I've got to run some errands but I'll be back to continue this conversation.
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Since you want to bash religion, why not go after the Catholics and their child raping? The Pope, who IS a legitimate religious leader, along with his frontmen, DID hush and cover-up crimes. But that doesn't make all Catholics bad - I almost feel sorry for them for finding out that their "leaders" are merely corrupt men after all.
Originally posted by FredFlintstone
So I guess we were no better than than the savages we slaughtered.
Two wrongs don't make a right (but they make a right winger).
Where are you from, G. R. Quinn? How did you find this place?
Originally posted by FredFlintstone
You have some serious issues, dude.
Look at the threads you have started.
At least we know what your agenda is. Where are you from? How did you find this place?
America is a Christian Nation
G.R. Quinn
Democrat Senator Al Gore Voted Against The 1964 Civil
Rights Act
G.R. Quinn
Democrat Senator Robert Byrd: KKK Member ( 1 2 )
G.R. Quinn
Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt allowed trade with
the Nazis
G.R. Quinn
Algore Flunked Out Of College
G.R. Quinn
Democrat Party: The Party of Slavery ( 1 2 )
G.R. Quinn
break ( 1 2 3 )
IMO, there is no such thing as the "word of God". All Bibles were written and interpreted by man, making them subject to the morality and beliefs of the time period. And the NT is the anal one - the OT is a great read, filled with political intrigue, human failings and all kinds of juicy things. Makes Sidney Sheldon look like a piker. Although most of the teachings of Jesus (NT) are timeless - the parables and the Beatitudes - great stuff that stands up to this day.Originally posted by SmallTown
Sorry, I just keep getting confused with all these different "words of God" . I apologize. I guess if we go by the Bible Version 2, ok. You got me there.
Don't get me wrong, I like the new testament. A lot less anal.
Originally posted by FredFlintstone
We should make one of our biggest trading partners (the Red Chinese) stop their human rights violations first.
Good luck. Our last President was basically a toady of the Chinese, and this new character doesn't seem to be inclined to give up the dough to make a stand on human rights, either. On one hand, you can say "tough noogies" to the Chinese citizens for not overthrowing their government. But OTOH if we're going to make a stand against the evils of Communism we should do it, regardless of money.
I don't think Usama bin Laden represents Islam any more than the KKK or Jerry Falwell respresents Christians.
I agree. Fanatics and zealots come in all shapes, sizes, colors, political parties and religions.
But they all claim to represent God.
That seems to be the best way to gain credibility for your ideology - claim you represent God. The fact is that NOBODY speaks for an entire group. Jesse Jackson only wishes he spoke for the black community - there are plenty of blacks who loathe him and everything he stands for.
In what ways was Jesus conservative?
Against abortion, divorce, adultry, promiscuity, profanity, etc. Which is not to say that he didn't have liberal leanings as well - obviously he was into the whole Brotherhood of Man thing and would be the first to applaud "live and let live". Wasn't into money "render unto Caesar" and the like.
Jesus also was a big pacifist "turn the other cheek" guy. He took his persecution without a fight and went to his crucifixtion willingly because he felt his purpose was to be a martyr and there was a Kingdom awaiting him upon his death. He encouraged his followers to do the same. We're not willing to do that - we'd just as soon have some stuff now and not wait until death. This is the biggest argument AGAINST the US being founded on Christianity, BTW. If our founders were such big Christians, they would never have made the break with England - they'd have sucked it up and waited for death to be free.
Originally posted by G.R. Quinn
Mr. Flintstone,
Yes, I guess these are serious issues.
Originally posted by FredFlintstone
"No, I said you have serious issues (perhaps you need a hot Turkish bath). I don't care if Al Gore Sr. voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 any more than I care that Prescott Bush was a trading partner with the Nazis or that he helped to found a chain of abortion clinics."
[Mr. Flintstone,
Why do you think I need a hot Turkish bath? Do you have experiences in bath houses?
FDR traded with the Nazis. So did most of the world. FDR supported the Nazi Olympics.
Are you pro-life?
When he signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Lyndon Johnson lamented to his aide Bill Moyers that the South was lost to the Republicans for a long time.
L.B.J. was correct--look at the power in the Republican party (Trent Lott, MS, Dick Armey, TX, Tom DeLay, TX, Phil Gramm, TX, Jesse Helms, NC, Strom Thurmond, SC, George W. Bush, CT, ME and TX, Dick Cheney, TX and WY when it is convenient for him to be a citizen from a state other than TX so as to not violate the 12th? Amendment to the Constitution of the United States so he could be appointed Veep).
[Mr. Flintstone,
Since 1964 can you name one Southern state that has more registered Republicans than Democrats?
Can you name me all the Southern states that have been controlled by Republicans since 1964?
In your list, only Strom Thurmond voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act and I believe that he was a Democrat at the time.
Why can't you live and work in one state and claim residency in another?
Vice - President Algore lived in the D.C. area but claimed to be from Tennessee. GRQ]
Strom Thurmond may have been a racist Democrat in the past, but after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, he became a racist Republican.
[Mr. Flintstone,
Then you agree that Algore Sr. was a Democrat racist and stayed a Democrat racist. Same with KKK member Democrat Robert Byrd, who is a Northern Democrat by the way. GRQ]
Democrats used to be the party of slavery. Yes, it is true. But after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, most racist, White Southern Democrats became racist, White Southern Republicans.
[Mr. Flintstone,
The Democrat Party was the Party of slavery and segregation.
Please name the Racist Democrat Senators who voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act that switched to the Republican Party?
My God where on earth are you getting your information from?GRQ]
Prior to 1964, many black Americans used to be Republicans because that was the "party of Lincoln." Mr. Lincoln wouldn't recognize his party today because it is so beholden to Big Business and corporate America.
[Mr. Flintstone,
Where did you get that information that all black Americans were Republicans before 1964? Thats news to me!
Where do you think Mr. Lincoln got his money from, chicken farmers?
Democrats aren't beholden to Warren Buffet, ENRON, Goldman Sachs, Citicorp, Ted and Jane Turner, Martha Stewart, the Rockefellers and Kennedy's, etc.,? Pah-lease ! GRQ]
After the Civil Rights Act of 1964, most blacks became Democrats. Black people in TX know Mr. Bush quite well. That is why only 5% of them voted for Bush in the last election.
[Mr. Flintstone,
Where did you get the information from that most blacks became Democrats after 1964?
So? They liked Algore better because his father, Algore Sr. voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act? Makes sense to me. GRQ]
But every time I see Bush in front of one of those repeating backdrops "Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility," Bush is surrounded by black people. *L*
[Mr. Flintstone,
I don't follow you on this one?GRQ]
Who does this joker think he's fooling?