America is a Christian Nation and the Bible was used to justify slavery



Originally posted by vraiblonde
Since you want to bash religion, why not go after the Catholics and their child raping? The Pope, who IS a legitimate religious leader, along with his frontmen, DID hush and cover-up crimes. But that doesn't make all Catholics bad - I almost feel sorry for them for finding out that their "leaders" are merely corrupt men after all.

I'll answer your question as soon as you answer mine:

In what ways was Jesus conservative?


Football season!
Sorry, I just keep getting confused with all these different "words of God" . I apologize. I guess if we go by the Bible Version 2, ok. You got me there.

Don't get me wrong, I like the new testament. A lot less anal.

G.R. Quinn

New Member
Re: Re: Re: America is a Christian Nation and the Bible was used to justify slavery

Originally posted by FredFlintstone

So I guess we were no better than than the savages we slaughtered.

Two wrongs don't make a right (but they make a right winger).

Where are you from, G. R. Quinn? How did you find this place?

Mr. Flintstone,

Not everything done by the United States is perfect. It is a Christian Nation run by imperfect human beings: Christians and non-Christians.

The Indians were not perfect. They had slaves, practiced genocide and warfare, had human sacrifices, and in some tribes practiced cannibalism.

I never said two wrongs make a right.

What do you mean by "Two wrongs don't make a right (but they make a right-winger)"?

I found this website when it was mentioned on the Democrat Underground. This is a great site with a lot of neat people posting on it. It is very professional and the best I've seen.

How did you find this site? You're new, too.



G.R. Quinn

New Member
Re: G. R. Quinn

Originally posted by FredFlintstone
You have some serious issues, dude.

Look at the threads you have started.

At least we know what your agenda is. Where are you from? How did you find this place?

America is a Christian Nation
G.R. Quinn

Democrat Senator Al Gore Voted Against The 1964 Civil
Rights Act
G.R. Quinn

Democrat Senator Robert Byrd: KKK Member ( 1 2 )
G.R. Quinn

Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt allowed trade with
the Nazis
G.R. Quinn

Algore Flunked Out Of College
G.R. Quinn
Democrat Party: The Party of Slavery ( 1 2 )
G.R. Quinn
break ( 1 2 3 )

Mr. Flintstone,

Yes, I guess these are serious issues.

I believe this forum is designed for people to post serious and non-serious issues.

I post a lot on the Bill Moyers "NOW" site and the "Washington Week in Review Forum."

I found this site mentioned on the Democrat Underground.

How did you find this site?




Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Sorry, I just keep getting confused with all these different "words of God" . I apologize. I guess if we go by the Bible Version 2, ok. You got me there.

Don't get me wrong, I like the new testament. A lot less anal.
IMO, there is no such thing as the "word of God". All Bibles were written and interpreted by man, making them subject to the morality and beliefs of the time period. And the NT is the anal one - the OT is a great read, filled with political intrigue, human failings and all kinds of juicy things. Makes Sidney Sheldon look like a piker. Although most of the teachings of Jesus (NT) are timeless - the parables and the Beatitudes - great stuff that stands up to this day.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by FredFlintstone

We should make one of our biggest trading partners (the Red Chinese) stop their human rights violations first.

Good luck. Our last President was basically a toady of the Chinese, and this new character doesn't seem to be inclined to give up the dough to make a stand on human rights, either. On one hand, you can say "tough noogies" to the Chinese citizens for not overthrowing their government. But OTOH if we're going to make a stand against the evils of Communism we should do it, regardless of money.

I don't think Usama bin Laden represents Islam any more than the KKK or Jerry Falwell respresents Christians.
I agree. Fanatics and zealots come in all shapes, sizes, colors, political parties and religions.

But they all claim to represent God.
That seems to be the best way to gain credibility for your ideology - claim you represent God. The fact is that NOBODY speaks for an entire group. Jesse Jackson only wishes he spoke for the black community - there are plenty of blacks who loathe him and everything he stands for.

In what ways was Jesus conservative?
Against abortion, divorce, adultry, promiscuity, profanity, etc. Which is not to say that he didn't have liberal leanings as well - obviously he was into the whole Brotherhood of Man thing and would be the first to applaud "live and let live". Wasn't into money "render unto Caesar" and the like.

