Al Shutup


Dancing Up A Storm
You make a very good point....

Originally posted by darkriver4362
This is really bad when Al Gore shows more spunk than the Democratic nominee:frown:
:cool: J. F. Kerry reminds me of what Al Gore was like during his presidential campaign when he opposed Pres. Bush in the last election cycle.

The man is quite boring to listen to, almost as if he was made out of cardboard. And, he's also possibly the greatest flip-flopper ever known to mankind. Surely in this decade, noone sticks out like him.

But Al, coming to life with such emotion, it's almost laughable.

He has re-invented himself again!


Re: You make a very good point....

Originally posted by penncam
:cool: J. F. Kerry reminds me of what Al Gore was like during his presidential campaign when he opposed Pres. Bush in the last election cycle.

The man is quite boring to listen to, almost as if he was made out of cardboard. And, he's also possibly the greatest flip-flopper ever known to mankind. Surely in this decade, noone sticks out like him.

But Al, coming to life with such emotion, it's almost laughable.

He has re-invented himself again!

Just like he invented the internet :lol:

I did like his speech, just reminded me alot of Castro in the old video's I've seen on the history channell.


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: Re: You make a very good point....

Originally posted by darkriver4362
Just like he invented the internet :lol:

I did like his speech, just reminded me alot of Castro in the old video's I've seen on the history channel.
:lmao: Now that's funny; in the sense that they're both history.
Only Al dosen't get it. After the 2000 election, he kind of faded away, with only a whimper or two about how he was cheated out of the Oval Office.
But, I think he has a bit of the Slick Willy malady: he cannot stay out of the limelight.
I can only suppose that once you get there, and sooo close to the final rung on that ladder, it's hard to retreat to non-noteriety.



Re: Re: Re: You make a very good point....

Originally posted by penncam
:lmao: Now that's funny; in the sense that they're both history.
Only Al dosen't get it. After the 2000 election, he kind of faded away, with only a whimper or two about how he was cheated out of the Oval Office.
But, I think he has a bit of the Slick Willy malady: he cannot stay out of the limelight.
I can only suppose that once you get there, and sooo close to the final rung on that ladder, it's hard to retreat to non-noteriety.


Exactly, he was so close, he still wants it, and who knows, one day he might get it. Maybe he would have won the 2000 election by alot more votes if he had that same attitude, it's kind of like a fighter that was disqualified in a fight, only to come back to a rematch, but with that bitterness of being disqualified still clear in his mind. YYEEAAARGGH

BTW have you seen the website devoted totally to Al Gore's beard?


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: Re: Re: Re: You make a very good point....

Originally posted by darkriver4362
Exactly, he was so close, he still wants it, and who knows, one day he might get it. Maybe he would have won the 2000 election by alot more votes if he had that same attitude, it's kind of like a fighter that was disqualified in a fight, only to come back to a rematch, but with that bitterness of being disqualified still clear in his mind. YYEEAAARGGH

BTW have you seen the website devoted totally to Al Gore's beard?
:biggrin: Ahh, I don't think Al has a snowballs' chance in H@ll of regaining his partys' nomination for the Oval Office.

He had his shot, and he wasn't on target that year. If I remember correctly, he(Al) shunned Slick Willys' endorsements during the spring and summer of 1999, and tried to distance himself from the former prez, and run on his own merits.

What he discounted was that, like him or not, W. J. Clinton was one of, if not the most popular prezzes in history.

So much for effective strategy.

:crazy: There is a website singularly driven by Al Gores' beard?
Something tells me you're not joking, are you?


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: You make a very good point....

Originally posted by penncam
:biggrin: Ahh, I don't think Al has a snowballs' chance in H@ll of regaining his partys' nomination for the Oval Office.

He had his shot, and he wasn't on target that year. If I remember correctly, he(Al) shunned Slick Willys' endorsements during the spring and summer of 1999, and tried to distance himself from the former prez, and run on his own merits.

What he discounted was that, like him or not, W. J. Clinton was one of, if not the most popular prezzes in history.

