Ambien sux

I have better luck with Melatonin. Helps you drop off, but you can wake up if you need to. I use 2 tabs.


I bowl overhand
I took two an hour ago and nuthin'.


Not really,wide awake.

Try a Zytec.. they knocked my butt OUT..

Clear sinuses, and slept like a baby.. problem was I took them because I was driving to Arlington that afternoon, and I THOUGHT I remembered them sayind non-drowsy.. Yeah, not so much.


Well-Known Member
I love my Ambien, but do feel it is not as effective as it once was and need to take a higher dose.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Try Melatonin. You can find that in the vitamin section of the drug store. My older son takes it sometimes (doctor recommended it).