Although it’s been said...


Well-Known Member
I once believed the Fat Boy Institute (FBI) was tasked with crime fighting national criminal elements.
But we’ve seen the administrators are ruthlessly corrupt, manipulative folks who are vengeful.
Certainly , JFK, MLK, RFK and more recent events have supported that.
Is it a far stretched crazyazz supposition that in the zeal to topple the President they have “dead bats” on their hands?
I once believed the Fat Boy Institute (FBI) was tasked with crime fighting national criminal elements.
But we’ve seen the administrators are ruthlessly corrupt, manipulative folks who are vengeful.
Certainly , JFK, MLK, RFK and more recent events have supported that.
Is it a far stretched crazyazz supposition that in the zeal to topple the President they have “dead bats” on their hands?
A theory which cannot be so easily dismissed.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I once believed the Fat Boy Institute (FBI) was tasked with crime fighting national criminal elements.
But we’ve seen the administrators are ruthlessly corrupt, manipulative folks who are vengeful.
Certainly , JFK, MLK, RFK and more recent events have supported that.
Is it a far stretched crazyazz supposition that in the zeal to topple the President they have “dead bats” on their hands?
No. It's not.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
You know what's odd? I've seen countless cop shows where they trip up a perp - good cop, bad cop; tell them their co-conspirators are ready to rat them out and whoever talks FIRST gets a lighter sentence; trick them into revealing details only the guilty could know; use mind tricks against their damaged consciences - and so on. And we as viewers KNOW they're guilty, because unlike the cops, the show allowed us to SEE them do it. So we CHEER when the cops use this kind of stunt.

One of the more clever stunts I ever saw was an old Columbo, where he had an extremely good circumstantial case against a man's son - even though from the very beginning, he knew it was the father. As he takes away the son to be arrested and charged, the father steps in and confesses to the whole thing - because Columbo had also observed the father deeply loved his mixed up son, and would never ever allow undeserved harm to come to him.

But this is the kind of thing I didn't think the FBI would EVER resort to - even though it's become evident it happens OFTEN - an innocent person being compelled to confess to something they didn't commit upon threat of charging the son with a crime. The left of course dismisses this entire aspect of it, only regurgitating that he confessed, and that should be the end of it.

Obama even chimed in with the observation that Flynn was excused from a perjury charge - thus showing his brilliant legal acumen (Flynn was charged with lying to the FBI, not perjury, and no, they're not the same).

It's a national disgrace that a political opponent can be railroaded into going to jail for a crime they didn't commit. Everyone involved in this needs to go to jail. If there's a single person at the FBI who thinks this is business as usual, it needs to end.