Alex Jones Ordered to Pay Almost $1 Billion to the Sandy Hook Victims’ Families


Well-Known Member
Shyster lawyers can always figure out a way to sue.
The lawyers will get a major part of any settlement.
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Let's say he's wrong - as I firmly believe he is.
It's grossly insensitive to the parents. Vulgar. Cruel.

But saying cruel and insensitive things, to the best of my understanding - is not a crime. It's seriously bad taste. There ARE things you can do and say where you can be held accountable for the consequences. If you say something to deliberately provoke people - you won't have a case to stand on if you try to take people to court for kicking your ass. Go into a redneck bar and call them all a buncha queers - and when they bring your battered body into the courtroom, the judge will say, sorry moron.

Fire in a crowded theater. Slander and libel. Yes, you can be held accountable for damages you create.

Laughing at mourners at a funeral - isn't a crime. Maybe it ought to be, because it's revolting. But it isn't.

If someone harasses or makes death threats at someone - THEY OUGHT TO BE TAKEN to court. But the guy who gave them the idea - no one forced them to harass or threaten. You're on the hook for your own criminal behavior. You're not getting mileage out of "he made me do it".

Then there's the billion dollars. When whole corporations have to pay damages - you hear 10 million, 50 million, 100 million. When was the last time you heard of an INDIVIDUAL having to pay a BILLION? What damages could be worth that?

This is a dumb case.
Freedom of speech and sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.


PREMO Member

Sandy Hook Families Demand New Unimaginable Sum Of Money From Alex Jones

Sandy Hook families are asking a Connecticut judge to order Alex Jones to pay them trillions of dollars in damages in addition to the $965 million that jurors ordered Jones to pay the families earlier this month.

The families claimed that they are entitled to the money because they allege that Jones broke a state law that bans the sale of goods through the use of false statements.

Bloomberg News reported that the families arrived at $2.75 trillion by taking the maximum penalty allowed under state law, $5,000, and multiplying it by 550 million social media views that Jones got on his social media accounts in the three years following the 2012 shooting.

“Alex Jones perpetrates this attack for one reason: greed,” the families’ lawyers said in a filing on Friday. “Alex Jones will never treat them like real people, because they are too valuable to him as targets.”


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