If I may ...
The end of the world as we know it has already occurred, for the many that are old enough to have lived through what would be considered the best times of this Nation. Now we have full blown degeneracy, in your face f@ggotry, general acceptance of depravity at every turn, lawlessness, corruption, immortality, and debauchery, at all levels of government. "Legalized" theft taken from the people through taxation at all levels, and inflation, to keep, and make, people serfs, economic slaves, in their own Nation. Hey, it's the new normal because people have been born into and taught at an early age that all the above is normal behavior. Hell, today, people, students, sometimes as young a four yeas old, are even actively encouraged to participate in their own demise into believing everything they are told by the 'Master Authority'. Instead of Social Services having parents arrested and taking their kids from them to be placed in an appropriate and caring normal family, parents are encouraged to allow their 9 year old's to "transition" to whatever letter of the alphabet they want to be, and to be given the life altering drugs to do so. Many times by order of the effing courts! Want to dress up as a puppy as your bear mounts and penetrates you from behind bare back? Sure go for it. Not only go for it, but tell the whole world and post pictures and videos via social media of your degenerate perverted proclivities. And if you do so, you might even get selected to be posted to the Department of Energy Nuclear-waste office.
The total and absolute unaccountably of all levels of governments in this Nation, and the chicanery, deception, dishonesty, fraud and subterfuge, has never before been seen at the level we are currently experiencing.
Meet Sam Brinton. ~ Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy.