Al Qaeda - Iraqi link?


endangered species
The PIPA survey is a side issue.

I was just responding to someone ELSE who said they had seen something on Faux News but not the other networks. I have no idea if that PIPA study has any credibility, and I take those surveys with a large dose of salt also. None of us should depend on any single news source.

The way I read it, the document in question was merely a LIST of documents, not even the documents themselves. Somehow, the reporters got the idea that all of this "connection" stuff was in there. I wonder how that could happen? This is classified stuff, isn't it? Now who's leaking classified information?


Chairman of the Board
Actually the thing that really makes me doubt the accuracy of this poll is, as much as a quarter to a third of all people I know haven't a *clue* as to what the latest stuff is, because the only news they read is the weather report and the sports page. They have no idea. This poll divides everyone neatly into viewers who gather information from this source and that source, ignoring the masses who honest to God could really give a crap.


C'mon now MGK :biggrin: When you write a post that reads...

Umm. 'Scuse me.

"DoD Statement on News Reports of al-Qaida and Iraq Connections
News reports that the Defense Department recently confirmed new information with respect to contacts between al-Qaida and Iraq in a letter to the Senate Intelligence Committee are inaccurate."

"The classified annex was not an analysis of the substantive issue of the relationship between Iraq and al Qaida, and it drew no conclusions."

And you pull out sections from the news release that make it appear that the DoD is saying that the data in the document is incorrect, i.e., that there are no contacts between al-Qaida and Iraq, when a complete reading of the statement shows that the data is accurate, it's just the format that's innacurately reported, you're spinning the truth.


Well-Known Member
Wacked out UMd

I regularly counsel my seniors to avoid going to U Md. I took graduate hours there and found the Anthro students generally lazy, almost all political robots of the left, and the prof doing everything possible to undermine capitalism, mock religion, and bash conservatives.

Does this surprise me when I see Cheers for Leftist NPR? Hardly!
Remember: One of the chief claims of the Left is that the conservatives are idiots...ill educated...shallow...unsophisticated... and ill informed-so-This is all part of their formula to explain everything from Election 2000 to our disgust toward the UN.

Their mission will always be to shatter the molds of the freshmen, break up their foundations, and mold them into bitter anti-establishment radicals.

The only student that had their head screwed on well, knew who he was and where he was going was a Korean-American Catholic Junior....and his peers taunted him endlessly. Such a happy & fulfilled bunch of miscreants.

I will gladly burn a full ride scholarship to UMd if my daughter were to earn it.