Jesus also was a big pacifist "turn the other cheek" guy. He took his persecution without a fight and went to his crucifixtion willingly because he felt his purpose was to be a martyr and there was a Kingdom awaiting him upon his death. He encouraged his followers to do the same. We're not willing to do that - we'd just as soon have some stuff now and not wait until death. This is the biggest argument AGAINST the US being founded on Christianity, BTW. If our founders were such big Christians, they would never have made the break with England - they'd have sucked it up and waited for death to be free.


Well-Known Member
"If our founders were such big Christians, they would never have made the break with England - they'd have sucked it up and waited for death to be free."
Hessian here,
Serving my Landgraf who by contract with the God-Appointed King of England, has sent me to crush this little rebellion and see to it that these rebels recognize their rightful King, and head of the Anglican Church....

(That's just one position I take...for the sake of reenacting, Reality is a bit different):

I certainly agree with those who have stated that Christ was a powerful mix of Liberalism and Conservatism. He berates the religious leaders of their day for making the Jewish faith too Legalistic. He trashes the temple courtyard because of the corruption, and he anounces that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.-that's pretty radical.

"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's!" (Vrai)
"Have you upheld the laws of the prophets?"
These are pretty conservative statements...

Old entry: To those who are terrified of the Religious right and believe that they would force everyone to go to church, ban other religions, and force women to stay home...
um, please stop watching Nick at Night reruns, and stop taking those halucinigins! (?)

I have never sent a dime to Jerry Falwell or for that matter any TV preacher, but...I would prefer them as leaders long before having to face Hillary in 2008. If they uphold the Bible as the Word of God, then they will follow the dictate of our founders with temperance, wisdom, mercy, resolution, prayer, and as a result, America will be blessed.
Sadly, there is such a fear of what "might happen" that we will never even approach that scenario.
Thankfully, Bush prays daily, has solid Christians around him, believes in the authenticity of God's word, and thus God's hand of protection is on him.
Sort of a Hezekiah replacing a wicked king who helped to corrupt the nation.(For you OT folks)

I'm sorry Vrai denies the "Word of God"...It is rich in history, has never been disproven by archaeology, (often verified), it has not changed in content since the original writers (Dead Sea scrolls, codex sinaiticus, vaticanus et al.)
Does not contradict itself (unlike the Koran)
And thousands were willing to die for it.
I will not die for a book,
I will die for the cause of Christ. Gal. 2:20.

Enough of the heavy stuff for now...
Act 2: Enter the snivelling Liberals:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Great. Hessian says "Enter the snivelling liberals" and I'm the next one to post! :roflmao:

Hessian, there has never been any proof that God wrote the Bible. He may have inspired the Bible, but it was surely recorded and interpreted by man. Being neither here nor there...

One of the things I like about Bush is he appears to be a humble man. He and the wife aren't walking around in designer clothing - well, Laura is now because of her position but prior to she was an off-the-rack gal. He vacations, not with the beautiful people at Martha's Vineyard, but working at his ranch in Texas. I suspect I'd like him as a person, although I disagree with many of his policies.

If it came down to Jerry Fallwell or Hillary Clinton, I wouldn't be able to pick the lesser of the two evils. I don't believe Fallwell or any televangelist is a true man of God. Their $700 suits give them away. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Our political system is so corrupt that no person could rise to the top job and stay pure.


Re: Re: G. R. Quinn

Originally posted by G.R. Quinn

Mr. Flintstone,

Yes, I guess these are serious issues.

No, I said you have serious issues (perhaps you need a hot Turkish bath). I don't care if Al Gore Sr. voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 any more than I care that Prescott Bush was a trading partner with the Nazis or that he helped to found a chain of abortion clinics.

When he signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Lyndon Johnson lamented to his aide Bill Moyers that the South was lost to the Republicans for a long time.

L.B.J. was correct--look at the power in the Republican party (Trent Lott, MS, Dick Armey, TX, Tom DeLay, TX, Phil Gramm, TX, Jesse Helms, NC, Strom Thurmond, SC, George W. Bush, CT, ME and TX, Dick Cheney, TX and WY when it is convenient for him to be a citizen from a state other than TX so as to not violate the 12th? Amendment to the Constitution of the United States so he could be appointed Veep).

Strom Thurmond may have been a racist Democrat in the past, but after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, he became a racist Republican.

Democrats used to be the party of slavery. Yes, it is true. But after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, most racist, White Southern Democrats became racist, White Southern Republicans.

Prior to 1964, many black Americans used to be Republicans because that was the "party of Lincoln." Mr. Lincoln wouldn't recognize his party today because it is so beholden to Big Business and corporate America.

After the Civil Rights Act of 1964, most blacks became Democrats. Black people in TX know Mr. Bush quite well. That is why only 5% of them voted for Bush in the last election.

But every time I see Bush in front of one of those repeating backdrops "Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility," Bush is surrounded by black people. *L*

Who does this joker think he's fooling?

G.R. Quinn

New Member
Re: Re: Re: G. R. Quinn

Originally posted by FredFlintstone

"No, I said you have serious issues (perhaps you need a hot Turkish bath). I don't care if Al Gore Sr. voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 any more than I care that Prescott Bush was a trading partner with the Nazis or that he helped to found a chain of abortion clinics."

[Mr. Flintstone,

Why do you think I need a hot Turkish bath? Do you have experiences in bath houses?

FDR traded with the Nazis. So did most of the world. FDR supported the Nazi Olympics.

Are you pro-life?


When he signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Lyndon Johnson lamented to his aide Bill Moyers that the South was lost to the Republicans for a long time.

L.B.J. was correct--look at the power in the Republican party (Trent Lott, MS, Dick Armey, TX, Tom DeLay, TX, Phil Gramm, TX, Jesse Helms, NC, Strom Thurmond, SC, George W. Bush, CT, ME and TX, Dick Cheney, TX and WY when it is convenient for him to be a citizen from a state other than TX so as to not violate the 12th? Amendment to the Constitution of the United States so he could be appointed Veep).

[Mr. Flintstone,

Since 1964 can you name one Southern state that has more registered Republicans than Democrats?

Can you name me all the Southern states that have been controlled by Republicans since 1964?

In your list, only Strom Thurmond voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act and I believe that he was a Democrat at the time.

Why can't you live and work in one state and claim residency in another?

Vice - President Algore lived in the D.C. area but claimed to be from Tennessee. GRQ]

Strom Thurmond may have been a racist Democrat in the past, but after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, he became a racist Republican.

[Mr. Flintstone,
Then you agree that Algore Sr. was a Democrat racist and stayed a Democrat racist. Same with KKK member Democrat Robert Byrd, who is a Northern Democrat by the way. GRQ]

Democrats used to be the party of slavery. Yes, it is true. But after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, most racist, White Southern Democrats became racist, White Southern Republicans.

[Mr. Flintstone,

The Democrat Party was the Party of slavery and segregation.

Please name the Racist Democrat Senators who voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act that switched to the Republican Party?

My God where on earth are you getting your information from?GRQ]

Prior to 1964, many black Americans used to be Republicans because that was the "party of Lincoln." Mr. Lincoln wouldn't recognize his party today because it is so beholden to Big Business and corporate America.

[Mr. Flintstone,

Where did you get that information that all black Americans were Republicans before 1964? Thats news to me!

Where do you think Mr. Lincoln got his money from, chicken farmers?

Democrats aren't beholden to Warren Buffet, ENRON, Goldman Sachs, Citicorp, Ted and Jane Turner, Martha Stewart, the Rockefellers and Kennedy's, etc.,? Pah-lease ! GRQ]

After the Civil Rights Act of 1964, most blacks became Democrats. Black people in TX know Mr. Bush quite well. That is why only 5% of them voted for Bush in the last election.

[Mr. Flintstone,

Where did you get the information from that most blacks became Democrats after 1964?

So? They liked Algore better because his father, Algore Sr. voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act? Makes sense to me. GRQ]

But every time I see Bush in front of one of those repeating backdrops "Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility," Bush is surrounded by black people. *L*

[Mr. Flintstone,

I don't follow you on this one?GRQ]

Who does this joker think he's fooling?

[Mr. Flintstone,

Are you asking me who Algore thinks he's fooling? Well I think he fooled a lot of stupid people, don't you? Several times to be exact.GRQ]

I hope I 've answered most of your questions and I hope you will answer mine.


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Re: Re: Re: G. R. Quinn


Originally posted by FredFlintstone

"No, I said you have serious issues (perhaps you need a hot Turkish bath). I don't care if Al Gore Sr.
voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 any more than I care that Prescott Bush was a trading partner
with the Nazis or that he helped to found a chain of abortion clinics."


[Mr. Flintstone,

Why do you think I need a hot Turkish bath? Do you have experiences in bath houses?


No, I thought you did and would enjoy it. My bad.


FDR traded with the Nazis. So did most of the world. FDR supported the Nazi Olympics.

Are you pro-life?



Am I pro life? Yes. I am against abortion AND the death penalty. Are you pro life, or are you in favor of state sponsored murder which is what the Romans did to Jesus Christ?

FDR traded with Hitler until when?


I've read that Prescott Bush (the president's grandfather and GHWB's father) was a banking partner with the nazis.

FDR supported the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin?

Why, because he didn't boycott it? Conservative idiots blasted Carter for boycotting the 1980 Summer Olympics after the Soviets invaded Afghanistan.

So do you have other proof about FDR? Besides, FDR allowed Jesse Owens to embarrass Hitler in Berlin.


When he signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Lyndon Johnson lamented to his aide Bill Moyers that the
South was lost to the Republicans for a long time.

L.B.J. was correct--look at the power in the Republican party (Trent Lott, MS, Dick Armey, TX, Tom
DeLay, TX, Phil Gramm, TX, Jesse Helms, NC, Strom Thurmond, SC, George W. Bush, CT, ME and TX,
Dick Cheney, TX and WY when it is convenient for him to be a citizen from a state other than TX so as to
not violate the 12th? Amendment to the Constitution of the United States so he could be appointed

[Mr. Flintstone,

Since 1964 can you name one Southern state that has more registered Republicans than Democrats?


Look at who runs their legislatures, who their governors are and who they elect to Congress.

BTW, Cheney as VP is a violation of the US Constitution. He was a Texas resident. So was governor Bush. You have to live for the last 12 months in WY to be considered a resident of that state. Cheney was a resident of Texas.


Can you name me all the Southern states that have been controlled by Republicans since 1964?


See above. The power in the Republican party is rooted in the white, male, racist South since 1964.

In your list, only Strom Thurmond voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act and I believe that he was a
Democrat at the time.


Yep, and he became a Republican after the white Southern democratic president LBJ signed the bill into law. A lot of white Southern racists became Republicans that day.

If the Republicans were in favor of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, why did they nominate a man (Barry Goldwater) who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as their candidate for president of the United States in 1964?


Why can't you live and work in one state and claim residency in another?

Vice - President Algore lived in the D.C. area but claimed to be from Tennessee. GRQ]


And where is Bush 41 from? Maine? DC area? New Hampshire? Texas? Connecticut?

And where is Bush 43 from? Maine? Connecticut? Texas?

Bush the 43 is a spoiled brat just like Al Gore. In fact, he's a second generation spoiled brat. Bush the 41's daddy traded with the Nazis and founded Planned Parenthood. But I don't care about that--remember?


Strom Thurmond may have been a racist Democrat in the past, but after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, he
became a racist Republican.

[Mr. Flintstone,
Then you agree that Algore Sr. was a Democrat racist and stayed a Democrat racist. Same with KKK
member Democrat Robert Byrd, who is a Northern Democrat by the way. GRQ]


No, Al Gore Sr. regretted his nay vote on the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Ex KKK member (he belonged for two months in the 1940s) Sen. Byrd basically said the same thing.

He said if he had it to do over again, he would have done the right thing and voted yes.

There is no evidence that Strom Thurmond regretted his nay vote.

BTW, I notice you type "Algore" the way it appears in Rush Limbaugh's crappy books. You reveal more about yourself with each post.

Democrats used to be the party of slavery. Yes, it is true. But after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was
passed, most racist, White Southern Democrats became racist, White Southern Republicans.

[Mr. Flintstone,

The Democrat Party was the Party of slavery and segregation.


