Al Gore = Tard


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Former Vice President Al Gore told college students Tuesday night that the Bush administration is ``using fear as a political tool'' unworthy of the presidency.
The hypocrisy is stunning. Apparently Mr. Gore has forgotten the nasty ads run by the Democrats. He's apparently also forgotten the ad showing Bush pushing an old lady in a wheelchair down a flight of stairs.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Here's a transcript of the ad that's got all their panties in a twist:

PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: "It would take one vial, one canister, one crate slipped into this country to bring a day of horror like none we have ever known."

CHYRON: Strong and Principled Leadership

PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: "Our war against terror is a contest of will in which perseverance is power."

CHYRON: Some are now attacking the President for attacking the terrorists.

PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: "Some have said we must not act until the threat is imminent. Since when have terrorists and tyrants announced their intentions, politely putting us on notice before they strike?"

CHYRON: Some call for us to retreat, putting our national security in the hands of others.

CHYRON: Call Congress Now

CHYRON: Tell them to support the President's policy of preemptive self-defense.

REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN ED GILLESPIE: "The Republican National Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising."

CHYRON: Ed Gillespie

CHYRON: Chairman, RNC

CHYRON: The Republican National Committee paid for and is responsible for the content of this advertising. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

I'm not impressed with the level of "attack" here. :duh:
Don't you know, when a Republican tells the simple truth, while sticking to the facts, it is an attack? While, when a Democrap creates BS out of whole cloth, with the intent of inciting fear, it is called "informing the American people of the truth about Republicans." Anybody remember when the Republicans were going to starve school kids, and make the elderly poor (like Daschle's Mom) have to choose between eating and getting their meds?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...Don't you remember when drugs for Al's dog were cheaper than for his grandma? Think that's just a coincidence?


...OK, uh, so, turns out it wasn't true...but what if it WAS???


Not dead yet.
I like hearing from the Dumbacrats that the tax cuts are for the rich while I have gotten a VERY nice tax cut and am just about bumping middle class.

Have you noticed that most of the nine Democrat party political candidates have said up front that they will raise taxes? How do they think that will help the economy? I guess they slept through the 80s and 90s.