So much for effective strategy.

:crazy: There is a website singularly driven by Al Gores' beard?
Something tells me you're not joking, are you?

It's been a while since I saw it, it's not a whole website, but a whole page... The First Church of Al Gore's Beard :lol:

I agree that distancing himself from Ol' Bill was his downfall...another was I don't think his runningmate, Lieberman, was all that popular, at least to me, I don't like him. I'm just waiting for Al to start banging his shoe on the desk like that Soviet guy (Kruchev sp?:confused: ) did during the cold war.


Originally posted by darkriver4362
This is really bad when Al Gore shows more spunk than the Democratic nominee:frown:

Well, the last time that one of the hopefuls showed that much spunk he damn near got thrown out of the democratic party on general principals.

Originally spoken by Howard Dean
And we're going to South Dakota and Oregon and Washington and Michigan. And then we're going to Washington, D.C. To take back the White House.



Originally posted by Toxick
Well, the last time that one of the hopefuls showed that much spunk he damn near got thrown out of the democratic party on general principals.

Originally spoken by Howard Dean
And we're going to South Dakota and Oregon and Washington and Michigan. And then we're going to Washington, D.C. To take back the White House.


:lmao: :killingme

Larry Gude

Strung Out
He does not...

has a deep sense of public service and feels passionately about issues facing our nation. He's even more passionate about his views than we who take time out of our schedule to post on a political forum in the rural Maryland.

Al Gore gave the same sort of faux emotional rants over the years on his way up the Tennessee and then national political ladder.

His Jimmy Swaggart pro tobacco bleatings are legendary Al tripe.

That from a speech to farmers.

Then his vile pleadings about his sister who died of cancer, suddenly realizing that smoking is bad for you at the Democratic National Convention some time back. BAD BIG TOBACCO.

His sophomoric fire and brimstone show after the impeachment "Our greatest President of alllllllllllltiiiiimmmmeeee..."

Like most Southern national level politicians, he swooned grandmas with his pro life stance on the way up and suddenly saw the light of abortion to reach the next level.

He came out 'passionately' for the '91 Gulf War after holding the Senate hostage with his vote. The kicker was getting to speak from the well in prime time. "As tough as it is, this is the right thing to do"....(pump my career)

Al Gore is an incredibly capable, tough, bright guy who does not belong in politics. Not everyone should be in the family business and he is another guy who has wasted his life doing what dad expected of him at the expense of what he really wanted to or should be doing.


Princess of Mean
Originally posted by vraiblonde

Oh my. :bubble:

You don't get a round mouth from eating square meals.


New Member
Originally posted by Hello6
You don't get a round mouth from eating square meals.

The cynical side of me says that he was just playing to an audience....AFAIK, public speaking is his most lucrative income and his rants just draws more attention and, therefore, more gigs.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Penn and Dark... can you say that, Clinton, most popular ever?

Gore, 50,900,000 got more votes than Clinton did in 92 and 96, 44,900,000 and 47,400,000. So did W for that matter, 50,400,000.

How can running FROM Clinton get you MORE votes and cost you the election?

Goerge HW Bush got more votes in '88 than Clinton did in 92 or 96.

The most ever was Reagan in '84 with 54 mil.

Clinton isn't the most popular ever, he's the most polarizing.


Football season!
Re: Penn and Dark...

Originally posted by Larry Gude can you say that, Clinton, most popular ever?

Gore, 50,900,000 got more votes than Clinton did in 92 and 96, 44,900,000 and 47,400,000. So did W for that matter, 50,400,000.

How can running FROM Clinton get you MORE votes and cost you the election?

Goerge HW Bush got more votes in '88 than Clinton did in 92 or 96.

The most ever was Reagan in '84 with 54 mil.

Clinton isn't the most popular ever, he's the most polarizing.

Easy. Clinton had the priveledge of running against george Sr and dole.
I think where people get the notion about clinton is that even after all the BS, he still left office with a high job approval rating.