Yes, and if segregation and slavery were legal today, the party which best represents those ideals would be the Republican Party.


Please name the Racist Democrat Senators who voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act that switched to
the Republican Party?


"Dixiecrat" Strom Thurmond for one.

My God where on earth are you getting your information from?GRQ]


From the way you type your posts "algore," I'd say your are getting yours straight from the pigboy's (Rush Liambaugh's) mouth.

Prior to 1964, many black Americans used to be Republicans because that was the "party of Lincoln."
Mr. Lincoln wouldn't recognize his party today because it is so beholden to Big Business and corporate

[Mr. Flintstone,

Where did you get that information that all black Americans were Republicans before 1964? Thats news
to me!


I didn't say "all," I said "most."

Do you have trouble with reading comprehension?

Where do you think Mr. Lincoln got his money from, chicken farmers?


No, he was a bloodsucking lawyer.

Democrats aren't beholden to Warren Buffet, ENRON, Goldman Sachs, Citicorp, Ted and Jane Turner,
Martha Stewart, the Rockefellers and Kennedy's, etc.,? Pah-lease ! GRQ]


Republicans are much more beholden to ENRON and Arthur Anderson and Harken and Halliburton and The Carlyle Group and Morgan Stanley and KKR and Drexel Burnham and Amway and Rupert Murdoch and his broadcasting branch for the RNC (Faux News) and rags (NY Post and Daily News) and the Moonies and their propaganda outlets (UPI and the Washington Times) and the Hunt brothers.

BTW, J.D. Rockefeller was a Republican who was appointed VP by Ford after Republican Nixon resigned in disgrace and Ford assumed the office.

After the Civil Rights Act of 1964, most blacks became Democrats. Black people in TX know Mr. Bush
quite well. That is why only 5% of them voted for Bush in the last election.

[Mr. Flintstone,

Where did you get the information from that most blacks became Democrats after 1964?


Do you have any evidence that 95% of blacks in TX prior to 1964 were Democrats?
The blacks elected to Congress in the SOuth after the Civil War were all Republicans.

Let's put it another way--what percentage of whites in the South were Republicans prior to 1964 and what percentage of whites in the South are Republicans today?

So? They liked Algore better because his father, Algore Sr. voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act?
Makes sense to me. GRQ]


They liked Al Gore (you continue to use the insulting "Algore") better than George Bush. In fact, most of the country agreed with them as Mr. Bush received approximately 600,000 fewer votes than VP Al Gore.

But every time I see Bush in front of one of those repeating backdrops "Corporate Responsibility,
Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility,
Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility," Bush is surrounded by black people. *L*

[Mr. Flintstone,

I don't follow you on this one?GRQ]


Bush is a phony.
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You're all F'in Mad...
The way I see it, any yahoo who wants to, can twist a story in the Bible into an excuse for anything.

2000 years from now, if some guy decides to put all the Tom Clancy novels into one book, there will probably be a religion based on that "bible." People sitting around analyzing those stories on Tuesday nights, and how they can apply them to real-life in 4004, because the good guy always wins.

Sadly, people mix their religion and politics, lose their perspective along with all practical and common sense, and then all hell breaks lose.

2000 years ago, the Bible was a nice story book. Maybe even accounts of history in some cases. Same as Tom Clancy novels are today - a little truth, and a good story. Keep it real...
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Asperger's Poster Child
Nodnarb, I think you might like the book Ancient Mysteries by Peter James and Nick Thorpe. These guys explore all the theories behind the Pyramids, King Arthur, Stonehenge, etc.

Here is some of the book's Biblical tidbits:

--Jesus was probably 48, not 33, when he was crucified, meaning he would have been born in 12 BC. This coincides nicely with the Halley's Comet apperance that year, so the Star of Bethlehem was probably the comet. Lots of medieval artists depicted the Star as a comet -- see Giotto's Adoration of the Magi.

--Sodom and Gomorrah may have been destroyed by an earthquate that ignited the massive amounts of oil and bitumen in the region.

The authors say that the Bronze Age (which included much of the Old Testament) was an active time for meterorites. I believe this may explain the Old Testament depiction of God as vengeful. Early Greek myths also feature vengeful deities.