community screaming for the injustices in the world.
I am tired for professional sports being politically correct by having to "interview" minority coaches, when they know they will not be hired.
I am tired of these so called, racial attacks that end of being self-inflicted by a black.
I am tired of blacks crying foul for blacks but yet will not defend another race when an injustice is done.
I am tired of white comedians getting slammed for being insensitive but yet black comedians can say anything.
I am tired of the doublestandards. If it is not okay for a white person to say it, it is not okay for a black person to say it.
I am tired of Jesse and Al using the media to manipulate society with racial issues.
I am tired of blacks attacking successful blacks by calling them Uncle Toms.
I am tired of being denied a job opportunity becuase I check "caucasian" on the federal form.
I am tired of hearing the cities are no place to raise a family and that is why blacks have it so bad. Yet, the number one race of single mothers is black. Where is the father or why is he not at home raising the family and setting the example.
I am tired of the term African-American. Be proud of your heritage, your culture, BUT YOU ARE AN AMERICAN. If Africa means that much to you, then move there. (for the record, I do not like irish-american, italian-american, etc. Be an American!)

Bottom line, yes there are racial issues today. Nowhere near as bad as 45 years ago. We have a lot of work to do. BUT, quit whining and take the lead and do something. It is not my fault, so don't blame me and don't effect my life because you are black.

By the way, I do not recall Jesse or Al condeming the District Attorney in Carolina when those boys were found to be innocent. IF they really wanted to heal the racial divide, they would have been there and set the example for all America. I might be wrong, but I just did not see it. Those boys lifes were turned upside down and for what? An over-zealous DA that ignore the truth.

I am not a racist, but enough is enough. I have black people into my home, share laughs, drinks and food. If you treat with respect, you get respect.

Well said and I agree 100%. If the black community wants a job as a proffessional then go out and earn it. Graduate from High School, advance to College and then go after your dreams just like everyone else does. The only thing stopping you is yourself! Lose the baggy clothes and the dreadlocks, speak proper English and potential employers will take you more seriously.

By the way, African Americans automatically qualify for grants white people don't qualify for... It's alot easier for a poor African American to get an education than a white person in a simliar situation.

I'm African American and I can't stand what people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are doing to my race. I'm tired of people assuming I had hand outs to get where I am in life because of programs such as affirmitive action. It's time to eliminate these outdated programs which do nothing more than create lines between human beings based on their skin color. Perhaps the real reason many minorities appreciate these programs is because they lack the motivation to go after what they want and are just looking for a handout instead.
Last edited:


I bowl overhand
I think that actually server a good purpose. If Blacks didn't have them, who would speak out on the behalf of the Black people???

Bill Cosby!!

Although I think he said something like.. take responsibility for your actions.. BE a parent to your kids.. Yanno..

He didn't blame all the problems on someone else, so probably not what anyone wanted to hear.


Adding Diversity to SOMD
I am tired:

I am tired of the black community screaming for the injustices in the world. Why, are u tired of people screaming about injustices??
I am tired for professional sports being politically correct by having to "interview" minority coaches, when they know they will not be hired.
I agree, with you.. don't make someone interview a minority.. It's their team and their money; they can hire whoever they want to.. but at the same time, don't tell me that racism isn't a issue in American.. Why are their so few minority head football coaches or team presidents... compaired to the percentage of atheletes
I am tired of these so called, racial attacks that end of being self-inflicted by a black. Me too, I'm tired of the once that are self-inflicted ...and I'm tired of the ones that are not..... Any racial problem in America is a problem.. if they racial crime is committed by a black,white,asian, doesn't matter to ME (it might to you)..
I am tired of blacks crying foul for blacks but yet will not defend another race when an injustice is done. Oh I do, believe me I do. Do you?? Do you cry foul when injustices happen to black people??
I am tired of white comedians getting slammed for being insensitive but yet black comedians can say anything. I'm all for freedom of speech, but you have to know their are consequences for your actions... When Michael Richards used the "N" word, he wasn't doing it to be funny; he was using it as a derogatory term... I'm sure ur smart enough to see the difference.
I am tired of the doublestandards. If it is not okay for a white person to say it, it is not okay for a black person to say it. Like I said above, anyone can say anything they want to..(see the first amendment) but you have to know the consequences of your actions.....
I am tired of Jesse and Al using the media to manipulate society with racial issues. Are you saying there aren't racial issues in American?? or are you saying that if people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton didn't talk about them, they would just go away??
I am tired of blacks attacking successful blacks by calling them Uncle Toms. I don't know where u got that from??? That must be that media manipulation you talked about...
I am tired of being denied a job opportunity becuase I check "caucasian" on the federal form. I'm sure that happends to you allot, and if it does.. they thats messed up...
I am tired of hearing the cities are no place to raise a family and that is why blacks have it so bad. Yet, the number one race of single mothers is black. Where is the father or why is he not at home raising the family and setting the example. YOU are 100% right!!
I am tired of the term African-American. Be proud of your heritage, your culture, BUT YOU ARE AN AMERICAN. If Africa means that much to you, then move there. (for the record, I do not like irish-american, italian-american, etc. Be an American!) Ur right, I wish we could all consider ourselves Americans..
Bottom line, yes there are racial issues today. Nowhere near as bad as 45 years ago. We have a lot of work to do. BUT, quit whining and take the lead and do something. It is not my fault, so don't blame me and don't effect my life because you are black.

I'm not blaming anyone of for all the problems in the black community. I'm not whining and I'm not sayiing it YOUR fault. And for the record, it is better then it was 45 years ago; but that doesn’t mean that it is all good. Believe me we (black people) have a lot of cleaning up to do. But that still doesn't take away from the fact that Racism still exist in this country

By the way, I do not recall Jesse or Al condeming the District Attorney in Carolina when those boys were found to be innocent. IF they really wanted to heal the racial divide, they would have been there and set the example for all America. I might be wrong, but I just did not see it. Those boys lifes were turned upside down and for what? An over-zealous DA that ignore the truth.

In 1984, Jackson successfully secured the release of a Navy pilot held in Syria. In 1991, he helped secure the release of 500 "international guests" held in Iraq and in 1999, he worked to convince Yugoslavia to release three U.S. soldiers held there during the Kosovo conflict. And I’m sure all of them weren’t black people.. but you guys just remember all the racial stuff he does….but its cool….

I am not a racist, but enough is enough. I have black people into my home, share laughs, drinks and food. If you treat with respect, you get respect.

Well that's just great... that you allow black people in your house... and I don't think I disrespected anyone on here... I don't think I ever called You a racist, or did I ever make that inference... but if you don't think there is a huge racial problem in American; you might want to check yourself... And All I'm saying is with or without Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson the racial problem isn't going away anytime soon.....