so another ignorant mother not hearing a teenagers point of view.
what a liberal azzhat in my opinion..
yes i am one of the people who hang at target, but you wouldn't guess that i graduated from highschool and attend college full time now would you, nor would you guess that a few people there are fulltime government contractors, or active duty military personell. no you wouldn't your just going to assume, "wow what a group of punk teens wasting there life away sitting in a parking lot at all hours of the night" well didn't anyone ever tell you not to assume, you just made an ASS out of YOU and ME.
yes we hang out in a parking lot, yes some of us are teens and don't have children to care after, but that's no reason to bash us.
sure, we make mistakes, but hell who doesn't? sure some of us speed, but wait, adults do to. NEWS FLASH: teens aren't the only ones speeding. shocking isn't it.
ask your selfes this, do you want us teens to waste our money our money on drugs, go destroy things and cause vandalism around the town we live in. or would you rather us spend our money on our cars and enjoy life. i don;t know about you but i think my parents would rather me spend money on my car rather then drugs.
some of you if not all of you go 5-9 MPH above the speed limit guess what, by the state of maryland, that's illegal and you can get a ticket for it. that is still speeding, am i wrong? correct me on this someone? hell i got pulled over for going 55 mph in a 50 mph zone and was ticketed.. but wait mr 75 year old grandpa over here is going 65 in his buick century and didn't get ticketed.. why did i get pulled over i ask. it's because i am a teen driver.. i guess being a teen driver means i am ignorant and always up to no good.