American Idol


New Member
citysherry said:
He reminds me of Joe Crocker in the way he moves and sings. I actually like this guy, but I don't think he will ultimately win and most likely will be one of the first to go.

He can really play the harmonica! I do not know with him..At first I thought no way but his voice is so good, it really seems like he is so musical. It takes guts to be yourself when you dance like that. He is growing on me.


cattitude said:
:yeahthat: I was wondering if he is trying to pattern himself after Joe Cocker? He can sing and he can play the heck out of the harmonica.

I like that young geeky kid, but I don't think he'll go far either. I couldn't help it, I cried when he saw his parents.

This is the first year I've really watched the show very much.

I almost cried when they booted the real young cowboy kido Tuesday :frown: Even though he couldn't sign all that great, I like the little kid.
Jameo said:
I almost cried when they booted the real young cowboy kido Tuesday :frown: Even though he couldn't sign all that great, I like the little kid.
For too....You just saw the poor thing break down and he wasn't all that bad for singing to a rooster.


Geek said:
He can really play the harmonica! I do not know with him..At first I thought no way but his voice is so good, it really seems like he is so musical. It takes guts to be yourself when you dance like that. He is growing on me.

I like ole gray. He is one that is REALLY into the music when he sings. :yay: :yay:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Ace and Grey have my attention right now. I think Ace could charm the pants off me! :jet: