Alli - available June 15th 2007


My Sweetest Boy
kwillia said:
Diet pill’s icky side effects keep users honest

Sometimes, you can’t stop your weight-loss secrets from leaking out.

Dieters have been flocking to drugstores to pick up Alli, the first over-the-counter weight-loss pill to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration, despite the scary warning: Stray too far from your low-fat diet and you just might poop your pants.

The drug’s maker, GlaxoSmithKline, has been up front about the pill’s side effects, suggesting that first timers wear dark pants or bring a change of clothes to work until they get used to the diet pill’s potentially yucky consequences.

Cheaters share cautionary tales
But we don’t always like to bother with directions. Those who haven’t completely followed instructions offer cautionary tales on the drug company’s Web site.

“(I)’ve pooped my pants 3 times today, and sorry to get descriptive but it even leaked onto the couch at one point!” writes one user.

It can strike any time — even in the early hours of the morning. One user writes: “(Y)a know how when you start moving around in the morning ya pass a little gas. Well, I did and then went into the bathroom and to my horror I had an orange river of grease running down my leg.”

Now you know you are just stirring up shiat.



Does my butt look big?
Thats just retarted..IF you know you are taking a medicine that cuts grease..why in the hell would you O D yourself on greasy foods...serves them is made to go along with a LOW fat diet..uggg..some peeps...


My 401K is now a 201K
FlipandFlop said:
:angel: you will not know you consumed too much fat until the anal drip starts. The news talked as uncontrollable leakage... :whistle: Look how well you've done and didn't have to wear Depends :huggy:

Will a size 5 make your life better?

I don't care what size you are ~ #### drips are not attractive :killingme


My 401K is now a 201K
Kain99 said:
Does beer count as part of a fatty diet? :jameo:

Nope :cheers:
No fat in beer...
BTW ~ I haven't been a size 5 since ??? ....... NEVER! I'm what you would call -'voluptuous'; I'm 5'0" and weigh 145 lbs. (Boobs are heavy) other than that I'm all muscle of course :killingme

I wear a size 12-14 :lmao: (petite )