Alternative Lifestyle


CageKicker Extraordinaire
consistant2007 said:
Please tell me are there any BDSM groups in this area. If you have to ask me what BDSM means then no need to reply

The closest to SoMD is "Black Rose." Its based in NW DC. There's another out of B-more, but I can't remember the name of it.

Considering starting something more local, but I don't have the time or energy to set it up and run it.

BTW, I wouldn't post much about the topic in the open forums. It's as well accepted on a public board as it is in public IRL, so most that would talk in private, won't say a word here.


Asperger's Poster Child
Hurts so good
Come on baby, make it hurt so good
Sometimes love don't feel like it should
You make it hurt so good


thank you for your comment at least someone takes this seriously


In My Opinion
princess73 said:
I wanna know what it means.... :popcorn:
I think thats where they tie each other up, the whip them with a leather strap and pee in the cuts that are left.

very nasty people.


b*tch rocket
Chain729 said:
BTW, I wouldn't post much about the topic in the open forums. It's as well accepted on a public board as it is in public IRL, so most that would talk in private, won't say a word here.

Way to be a buzzkill. :smack: :razz:


In My Opinion
all I know is that if someone decides its a good Idea to try and tie up BCP and beat him with some midevil device,, there will be an asswhoopin, and I dont think that BCP is going to be the one getting it.

unless of course there are sheep involved.


b*tch rocket
bcp said:
all I know is that if someone decides its a good Idea to try and tie up BCP and beat him with some midevil device,, there will be an asswhoopin, and I dont think that BCP is going to be the one getting it.

unless of course there are sheep involved.

It's medieval darlin. :shortbus: :poorbaby: :flowers: