Am i sticking my neck out here??


I bowl overhand
fttrsbeerwench said:
I may suffer greatly in the polularity polls, but are there any registered democrats or greens on these forums at all?? Alot of the posts seems one sided( not that I would endorse Kerry, even as the lesser of two evils) But I am sure that I am not alone here in my ideas.... Rescue me!
DEMOCRATS need lovin too..


Hands up! Don't advertise much anymore though. I had an anti-Bush sticker on my bumper that was really benign (I've seen far worse). I got the finger once from this man at a red light and when I went out to the base garage that afternoon my car had been keyed. At the commissary the next day someone removed the sticker. I checked the Hatch Act, it's allowed. I guess freedom of speech isn't.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think "anti" candidate statements are interesting. I've put up "Ehrlich/Steel" or "Bush/Cheney" signs in my yard, but it would never occur to me to put up a "Kerry Sucks" sign. If you're trying to make a sale, you're better off telling people "Buy this" rather than "don't buy that".

I know what I think about the issues, so I vote for the candidate that gets closest to that. It so happens that those candidates are typically Republicans - and that's as convoluted as it gets for me.

I've never voted for a Green candidate - that whole party platform, to me, is like a bunch of nonsensical hippies who think there's nothing going on in the world outside their commune.


Super Genius
fttrsbeerwench said:
I have other saying they are voting Green "no matter if Bush and stuck Kerry stuck flags up their *sses, and farted the 'Star-spangled Banner'. Doesn't that weaken the validity of the votes. What if there's another close race :whistle: . wouldnt those votes be better used for one of the major parties favor.
I don't think so. The same arguments were made about Perot. People who voted for Perot showed their displeasure with the other candidates by voting for someone else. In that case, the "Perot factor" went against Bush. If you're an "Anybody But Bush" voter, then yes, voting for the Green party would be counterproductive. Otherwise, you are supposed to vote for who you want to be President. That's how the system is supposed to work.

The only "weak" vote is no vote.


Dixie said:
Hands up! Don't advertise much anymore though. I had an anti-Bush sticker on my bumper that was really benign (I've seen far worse). I got the finger once from this man at a red light and when I went out to the base garage that afternoon my car had been keyed. At the commissary the next day someone removed the sticker. I checked the Hatch Act, it's allowed. I guess freedom of speech isn't.

Isn't provoking a negative reaction the whole point to having an anti-anything bumpersticker on your car? So why are you surprised when someone takes offense? Vrai is right. If you want to be against Bush, be for Kerry.


New Member

For your comments. My mind hasn't been changed in anyway, but I was curious about that whole wasted vote thing.....
I happen to consider myself a hippie, but I am aware that there is much more going on than just my little world. Problem is, I am usually horrified by most of it, and I happen to think that most people(gov't) should be a bit more involved in what is going on right around them, in our homes, under our feet, and in our hearts. Politics are for people who have little else to do than spend their daddy's money, or who's views are so narrow that they can fall in to strictly democratic or republican flocks and never have a free thought radical enough to spark a fart in the dark.
There's more to life than how much you have, like how little the guy next to you has for instance, or if there will any beautiful vista left on earth to enjoy a hundred years from now, or perhaps people could try to imagine how it will be for their great-great-great grandchild if they don't raise their kids right today. What if there's is nothing left for your great-great-great grand child to enjoy.That is why I feel the way I do about most things, I feel responsible and obligated to do the right thing. I may not always do the right thing but I would never consider myself nonsensical or unaware.
Thanks again.


Bruzilla said:
Isn't provoking a negative reaction the whole point to having an anti-anything bumpersticker on your car? So why are you surprised when someone takes offense? Vrai is right. If you want to be against Bush, be for Kerry.
Except keying one's car is property damage and the last time I checked it was against the law. Taking a bumper sticker regardless of the value is stealing, also against the law. The sticker said Mission Not Accomplished - the person(s) who did what they did accomplished theirs - kudos on your brilliance. You sure showed me who the better man was.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Dixie said:
Except keying one's car is property damage and the last time I checked it was against the law. Taking a bumper sticker regardless of the value is stealing, also against the law. The sticker said Mission Not Accomplished - the person(s) who did what they did accomplished theirs - kudos on your brilliance. You sure showed me who the better man was.
Granted property damage is against the law, but how do you know that the person who keyed your car did so because of a bumper sticker?


Well nobody left a note suprisingly enough. I was in the IPT building parking garage, on the roof, on a Friday. It's like a ghost town because it's the big CWS week. I wasn't parked near anybody, in fact I was nearly the only car on the roof. On Monday I wondered aloud to another employee that I couldn't think of any reason why anyone would want to key my car, it's not expensive, I don't really have any enemies, at least any that would risk doing something like that especially on base. She was the one who brought the bumper sticker since someone removed it at the commissary parking lot on Saturday. Could be it wasn't even related but I've stopped wearing my opinions on my bumper sticker. Somehow I feel it's safer. Anyway thanks for asking.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Dixie said:
Well nobody left a note suprisingly enough. I was in the IPT building parking garage, on the roof, on a Friday. It's like a ghost town because it's the big CWS week. I wasn't parked near anybody, in fact I was nearly the only car on the roof. On Monday I wondered aloud to another employee that I couldn't think of any reason why anyone would want to key my car, it's not expensive, I don't really have any enemies, at least any that would risk doing something like that especially on base. She was the one who brought the bumper sticker since someone removed it at the commissary parking lot on Saturday. Could be it wasn't even related but I've stopped wearing my opinions on my bumper sticker. Somehow I feel it's safer. Anyway thanks for asking.
It's a shock for me that it happened on station too. I find this appalling. You would think that since the majority of employees/service members have been fingerprinted that the likelihood of being caught would be extremely high. While removing a bumper sticker you would think that they would touch a part of the car. I take it you did report both events to the station police department, right? It might give them something to do other then running radar traps.


I didn't report it Ken. I got a nice gouge and a large scratch in my rear end in the base theater by the metal edge of a broken arm rest. I reported to the theater manager who told me to make a report to the base police. That's been a year and a half ago. They're still investigating. Somehow I think a gouge on my car and a missing bumper sticker means even less to them.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Dixie said:
I didn't report it Ken. I got a nice gouge and a large scratch in my rear end in the base theater by the metal edge of a broken arm rest. I reported to the theater manager who told me to make a report to the base police. That's been a year and a half ago. They're still investigating. Somehow I think a gouge on my car and a missing bumper sticker means even less to them.
Well my BS meter is starting to peg. You have a "nice gouge and a large scratch" on your arse by an armrest and call the cops (why not the Safety office, you know the ones that handle these type of incidents) and then claim you've had damage done to your car that took place on base and you don't report it. Something doesn't smell right here. Hmm, I wonder if that nice gouge is rotten?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
Well my BS meter is starting to peg.
I know from firsthand experience that cops don't care if your car gets vandalized. At least not cops up here - maybe it's different on base.

But, Dixie, it does seem strange that you were injured by a broken theater armrest, and the manager told you to call the cops. Typically, they'd take the complaint and put in a request have the armrest fixed.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
I know from firsthand experience that cops don't care if your car gets vandalized. At least not cops up here - maybe it's different on base.
The cops on base will investigate anything reported where it appears a crime might have taken place. I think that being on base and federal officers these guys take their jobs serious, not to mention the laws are a little different on a Federal reservation.


Ken King said:
Well my BS meter is starting to peg. You have a "nice gouge and a large scratch" on your arse by an armrest and call the cops (why not the Safety office, you know the ones that handle these type of incidents) and then claim you've had damage done to your car that took place on base and you don't report it. Something doesn't smell right here. Hmm, I wonder if that nice gouge is rotten?

Your BS meter is "off base" today (no pun intended). You need to reread my post, I did as the base theater manager and someone who heads MWR instructed. It's possible that 's the way the base handles any injury reported incident. I spoke to Garrell Mercer at the base police building who set me up with someone (who's name eludes me) to take the report. They examined the ripped slacks. They did not reimburse me because I no longer had a receipt. I am not the only person who has had that problem at the base theater. A master chief at my command has had it happen to him twice. Why report the car? They aren't going to catch the person who did it. My car is damaged but I wouldn't pay the deductible to get it fixed anyway, as I said, it's inexpensive anyway, and I'm not hurt. I went as far as I did on reporting the incident with the gouge/scratch because I wanted it fixed, I didn't one of the many, many children that go to the base theater to get hurt. You asked me a question Ken, let me ask you one...what motivates you to be so mean-spirited?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Dixie said:
Your BS meter is "off base" today (no pun intended). You need to reread my post, I did as the base theater manager and someone who heads MWR instructed. It's possible that 's the way the base handles any injury reported incident. I spoke to Garrell Mercer at the base police building who set me up with someone (who's name eludes me) to take the report. They examined the ripped slacks. They did not reimburse me because I no longer had a receipt. I am not the only person who has had that problem at the base theater. A master chief at my command has had it happen to him twice. Why report the car? They aren't going to catch the person who did it. My car is damaged but I wouldn't pay the deductible to get it fixed anyway, as I said, it's inexpensive anyway, and I'm not hurt. I went as far as I did on reporting the incident with the gouge/scratch because I wanted it fixed, I didn't one of the many, many children that go to the base theater to get hurt. You asked me a question Ken, let me ask you one...what motivates you to be so mean-spirited?
What is mean-spirited about seeing BS and calling it such? Had your car been damaged as you claim and you filed a report there would have been a chance to catch the culprit and obtain restitution (not to mention satisfaction of having a criminal taken off the streets). Mean spirited would be more in line with claiming it was because of your bumper sticker that your car was keyed and not proving that was the case.


Ken King said:
What is mean-spirited about seeing BS and calling it such? Had your car been damaged as you claim and you filed a report there would have been a chance to catch the culprit and obtain restitution (not to mention satisfaction of having a criminal taken off the streets). Mean spirited would be more in line with claiming it was because of your bumper sticker that your car was keyed and not proving that was the case.

What happened, happened as stated. What you chose to believe is what you believe. Around my office those that read Southern Maryland Online have a mental picture of you and big blowhard is the nicest thing that's said. I was being kind at mean-spirited. I've read some of your posts, I think you're just a jackass.
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Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Dixie said:
What happened, happened as stated. What you chose to believe is what you believe. Around my office those that read Southern Maryland Online have a mental picture of you and big blowhard is the nicest thing that's said. I was being kind at mean-spirited. I've read some of your posts, I think you're just a jackass.
What happened is you claim that your car got keyed, you don't know when, where, or why, but seem fit to claim that it was because of your bumper sticker. What also happened is you snagged your ass on an armrest. We can surmise the reason for this, but a picture does come to mind, it ain't pretty, that's for sure. Then you seek restitution because you couldn't adequately squeeze through isles that are fairly wide.

I've got a mental picture of you too and the term "blow" is used in that one too, oh yeah, there is a donkey involved also. :loser:


Ken King said:
What happened is you claim that your car got keyed, you don't know when, where, or why, but seem fit to claim that it was because of your bumper sticker. What also happened is you snagged your ass on an armrest. We can surmise the reason for this, but a picture does come to mind, it ain't pretty, that's for sure. Then you seek restitution because you couldn't adequately squeeze through isles that are fairly wide.

I've got a mental picture of you too and the term "blow" is used in that one too, oh yeah, there is a donkey involved also. :loser:

What a class act you are Ken! By the way isles are islands. Aisle is the correct word. I happened to be scooting past my son, I'm underweight by anyone's standards and you are still a jackass.