Alright Football Oldies...


Football addict
Some of you folks who have been following football for a long while now, please reassure me.

Should I be worried about the Skins? Two crappy preseason games in a row, of course only the first two. They are meaningless but shouldn't we have 'something' after all the acquisitions this offseason?

I don't think I'll get worried until next week, I just want to see them win one or at least put up a good fight.

1982 - Lost all preseason games and went to the Super Bowl. I hear this is our SB trend, to lose a lot of preseason games.


Nothing to see here
Don't worry, be happy. I've watched about 10 minutes total of both games, pay em no mind, they will be ready on the 11th.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I thought all their players were injured. At least they *looked* like they were all injured. :shrug:



"Fill your hands you SOB!
2001 - Patriots lost all 4 preseason games and then went on to win their first of 3 Super Bowls.....

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The Skins...

BuddyLee said:
Some of you folks who have been following football for a long while now, please reassure me.

Should I be worried about the Skins? Two crappy preseason games in a row, of course only the first two. They are meaningless but shouldn't we have 'something' after all the acquisitions this offseason?

I don't think I'll get worried until next week, I just want to see them win one or at least put up a good fight.

1982 - Lost all preseason games and went to the Super Bowl. I hear this is our SB trend, to lose a lot of preseason games.

...are in trouble.

All things considered, the D has a chance at being one of the leagues best. This is year three and most of the key guys are still here plus two additions, Carter and Archuletta that should be big improvements at their position.

Special teams are obviously in disarray, terrible. Hall can't kick off for fear of injury tackling people. Maybe he is the only one on teams that can tackle? Anyone think of that?

The offense is in a new system; the zone blocking is MUCH different than the man blocking this unit just got used to. Learning Coach Al's 700 plays is gonna take time. Portis' shoulder is likely to bother him all year. It's going to be hard to get 4 big time weapons involved, Lloyd, Randl El, Cooley and Moss, when the QB can't buy an extra second and has been trained for two years to throw it away on a 3 count.

And that brings us to the biggie; QB.

The plan is for Mark to make it the whole season and still have enough left for the playoffs. That's very unlikely. That means the plan is for Campbell and Collins to be there at the end. Now, it would seem to be a good idea to go ahead and work Campbell to death now and try and get the first 3-5 games out of him. If it ain't working, there sits a fresh Brunnel who only has to survive maybe 13 games or so.

What's better; Brunnel starts then, when he goes down, a still green Campbell comes in? Or, Get Campbell all the work you can now, knowing the vet will be far better coming in for him than the other way around?

As for preseason, the first team should be going out there, playing a crisp series or two, and get out. They're not. There is reason to worry.

As for QB's, the Steelers and Patriots have had some pretty good luck hitching up to the young guy and sticking with him.

I'm getting nervous.

Hopefull, we'll just suffocate teams on D and simply having so many weapons will make the difference as all of this comes together.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
My life...

otter said:
<img src="">

Do not panic, all is well. a Skins fan!


Bacons big break, huh?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Hold up...

BuddyLee said:

I gotta wonder what is wrong. I mean, why are we doing so terrible if we were a playoff team last season? Is it this complicated offense? Did the players heads grow too big? Is it because Gibbs isn't being tough on them in practice (no two-a-days)?:jameo:

...we made the playoffs because the D was OUTSTANDING. That's not enough. The offense needs to be able to do something when they have to.

The Ravens, The Bucs, the Bears, all great defensive teams that won Superbowls, but still, they got points when they needed them.

We did not have an offense last year that could score when we had to have it. So, it's not like we're the Steelers or Colts or Pats or even the Seahawks that are already getting it done on offense.


Dancing Up A Storm
SHHHHH! Don't give it away. They're lying low until the first 'Skins - Dallas game.

Then they're going to give T.O. and Tuna what for! :lmao:


Nothing to see here
I said it last year and I will repeat it this year. I have blind faith in Gibbs and I saw way too often how ugly they played in the preseason thru the 80s, I am not worried at all as long as they get to the regular season with minimal injuries. The injuries they have now are not showstoppers.


New Member
It's been my experience that the only consistant factor is that they wear Burgandy and Gold. Beyond that, they have no unity, no consistency and absolutely no talent. They should be hiding in the closets with their fans after the Cowboys spank them. And we won't even need the services of Mr SuperEgo.

Go Cowboys, Go Cowboys, Beat the Redskins, Go cowboys...

:killingme :killingme :elaine: :killingme :elaine: :killingme :elaine:


Football addict
Even if that is true

patrick2k1 said:
It's been my experience that the only consistant factor is that they wear Burgandy and Gold. Beyond that, they have no unity, no consistency and absolutely no talent.
...and yet we still tapped that Dallas ass, twice no less.:razz:


As an oldie, sitting here wearing my Bradshaw jersey, I say don't worry. My Steelers haven't won a game yet, which ties them with me... which on the surface doesn't look good.

The problem that I see with the Redskins is Dan Snyder still thinks you can buy a Superbowl team that'll yield immediate results instead of nuturing a team over years of development. If it were that easy to buy a Superbowl Jerry Jones would have have won a dozen by now.


I bowl overhand
otter said:
Don't worry, be happy. I've watched about 10 minutes total of both games, pay em no mind, they will be ready on the 11th.
They're done..

Patriots are making their 1st string look like a bunch of JV High School Kids..

No spark, no desire.. they should just throw in the towel now, and save the money..


They call me ... Sarcasmo
itsbob said:
They're done..

Patriots are making their 1st string look like a bunch of JV High School Kids..

No spark, no desire.. they should just throw in the towel now, and save the money..
I love the Skins as blindly as anyone and all I can say about tonight's game is...Thank God they were racing @ Bristol.:doh:
