Loyalty, Friendship, Love
I just sent the following email to State Senator Roy Dyson. I thought I'd share it with you.
Dear Senator Dyson,
I am ashamed to call you my representative to the State Senate.
I was in attendance at today's hearing in the Senate Finance Committee regarding SB 809. You were so proud to point out that the union managed to dredge up a single childcare provider in St. Mary's County to give them lip service. However, you ignored the fact that there were two licensed childcare providers from St. Mary's and four or five from Calvert County in attendance in opposition to your bill.
When they asked for childcare providers who were in opposition to the bill to stand up, there were as many from your district alone, as the total number of child care providers from the entire State who stood up in support of the bill. But you would not know that. You could not be bothered to stay long enough to listen to even one statement in opposition. The reason you gave was that you could not miss the chance to be on television.
Meanwhile, your constituents were lamenting the fact that you seem to ignore us. None of us, who oppose the bill, have received even a token response to an email, letter or phone call that we have addressed to you. Even one of us who went to your office for a scheduled appointment, said that instead of having the courtesy to listen to what she had to say, you took a call from the union representative while she was sitting in front of you.
Who are you representing? Your constituents, the ones who voted for you? Or the union?
I am a life-long democrat and I am ashamed to say I voted for you. I will not make that mistake again. Your blatant disregard for your constituents is appalling.