Am I entitled to be upset?


New Member
Sunday, I loaded up the horses and headed out to Kings Landing. As some of you know, I posted that I was looking for a place to trail ride and some of you responded with suggestions. So I was excited to get this opportunity from someone who had a trailer. Ok so we get there and the ring is reserved for a clinic. All I wanted was to ride the trails. But we were told "sorry" we have horses coming for a clinic and the area is reserved. Terribly disappointed turned into confused and upset. Can anyone explain this to me? Am I wrong to be upset? Is there a website I can go to before heading out to see if the place is reserved? Thanks for letting me vent.


Well-Known Member
Is Kings Landing a private farm? If so, they have the right to close it whenever they want. Do they require reservations for trail riding?


New Member
Guess I'm making a call to parks and recs today. Don't know where to call. I checked on what I thought was the correct web site, but it didn't offer a phone number.

Kings Landing is a public park that has a horse back riding trails.


New Member
hm, i don't know much about kings landing. i guess calling for availability is always a good idea, but i probably wouldn't have either. it does seem weird that they woulnd't let you use the trails just because they were having a clinic....


Nothing to see here
Guess I'm making a call to parks and recs today. Don't know where to call. I checked on what I thought was the correct web site, but it didn't offer a phone number.

Kings Landing is a public park that has a horse back riding trails.

The numbers are in the link I posted...


Active Member
That seems odd. I know at Oak Ridge Park trails are still available when the rings are reserved.


New Member
I imagine it would be like up at oakridge, there are rings, they are in use sometimes, no biggie, but there are trails too.

I can see how the people running the clinic may be concerened about the possibility of contagious equine nasties, but providing proof of coggins would/ should quell them. That and if your running around and the horses in the ring got 'excited' bad stuff could happen. Or vise versa.

Sounds to me like they may be party poopers (some folks are wound too tight sometimes) and to make sure and be diligent about checking that place before you go.

I would probably be irritated if they could not provide a valid reason why I could not utilize the trails if they were using the ring too. It would also (one the cranky wore off) make me call for sure next time.

Good luck in the future. Sorry you got buzz killed...:otter:


New Member
I went riding there on saturday and the park ranger came over to us while we were riding and told us that we need to sign in from now on to see how much the ring was getting used and I said that was a little hard b/c there is not much room to turn around with a trailer and she said we could just call ahead and tell whoever we talk to to sign us in, but she said that the park would prefer that people that bring horses call ahead to make sure that the ring isn't being used. She told us to call 410-257-2661. She seemed like she really wasn't please with the whole horse thing. But I really do like going there because it is close and has a nice ring. Well I know I had a run on sentence, but I hope that helps!


New Member
Big Thanks all

Wow thanks for the info everyone.
I sent an E to Parks and Recs asking for their FULL horseback riding policy.
Although I went thru a random of negative emotions about this unexpected disappointment, I did find one positive. It was a good practise to load and unload. :yahoo:


Spay and Neuter Your Pets
Wow thanks for the info everyone.
I sent an E to Parks and Recs asking for their FULL horseback riding policy.
Although I went thru a random of negative emotions about this unexpected disappointment, I did find one positive. It was a good practise to load and unload. :yahoo:

Hi, that would have been me at Kings Landing yesterday. :howdy: Truly, I didn't know you were only looking to go on the trails. We paid for and had the area reserved for the polocrosse clinic and, unfortunately, our insurance (we were required to obtain a certification from our farm insurance company) would not have covered anyone if we allowed everyone to ride with the group. However, had I known you only wanted to park and use the trails I can assure you it would have been fine with us as long as you checked in with the ranger first.:buddies: We are going to be there again on May 17th for another clinic.:yahoo:


New Member
Thanks for posting....

Glad you wrote that it was you I spoke with. Can't remember what I said, saw you were busy setting up and didn't want to bother so I may have not made myself clear, plus we were talking about 50 yards apart from each other. But like I said was all good in the end, as I forgot his coggins paperwork, and I forgot my mounting block. Lesson learned for me. Practice for the pasture prince.


Spay and Neuter Your Pets
Glad you wrote that it was you I spoke with. Can't remember what I said, saw you were busy setting up and didn't want to bother so I may have not made myself clear, plus we were talking about 50 yards apart from each other. But like I said was all good in the end, as I forgot his coggins paperwork, and I forgot my mounting block. Lesson learned for me. Practice for the pasture prince.

It's a beautiful place and we'll probably be there a bit this year. Hope to run into you again and, perhaps, we won't have to be talking 50 yards apart. Spread the word on the area, it's my understanding it's not being utilized as much as it could be and they have done a beautiful job on the arena and surrounding area.:howdy:Have a great day and sorry for any misunderstanding.:buddies:


That seems odd. I know at Oak Ridge Park trails are still available when the rings are reserved.

Not really. I've been to shows at Oakridge were show staff has pulled the same "we've rented it, it's ours" shtick.:otter:

If it was me I probably would have said, "okay, I won't go in the ring, thanks for letting me know." Then I would have politely parked, unloaded my horse, tacked up and gone for a ride. :whistle: But I have a bit of :jerry: attitude.



New Member
Not really. I've been to shows at Oakridge were show staff has pulled the same "we've rented it, it's ours" shtick.:otter:

If it was me I probably would have said, "okay, I won't go in the ring, thanks for letting me know." Then I would have politely parked, unloaded my horse, tacked up and gone for a ride. :whistle: But I have a bit of :jerry: attitude. :duel:

Lmao, that's hilarious. We had that happen once about two years at oak ridge and I was like, "Yeah, we're here for the show too," and continued about my business parking and utilizing the trails. It's ridiculous. People reserve the rings, not the entire trail riding property, correct?

Anyway, I'd love to get out to King's Landing sometime when I can get my horse on a trailer. Where is it located exactly?


Hunter/Eq. Trainer :-)
Lmao, that's hilarious. We had that happen once about two years at oak ridge and I was like, "Yeah, we're here for the show too," and continued about my business parking and utilizing the trails. It's ridiculous. People reserve the rings, not the entire trail riding property, correct?

Anyway, I'd love to get out to King's Landing sometime when I can get my horse on a trailer. Where is it located exactly?

Huntingtown, MD in Calvert County.:howdy:


New Member
Weelll, one day maybe I can find some people to go out with me on a trail. I don't like going on new trails by myself. The horse doesn't mind it. xD He likes to be boss.


New Member
Oh thats cool that everything is working out good. :buddies:
(After that initial boost of nasty anger) things tend to do that huh. Great being an equestrian most days!


Active Member
Not really. I've been to shows at Oakridge were show staff has pulled the same "we've rented it, it's ours" shtick.:otter:

If it was me I probably would have said, "okay, I won't go in the ring, thanks for letting me know." Then I would have politely parked, unloaded my horse, tacked up and gone for a ride. :whistle: But I have a bit of :jerry: attitude.


Never had this happen to me at Oak Ridge, in fact was there for a show Sunday and there were riders on the trails but I agree, if it did happen, I'd do the same thing. Ridiculous!