End-of Presidency Job Approval Ratings
Bill Clinton (2001) 65%
Ronald Reagan (1989) 64
Dwight Eisenhower (1961) 59
John F. Kennedy (1963) 63
George Bush (1993) 56
Gerald Ford (1977) 53
Lyndon Johnson (1969) 49
Jimmy Carter (1981) 34
Richard Nixon (1974) 24

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Thank you...

...for explaining that all to me.

Clinton=most popular of all time.

Al=Run away from most popular of all time.

Al=Get more votes than most popular of all time.

Al=Lose election BECAUSE got more votes than most popular of all time BECAUSE ran away from most popular of all time.

I understand now.



Super Genius
Actually, I think if you want to determine "most popular", you would need to determine the average approval rating, not the final. Also, since approval ratings haven't been done over the entire history of the US, it's impossible to really determine who was the most popular. Finally, who cares? The most popular kids in high school weren't necessarily the best ones.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...certainly you have a point there.

I was merely using vote totals as a simple, ready made, de facto measure of popularity.

ST tends to be one of those who like that Clinton got laid alot and place more blame on Clintons 'inquisitors' like Ken Starr and the VRWC than Clinton himself for the fact that he did NOTHING for 8 years.

Gore ran away from Clinton, just as very few people used either of them in Congressional races, just as Paris Glendening even pushed him away because he is so divisive a character.

Reagan is an example of true popularity. Republicans have been using him across the board and across the nation and any association with him and his ideas and success' as much as possible, all the time, to win favor with voters. There is no negative conotation.

Clinton can only be used in some circumstances.


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: ylexot...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
ST tends to be one of those who like that Clinton got laid alot and place more blame on Clintons 'inquisitors' like Ken Starr and the VRWC

I don't remember any Clinton supporters praising him as some kind of stud. Rather, they argued that infidelity was not an impeachable crime. I feel those supporters missed the point, since Clinton was impeached for lying to a grand jury about his Lewinsky tryst. Lying is lying.

Plus, Hillary made an azz of herself with that VRWC comment, since the "conspiracy" was only Richard Mellon Scaife and a couple of his toadies. Hillary implied that anyone who disagreed with the Clintons was out to destory them, which was ridiculous.


Football season!
Re: ylexot...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
...certainly you have a point there.

I was merely using vote totals as a simple, ready made, de facto measure of popularity.

ST tends to be one of those who like that Clinton got laid alot and place more blame on Clintons 'inquisitors' like Ken Starr and the VRWC than Clinton himself for the fact that he did NOTHING for 8 years.

Gore ran away from Clinton, just as very few people used either of them in Congressional races, just as Paris Glendening even pushed him away because he is so divisive a character.

Reagan is an example of true popularity. Republicans have been using him across the board and across the nation and any association with him and his ideas and success' as much as possible, all the time, to win favor with voters. There is no negative conotation.

Clinton can only be used in some circumstances.

And Vrai says *I* don't read for comprehension. I would love to know how Clinton's approval rating = me loving clinton. Oh I know! I was the only 1 polled! I got it :rolleyes:


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: ylexot...

BTW, Larry, try this for an avatar:


  • brasslogo.jpg
    11.5 KB · Views: 66


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: Re: Penn and Dark...

Originally posted by SmallTown
I think where people get the notion about clinton is that even after all the BS, he still left office with a high job approval rating.

End-of Presidency Job Approval Ratings
Bill Clinton (2001) 65%
OMG!! Smalltown and I just agreed on something - anything!

That's what I was referring to Larry; I recall seeing some polls that put Clintons' outgoing popularity numbers higher than just about any other president in recent history.

:confused: I don't profess to understand why, in light of all the lies he told, the dishonesty he displayed to all of us on national TV, and his inability to do anything about Al-Queda, or Bin Laden, etc., plus all the other other crap he and his old lady, Shrillary pulled, but that is what I remember.

Some say he had charisma; I think he proved Lincoln wrong in the old adage about "fooling some of the people all the time.....", well you know the rest.