All Kinds: Something Cool


wandering aimlessly
Not to judge, but why not just put the money into a bank account and then pull it out the day you need to pay? That would be no different than putting it in this "vet account" except you can get to that money if there is a PEOPLE emergency, instead of just pet, and you need it to get by. Also, what happens if by some freak accident your pet passes? Does that money have to stay in the vet account or can you pull it out? I bet they charge you a fee if you even can pull it out w/o completing the procedure.

Just some things to think about.

I understand, but I personally would rather have the money put where it's going rather than try to not spend it while it's still in my account. It's a little difficult while I'm on a budget, which is why I think I'm going to go this route. I really doubt that she's gonna have a freak accident and die, she's indoors only.

Just put the $100 in an envelope. If you feel tempted, give the envelope to mommy to hold.


My Sweetest Boy
Lucky... I think it might be better in the long run to set money aside in a savings account, etc. BUT I admire you (as a young 20-somthing) for actually thinking ahead and setting aside the money HOWEVER you decide to do it. :yay: